Chapter 209:

Name:Save a Failed Idol's Life Author:
Translator: MarcTempest

Editor: NicoleTempest

Chapter 209 Back to Their Places (3)

As soon as I arrived at the studio apartment, I saw a message from the quick service that they had delivered the gift set I had ordered before leaving to pick up Hwijin. It was left at the door.

I sent a message to Yu-geon, telling him to tidy up the house and wait for me since I would be there soon. He replied with a playful emoticon, making an OK sign with his hand.

I parked the car and checked the screen for a moment. Hwijin looked at me as if wondering what was going on.

“I just checked the order I placed. Hurry up and change your clothes and come to my room. It would be nice if you could bring a few outfits with some room to spare when you come.”

Fortunately, it seemed that the reporters hadn’t found out about this place. The residents with similar looks passed by without much interest.Fôllôw new stories at

“Okay, I’ll be right back.”

Hwijin nodded, not knowing why he needed clothes.

I escorted him to the elevator and felt a bit nervous as I rode it all the way up.

What if he vaguely remembered what happened then, like a dream? I think I was hoping for that, unknowingly. How foolish.

‘That’s impossible.’

There was no trace of that time in reality, as if to prove that it was a virtual space created for my experience.

‘Was what Junwoong exposed something that really happened in reality?’

Were they all keeping their mouths shut because they didn’t want to be caught by the broadcasting company and the production team, even though it happened?

Or did they ignore it, knowing that they were all extras in reality?

Either way, it left a bitter taste in my mouth.


I opened my eyes briefly at the sound of a bell-like chime and saw the familiar hallway.

Just around the corner from the elevator...


My mind went blank as I saw the huge gift set. I quickly pressed the doorbell to get Yu-geon to come out.

“Hey, you’re here?”

I was worried he might have run away again in that short time, but it was needless. He looked like an albino fox, lying under the sofa with an electric blanket, a quilt, and pajamas.

“Is this your bedroom?”

Of course, I brought him here so he could be comfortable. But seeing him so cozy made me frown.

“Ah, the heating is great here. This is a new building, right? New houses have the best heating.”

Floss’ place was an apartment that was over 20 years old, as far as I knew. It had a good location and a nice interior, but it also had some inconveniences that he must have felt while living there.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself so much.”

I tried to throw a sarcastic remark, but Yu-geon didn’t seem bothered at all.

“Oh, right. There are so many good places to order food from here. It took me 30 minutes to choose this morning.”

He had the shamelessness of people like Oh Yi-jun... It was more than annoying.

“Stop talking nonsense. We’re going out, so hurry up and wash up. I’ll bring you some clothes.”

Yu-geon widened his eyes and asked.

“Where are we going?”

Where are you going? Go get the member you said you were close to. As I was choosing a sentence, the elevator opened and Hwijin stepped out into the hallway.



Hwijin and Yu-geon froze at the unexpected reunion, then Hwijin clenched his teeth, dropped the luggage he was holding on the floor, and threw a punch at Yu-geon.

“Hey, wait a minute! What the hell!?”

Before I could stop him, his fist aimed at Yu-geon’s abdomen, but Yu-geon was faster, dodging like a mudfish and retreating.

“You bastard, really!”

“Hey, wait, hyung, wait!”

I was surprised to see Hwijin make such a terrifying face. He had always been a weak boy who was bullied by the younger kids.

But he looked different now.

“What do you expect? I was in a hurry, okay? These things happen.”

The more I talked to him, the more I realized he was just like Oh Yi-jun – a hopeless case who would never shut up.

“Ugh... Seriously.”

Hwijin brushed his forehead and sighed, lowering his head.

“Where are we going right now?”

Somehow, we were all wearing decent suits. And we had brought along gifts that middle-aged people would like, from ginseng to beef sets, from supplements to famous electric massagers. Yu-geon, who was sitting with a bunch of presents, asked.

“We’re going to pick up Naru.”

Yu-geon looked puzzled and asked.

“What is this for?”

I answered dryly, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

“I guess it’s going to be hard to persuade Naru’s parents in many ways, so I’m trying to bribe them.”


Yu-geon whistled as if he was impressed and scratched his head.

“But that’s going to be tough. Naru’s parents are no joke, you know. I don’t want to badmouth other people’s families, but honestly.”

I nodded as if I had a rough idea, since I had already seen the video that Hwijin showed me.

“But we have to try anyway. It might be easier if we know what they want.”

It would be nice if we could convince them with money. But in the worst case, they might treat us like money-hungry parents who are bargaining with their son, and ruin any chance of negotiation.

‘But to see them use such a young kid like that...’

It was true. They were treating him like a money-maker.

I decided to try as much as I could, and give up cleanly if it didn’t work.

“Hmm... fighting.”

Yu-geon acted irresponsibly, as if he didn’t want to get involved. What are you talking about like it’s someone else’s problem? You’re part of this plan too. I snorted as if I was incredulous.

“Don’t talk like it’s none of your business. You have to go and act friendly too.”

Then, an annoying answer came back.


Why don’t you do it, you’re a member too. I reflexively tried to look back at the rear seat, but stopped myself.

“Then you and Hwijin do it, who else?”

“Oh, is the recruitment thing like a unit thing where you group me and Hwijin hyung and Naru together like this?”

“That’s the most likely scenario for now... Ah. It’s not confirmed yet, Hwijin.”

Then Hwijin asked as if he had no clue.

“Ah, me too?”

What the hell, what were you listening to when I explained earlier. I suppressed the vein popping on my forehead and answered.

“Yes. We’ll have to talk about how to support your activities when we write the contract, but I think it would be better for you three to do it together when you sing.”

Suddenly, Yu-geon intervened and made a sarcastic remark.

“It sounds a bit crazy, though.”

“Then don’t say it.”

“Why do you have to bring that guy who’s breaking the pre-contract in this situation?”


Yu-geon blurted out the truth. Of course, he wasn’t wrong. I glanced at Hwijin’s expression, which darkened in an instant.

“If we’re going to do unit activities, it would be better for me and Hwijin hyung to do it. Hwijin hyung can rap, right?”

He was right. But what can I do when he wants to bring Naru too.

Of course, I’m not saying that I don’t care about that bastard Shim Naru at all... Sigh.

Throbbing. A headache came from fatigue.

“Ah. We’re almost there.”

Whether he knew my feelings or not, the place where Shim Naru was was getting closer without a break.