Everyone turned their heads and saw a boy with blond hair. He walked over with a pink Hello Kitty cell phone and said, “I would like to ask the principal and teachers to please watch this video.”

The boy’s attitude was very humble. The angry principal felt a little more comfortable and asked him, “And which class are you from?” 

Shu Ning grinned. His teeth were very white. His skin was sunny and a light wheat color. When he smiled, there were fragments of light in his eyes. He was very bright and cheery, which caused people to put their guard down around him.

“I’m Shu Ning from Grade 7 Class 3. I’m in the same class as Yin Mingzheng.” Shu Ning winked at the homeroom teacher, letting her know that everything was alright. Then, he handed the cell phone to the principal. “Look here, please. The man hit Yin Mingzheng first. That was why Yin Mingzheng fought back.”

The principal took the phone and clicked on the video. After a while, his serious expression slowly relaxed.

The homeroom teacher had been observing the principal’s expression. When she saw his face relax, she was finally able to put her worries aside. She couldn’t help but give Shu Ning a look. 

Shu Ning smiled back at her.

The head teacher scolded him with her eyes: Still messing around?

But there was a smile at the corners of her mouth.

Shu Ning had a cheerful personality, liked to make conversation with her, and knew what to say to make her happy. The homeroom teacher liked him a lot.

He wasn’t like Yin Mingzheng. You wouldn’t be able to get a word out of him even if you beat him with a stick. He liked to get into fights, and, when she called him into the office to scold him, his attitude always seemed to say “I didn’t do anything wrong”. He was always challenging her authority as a teacher. He made it impossible for people to like him.

After watching the video, the principal returned the phone to Shu Ning. “It’s true that Yin Mingzheng didn’t make the first move, but, if there’s an issue, it should be resolved peacefully. Why did he get physical?”

Yin Mingzheng raised an eyebrow and held his head high.

Shu Ning took the cell phone back and passed it over to his homeroom teacher and the other teachers there. He said worriedly, “Sir, if strangers are able to beat up students at the school gate, won’t it cause people to question the school’s security measures? That man had been waiting by the school gate, but nobody noticed him. Then, he suddenly started hitting people. I remember there was a news story not too long ago about someone stabbing primary students by the school gate…” 

Shu Ning’s words gave everyone a fright. As they followed this line of thought, they realized that he was right!

The principal’s attention was immediately diverted towards school security. He turned his head and reprimanded the security guard, “What’s the matter with you? That man was standing by the school gate for so long. How come you didn’t notice him at all? What if he was a dangerous person?”

The security guard was completely caught off guard. He couldn’t understand why the blame had suddenly shifted onto him and defended himself, “Sir, he was just standing there like a normal person. Who would have thought that he would do something like that?”

The principal scolded, “I watched the video, and you didn’t show up until the fight was almost over! If something really did happen, it would have been due to your negligence!” 

The principal continued to scold the security guard, and the security guard kept trying to defend himself.

Shu Ning added fuel to the fire, “Sir, when the two of them were fighting, the security guard stopped Yin Mingzheng but not the man…sigh. That man was big and tall while Yin Mingzheng is short and small. But the security guard didn’t help the student. He went to help a bad guy who appeared out of nowhere…sigh.”

The two girls also spoke out, “Yeah, it was really scary just now. The security guard didn’t help Yin Mingzheng. Instead, he was pulling him away. Later, the man ran away and he didn’t chase him. He just stood by the school gates and scolded Yin Mingzheng…”

Yin Mingzheng raised his head to stare at Shu Ning and asked with his eyes: Who the hell is short and small? 

Shu Ning pretended not to see it.

The security guard’s face flushed with urgency. He wanted to defend himself, but he couldn’t because he was indeed late, he did indeed pull Yin Mingzheng back, and he did indeed let the man get away.

Seeing that her students weren’t responsible, the homeroom teacher stood aside and said nothing.

The security guard saw that the responsibility was going to fall on himself. If he didn’t handle this well, he could lose his job. He became annoyed and said loudly, “The man didn’t hit anyone else. He only hit Yin Mingzheng, which shows that Yin Mingzheng had something to do with it! It’s Yin Mingzheng’s fault!” 

Ktf afjmtfgr reggbecvlcu atfw ibbxfv rbifwc jujlc.

Pa kjr agef. Pc atf nlvfb, atf wjc kjr mifjgis ublcu obg Tlc Zlcuhtfcu.

“Qtb vbfrc’a xcbk jybea Tlc Zlcuhtfcu? Llr ojatfg kfca ab qglrbc, vglcxr, jcv mjerfr agbeyif jii atf alwf. Lf’r lcojwber lc atlr jgfj! Tlc Zlcuhtfcu aglfv ab gby qfbqif lc fifwfcajgs rmtbbi jcv atgfjafcfv qfbqif klat xclnfr! Prc’a la cbgwji obg tlw ab ralg eq agbeyif?”

The security guard’s words made the principal and teachers fall deep into thought. 

Yin Mingzheng became famous in one go because of the robbery incident. After graduating from the community primary school, he moved into the junior high division. Everyone was from the same community, and they all knew about what happened.

Yin Mingzheng’s face sank. He snorted softly, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

The principal was furious when he saw this, “What, you’re not convinced? You don’t think you did anything wrong, do you?”

Shu Ning knew that things weren’t looking good, so he quickly interjected between the two of them, “Sir, let’s be reasonable. Whoever strikes first is in the wrong. We don’t even know what kind of relationship that guy has with Yin Mingzheng. Regardless, you can’t blame Yin Mingzheng for what happened today!” 

The principal snorted and waved his hand irritably, “What a bunch of troublemakers, go, go, go. Get on, don’t stick around here.”

“Thank you, sir! Thank you, ma’am!”

Shu Ning winked at the homeroom teacher. She returned his wink with a doting stare. Then, he returned the phone to the two girls. He dragged Yin Mingzheng, who had his head raised like a little rooster, and hurriedly left the scene.

“Why didn’t you say anything just now? If you don’t say anything, no one’ll know your side of the story,” Shu Ning said once they were a good distance away. 

Yin Mingzheng gave him a cold look. He adjusted his school bag and strode forward.

Shu Ning chased after him, “Sigh, I only said a few words, and you’re mad. I’m telling the truth. Other people aren’t able to read minds. How else are they gonna know what you’re thinking if you don’t tell them?”

Yin Mingzheng was annoyed by his clamoring and said sarcastically, “Why do I have to let others know what I’m thinking?”

“This is where you’re wrong.” Shu Ning shook his finger. “What happened just now, if you didn’t defend yourself and I wasn’t there, everyone would think that it was your fault.” 

“So what if it’s my fault?”

Shu Ning was taken aback.

Yin Mingzheng continued to walk forward, “It’s going to end up being my fault either way.”

The boy’s figure was slim and stubborn, like a young hedgehog. Because he had suffered too much malice, his quills were always standing on end, fighting against the entire world. 

His words were cold and harsh. If it was anyone else in Shu Ning’s situation, they would definitely feel that Yin Mingzheng didn’t know good from bad. They would probably feel angry about being treated in this way after trying to help him. But, Shu Ning could hear a bit of grievance from his cold, indifferent words.

He seemed to be saying, “I just don’t want to say anything. What are you gonna do about it? Either way, no one’s going to listen”.

This was a direct result of the things he had gone through.

Shu Ning rubbed the space between his eyebrows and walked to his side, “Okay, if you don’t want to explain, then don’t. I’ll defend you in the future.” 

Yin Mingzheng turned and looked at him strangely, “You’re gonna defend me?”

“Mn.” Shu Ning nodded and smiled, “I know what kind of a person you are.”

Yin Mingzheng clearly didn’t believe him. He turned his head and continued to walk forward.

The main road was jammed with traffic again. The irritable drivers were repeatedly honking their car horns. The light jumped from red to green, and the two of them walked along the sidewalk, mixing in the bustling crowd to cross the street. 

As they were walking under the traffic light, Yin Mingzheng pulled on the straps of his school bag and raised his chin, like a little rooster. He said, “Don’t follow me. I don’t want to talk to you. We’ve already decided to stop talking to each other.”

We’ve already decided to stop talking to each other

When such childish, primary-school style words came out of Yin Mingzheng’s mouth, Shu Ning couldn’t help but laugh.

Thinking about it, they were seventh graders. They were just slightly bigger primary school students. 

“Okay, let’s stop talking to each other. Although, you talked to me a lot today.” Shu Ning deliberately provoked him.

The little villain was startled by this.

The traffic light turned red, and the crowd of people getting off work squeezed forward, pushing the stunned Yin Mingzheng off to the side. He quickly stepped aside and snorted, taking long strides forward.

Shu Ning laughed to himself and ran after him. “Yin Mingzheng, Yin Mingzheng.” 

Yin Mingzheng ignored him and silently walked forward, his pace getting faster and faster. He seemed to be a little embarrassed.

Shu Ning stuck behind him with a smile. Suddenly, he piped up, “Yin Mingzheng, have you grown taller?”

Yin Mingzheng immediately turned his head, his eyes bright. “Really?”

Shu Ning held back his laughter. He walked up to him and gestured with his hand, “I remember…we’re about the same height.” 

He stood in front of the little villain. The boy’s skin was pale, his nose was straight, and his hair was short and pretty. He seemed…to have really grown taller.

“Could it be because of the shoes?” Shu Ning lowered his head and stretched out his feet, “The shoes I wore don’t have a platform.”

He was wearing a pair of white sneakers. They didn’t add much to his height.

The villain also stretched out his feet, showing off his yellowing blue sneakers, “Mine don’t have any platform either.” 

“The heel of your shoe is taller than mine.”

The little villain was very angry, “Where is it taller? It’s obviously shorter than yours. If you don’t believe me, we can compare it and see.”

As he was speaking, he pulled Shu Ning over to some flat ground by the side of the road and placed his shoe against Shu Ning’s. When the two shoes were placed side by side, Yin Mingzheng’s blue shoes seemed much older in comparison.

Shu Ning pondered for a bit, should he buy the villain some shoes and clothing? 

“…Look, the heel of your shoe is obviously higher than mine.” The little villain lowered his head to carefully compare the two, and the joy in his voice couldn’t be hidden, “I really did grow taller!”

Shu Ning came back to his senses. When he heard his excited remarks, a small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “Your shoes are bigger than mine. What size do you wear?”

“I wear size 39. What about you?”

Shu Ning gasped, “You’ve got really big feet! I’m only size 36!” 

The little villain raised his eyebrows proudly, “I heard that only people with big feet will grow tall. Your feet are kind of small.”

This one sentence made Shu Ning a little worried. He had also heard others say that people with big feet tend to grow taller, and people with small feet tend to be shorter. Could it be that he was a dwarf?

Papa Shu was tall and strong. He had a lot of muscle and was about 180 centimeters tall. He was your typical Northeastern man. Meanwhile, Mrs. Cai was delicate and graceful. She was only about 150 centimeters tall. If he ended up with Mrs. Cai’s genes and not Papa Shu’s genes…

“I’m gonna go home to drink milk and take calcium tablets. I’m gonna do stretching exercises too.” Shu Ning clenched his fists, “I’m definitely going to grow taller.” 

The little villain was taken aback, “Do stretching exercises help you grow taller?”

“Of course, playing basketball and stretching can all help you grow taller. If you don’t believe me, you can search it up online,” Shu Ning said.

The little villain silently took Shu Ning’s words to heart.

“How tall are you now?” Shu Ning asked, unresigned. 

The little villain raised his eyebrows proudly, “Two months ago, my height was 166 centimeters.”

Shu Ning was taken aback, “Shorter than me? I was 167 centimeters before.”

The corner of the villain’s mouth twitched, “That’s impossible. We’re about the same height.”

Shu Ning said, “Then let’s go measure it now.” 

Neither of them were willing to admit defeat, so they went into a pharmacy to use their scale. The little villain couldn’t wait to go up and measure his height.

“…Your weight is 53 kg and your height is 170 cm.”

He was 170 centimeters tall but weighed only 53 kilos?

Shu Ning frowned. 

“You try?” The little villain urged.

“Okay,” Shu Ning said.

The little villain stepped off the scale and pulled at the strap of his school bag. He said indifferently, “I grew four centimeters taller. That’s not bad.”

Shu Ning stepped onto the scale. 

“…Your weight is 60 kg and your height is 167 cm.”

The little villain shook his head. He didn’t say a word, but the arrogant look in his eyes already said everything.

Shu Ning got off the scale, gave him a stern look, and turned away without saying a word.

The little villain stuck his hands in his pockets and slowly followed behind him. He said lazily, “Tsk, someone’s a sore loser.” 

Shu Ning walked in front, a smile slowly spreading across his face. The little villain didn’t even notice. He had taken the initiative to talk to Shu Ning.