Yin Mingzheng practically flew back to the neighborhood and dashed upstairs. This was the first time in his entire life that he felt so eager to go home.

When he got home, he rushed into his room, closed the door, and crashed onto his bed, wrapping his arms around himself. 

“Go make dinner! You little bastard, get out of your room and make dinner! I’m hungry!”

Yin Qiang slammed his fist against the door, bang, bang, bang.

Yin Mingzheng covered his ears.

“Come out this instant! You bastard!” 

Yin Qiang started kicking the door.

Yin Mingzheng ignored him.

Yin Qiang suddenly stopped shouting. He probably fell unconscious from drinking so much.

Yin Mingzheng breathed a sigh of relief. He started biting his fingernails and accidentally bit a large chip of his fingernail off. Only by doing this was he able to ease the anger and nausea in heart a little.

That disgusting man was back.

Back then, a lot of people in the community rejected him. They said that his father had issues, so he must not be any good either. They gave him strange looks and excluded him. However, there was one uncle who didn’t think that way. This uncle was the man that Yin Mingzheng ran into today.

He was very kind to Yin Mingzheng.

Yin Mingzheng ignored him at first, but, every time he saw this uncle, he would pay attention to him and give him snacks and toys. 

Yin Mingzheng, who was still young, gradually let go of his guard. He felt that this uncle was a good person.

One evening, while he was in the fifth grade, the uncle invited him to play at his house. Yin Mingzheng didn’t want to go home and see his alcoholic father, so he agreed.

The uncle’s family had a lot of money. The house he lived in was very big, and the interior design was very high-end.

Yin Mingzheng looked around the uncle’s house curiously. 

The uncle asked him to wait in the living room for a while. He poured him a drink and said that his wife and daughter weren’t at home so there was no need to be polite. Then, he went into the kitchen to make some food for him to eat.

Yin Mingzheng didn’t touch the drink. He was still a primary school student at the time, so it was a novel experience to be in such a big and pretty house. He was walking around the house when he saw a half-closed door. He pushed open the door and went inside.

Then, he was stunned in place.

It was a study room. Half of the walls were covered with his photos. There were all kinds of photos, all of them taken secretly without his permission. 

While he was standing there in a daze, the uncle silently appeared and hugged him from behind. He hugged him tightly, calling out his name over and over. His heavy breaths brushed past his ear, causing him to almost vomit.

Yin Mingzheng was terrified. He wasn’t clear on what happened exactly, but he instinctively knew that it was wrong. He struggled desperately. Finally, he broke free from that man’s grasp and ran out of the house.

He had been gasping for air the entire way home.

When he got home, he told Zhou Juan about it. Zhou Juan told him not to cause trouble, and the matter was over. 

Yin Mingzheng felt uneasy in his heart, so he secretly searched online using Zhou Juan’s phone. Only then did he discover that there were people in the world called homosexuals, as well as people called pedophiles.

Thinking of that so-called “kind” uncle and the pictures on the wall of his study, Yin Mingzheng felt beyond disgusted.

Tlc Zlcuhtfcu kjrc’a atf asqf bo qfgrbc ab rla jgbecv jcv ifa tlwrfio yf ajxfc jvnjcajuf bo. Lf tjafv atja wjc ab tlr ybcfr jcv vlvc’a kjca tlr qtbab ab rajs lc atja wjc’r tberf. Vb, tf vfilyfgjafis jqqgbjmtfv atja wjc, rcemx lcab tlr raevs, jcv abgf jqjga atf qtbabr bc atf kjii. Ktfc, tf kjr mjeuta lc atf jma.

During the scuffle, Yin Mingzheng was so angry he ended up breaking the man’s cell phone and camera. The man’s eyes went red with anger. He pressed Yin Mingzheng onto the sofa and tried to force himself onto him. 

Even though Yin Mingzheng was young, he wasn’t easy to deal with. Although his body was skinny and small, he had grown up being beaten and scolded. He had a lifetime of practice when it came to dodging blows and fighting back.

The only thing he’d learned from his alcoholic of a father was how to be ruthless, so he ruthlessly bit down on that man’s neck. The man let out a howl and finally let go of him.

Yin Mingzheng’s eyes were bloodshot. He rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife. Then, he pointed it at the man, scaring him out of his wits.

It was kind of ridiculous, thinking back on it. A grown man in his thirties was scared shitless by a primary school student. 

Yin Mingzheng took all the photos and left the man’s house.

Afterwards, the man called the police, claiming that his house had been robbed. He even pulled up the surveillance footage of Yin Mingzheng walking out of his house.

This was the origin of the famous robbery incident.

There was nothing he could do to explain himself. He was embarrassed by what the man had done to him. Plus, he was still young, so no one believed anything he said. The man, on the other hand, was an excellent talker. He managed to deceive everyone in the community. 

His alcoholic father didn’t allow him any explanation and beat him mercilessly. Zhou Juan weeped and wailed, desperately apologizing to the man. In the end, the man “generously” forgave him and didn’t ask for any compensation.

Since then, everyone in the community knew that the son of a criminal tried to rob a house at such a young age!

Yin Mingzheng was too young at that time. He didn’t know how to effectively refute their accusations, and he didn’t know that he needed to bring out evidence. By the time the dust settled, everything was already a foregone conclusion.

No matter how angry, how aggrieved, or how upset he was in his heart, no one would believe him! 

He felt unresigned!

A few days after the incident, Yin Mingzheng left the house with a swollen face and stopped the man, his wife, and his daughter. He grinned and said, “Uncle, I’m the son of a criminal, so let me tell you something! Minors under the age of fourteen won’t be punished by the law! You and your family had better be careful!”

He could still recall the man’s frightened expression.

Yin Mingzheng didn’t know whether the man was afraid of him taking revenge or whether he had a guilty conscience, but he and his family ended up moving out of the community. If he had stayed in the community, Yin Mingzheng might have really killed him. Either way, so long as he was under fourteen, he wouldn’t be punished by the law. 

After that incident, everyone stayed far, far away from Yin Mingzheng.

They all knew that Yin Mingzheng was a ruthless individual, despite his young age. He even knew that minors weren’t punished by the law and used this to threaten the victim, forcing the victim and his family to move away.

Just like this, he became infamous in one go. During that period of time, even his alcoholic father didn’t have the guts to provoke him because of the threat he had made.

However, Yin Qiang was the type of person to forget all reason after he started drinking, so, after a while, he ended up falling back into old habits. Yin Mingzheng had wanted to kill him and just put an end to it several times. However, in the end, this was still his father, and it was wrong to kill people. So, he didn’t go through with it. 

After that incident, Yin Mingzheng realized that being beautiful wasn’t a good thing. He looked too much like a girl. He could easily become a target again if he looked like this.

As a result, everyone believed Yin Mingzheng was going through a rebellious phase, growing his hair out and bleaching it blond. He looked like someone you didn’t want to provoke.

Yin Mingzheng laid on the bed for a long time before he was able to calm down. Then, he took out one hundred yuan and left his room.

As soon as he opened the door, he found Yin Qiang lying in front of his room. Yin Mingzheng gave him a cold look and stepped over him. 

Yin Qiang slept like a pig and didn’t react at all.

Yin Mingzheng went to a nearby store and bought the ugliest wig he could find. He was very familiar with the area and knew which stores sold what. After buying the wig, he went home to make dinner.

Shu Ning contacted Zhou Juan and scheduled to meet with her on the first floor at nine o’clock in the evening.

Zhou Juan hadn’t arrived yet. Shu Ning sat on a bench near the stairwell and waited. 

The things that he saw and heard had a huge impact on him.

After he went home and thought about it some more, he finally remembered who that man was. He used to live in their neighborhood. Papa Shu had even talked to him before. He was polite and had a refined appearance. Shu Ning had heard that he was an executive at some company. His wife was also very impressive. She was a professor at a university.

Shu Ning had also heard about the robbery incident. He had a very deep impression of it. At that time, it was all the neighborhood group chat would talk about. Mrs. Cai and Papa Shu had talked about it every day, expressing their thoughts and opinions. They had even warned him not to learn from Yin Mingzheng.

It had been a really big deal. 

Fortunately, the victim took Yin Mingzheng’s difficult family situation into consideration and didn’t pursue the matter any further. They also didn’t demand compensation from the Yin family, and the matter was settled like that.

Everyone expressed sympathy for the victim, and they praised him and his wife for being so forgiving. As a result of this, they rejected Yin Mingzheng even more than before.

He didn’t study well, and he had even started to steal from others. When he grew up, he’d probably end up in jail just like his father.

Shu Ning had heard these kinds of comments countless times. He heard it from the mouths of parents and from the mouths of other children. In that kind of environment, he also learned to exclude the villain and say those kinds of comments as well. 

He thought of what the little villain had said to him not long ago, “Didn’t you hate me? Didn’t you say that my dad went to jail, so I’d definitely end up in jail too? What, now you suddenly wanna grow a conscience?” He suddenly came to understand just how much pain and suffering were hidden behind those words.

If the truth of the situation was different than what everyone said it was and Yin Mingzheng was the victim, then exactly how much pain did he cause the villain?!

He once dropped two hundred yuan in a hallway, but Yin Mingzheng picked it up and returned it to him. From that moment on, Shu Ning started to suspect that Yin Mingzheng wasn’t the type of person to steal.

From what he had seen and heard today, it was very likely that the man earlier… 

Thinking about what could’ve happened to Yin Mingzheng, Shu Ning was terrified. His hands had even started to tremble.

He just didn’t know…did that man manage to succeed?

He didn’t dare follow that line of thought. Yin Mingzheng was only a child back then. How could he have possibly been able to win over an adult?

“Shu Ning.” 

Zhou Juan’s voice brought Shu Ning back to his senses. He raised his head and saw Zhou Juan walking over with a shopping bag, a hopeful expression on her face.

Shu Ning stood up and handed her the milk and nutritional supplements.

“These are all for Yin Mingzheng. Have him drink the milk in the morning and take the calcium tablets at night.” Shu Ning stressed heavily, “Don’t let him take too much at a time. It could cause hypercalcemia.”

“He doesn’t drink milk,” Zhou Juan said. 

“He does!” Shu Ning interrupted her.

“He said that he doesn’t…”

Shu Ning didn’t know whether she truly didn’t understand or whether she was just pretending. “He only said that because he was thinking about your financial situation. Do you understand?”

Zhou Juan froze. 

Shu Ning sighed. The more sensible a child was, the easier it was for them to be ignored.

Some children would deliberately say that they didn’t like snacks or new clothes because they knew their family was in a difficult place.

But in reality, what child didn’t like eating snacks and wearing new clothes?

This was common sense, so why did Zhou Juan seem so surprised? 

Shu Ning said solemnly, “I gave him a carton of milk today, and he drank it. If he doesn’t drink the milk…”

Shu Ning raised his head and stared at Zhou Juan, “Tell him that drinking milk and taking calcium tablets will help him grow taller. Also, eating nutritional supplements can make him stronger, so he’ll be able to beat others in a fight.”

Zhou Juan felt suppressed by Shu Ning’s sudden change in demeanor, so she nodded subconsciously. Then, she asked hesitantly, “These are all donations?”

“Yes,” Shu Ning said coldly. 

“The sponsor also donates these kinds of things?” Zhou Juan noticed something strange and felt a little uneasy.

Shu Ning responded with another question, “Does it matter who donated them?”

Zhou Juan, who was checking through the items, suddenly stopped.

Shu Ning took a deep breath, “Anyway, just treat it as if you bought it yourself. Remember to tell Yin Mingzheng what I said.” 

Zhou Juan’s wrinkled and weathered eyelids shifted slightly. Then, she nodded, picked up the milk and nutritional supplements, and headed towards the stairwell.

“Wait a minute.”

Shu Ning stopped her.

Zhou Juan turned her head. Her updo was starting to come undone around her ears, causing her to look disheveled and haggard. 

Shu Ning stared at this woman who had been beaten down by life and asked her, “A few years ago, there was a robbery incident in the neighborhood. Yin Mingzheng broke into a man’s house and stole something.”

Zhou Juan tightened her grip on the grocery bag and asked anxiously, “Mingzheng…did he steal something again?”

A surge of anger flooded his heart. Shu Ning raised his voice, “Did I say he stole something?”

Zhou Juan was startled by this rise in volume and frowned. She felt a little unhappy with him, but she had gotten so used to being timid and cowardly that she couldn’t even go up against a child. So, she stayed silent. 

Seeing her like this, Shu Ning took a deep breath and asked, “Did Yin Mingzheng really steal from that man back then? Did he give you any other reason?”

Zhou Juan was stunned for a moment. It seemed as though she didn’t understand why he was suddenly asking about something from so long ago.

“This is a background check.” Shu Ning explained, “The donor heard about this issue, so they’re hesitating about whether to continue sponsoring Yin Mingzheng.”

Zhou Juan became anxious, “This…” 

Shu Ning took a step towards her, “If he stole something, he would have had the stolen property on him, right? What did he steal?”

Zhou Juan said, “This…they said it was a cell phone and camera. Both of them were broken.”

“Oh.” Shu Ning nodded, “So he really stole them?”

Zhou Juan hesitated for a long time. However, the issue was about the donations, so she couldn’t admit to the crime so quickly. 

“Mingzheng said that he didn’t steal, but the man said that he did.”

Predators prey on those who are vulnerable, and Yin Mingzheng was so, so vulnerable. The community rejected him for things he couldn’t control and that uncle took advantage of that. Fuck that guy.