Shu Ning arrived at the location, and the two of them started their date. The girl was very nice. She was both gentle and lovely, but he was very uncomfortable.

He didn’t really like any of the stuff the girl wanted to do with him. 

For example, the romance movies, the dolls, the shopping, the non-stop picture taking.

He felt like an emotionless, humanoid camera.

Later, the girl started to realize that Shu Ning wasn’t really enjoying himself. She gently asked if he was uninterested in these things. Shu Ning thought about it for a bit and nodded honestly.

The girl was very disappointed. 

Shu Ning quickly comforted her. Then, the two of them went to the park for a bit.

He could tell that the girl was looking for a conversation topic. He also tried desperately to find something to say, but they couldn’t seem to keep a conversation going.

When the date ended, Shu Ning felt exhausted. He sent the girl home. His only thought was, “Ah, it’s finally over.”

He felt guilty and bewildered by the thought.

Once he got home, Yin Mingzheng asked lightly, “How was the date?”

Shu Ning didn’t hide anything from his closest friend. “It wasn’t very good.”

“Oh?” Yin Mingzheng turned in his chair and raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

Shu Ning thought for a moment. “It wasn’t fun.” 

“Wasn’t fun?”

Shu Ning took out his keys and wallet and put them on the desk. “She liked dolls, clothes shopping, and romance movies. I wasn’t interested in that.”

Yin Mingzheng looked pensive. “A lot of girls like things like that.”

Shu Ning threw himself on the bed. He stared at the ceiling and said, “If all dates are like this, then I would rather just hang out with you.” 

Yin Mingzheng was silent for a moment. Then, he asked, “Are you free tomorrow?”

Shu Ning turned his head. “Huh?”

Yin Mingzheng said, “There’s this amusement park that’s having an event. Let’s hang out there.”

“Sure.” Shu Ning started getting interested. “Where is it?” 

Yin Mingzheng pulled it up on his phone and showed him. “This one. The reviews are pretty good.”

Shu Ning leaned over. He read a little snippet about the amusement park and said, “Oh, I heard Long Qiao say that it’s really fun.”

“Then we’ll go?”


Yin Mingzheng looked down at his phone to buy a ticket.

Shu Ning picked up his phone. “Hey, Long Qiao. Do you want to go to Simba Paradise tomorrow? Ask Wang Shenshen… Song Nian? Okay, ask Song Nian if he wants to come too!”

After hanging up the phone, he was met with Yin Mingzheng’s icy expression. “What’s wrong?”

Yin Mingzheng took a deep breath. “It’s nothing.” 

He bought three more tickets.

Shu Ning spent an exciting Sunday at the amusement park. All of the boys had a great time, except for Yin Mingzheng. He maintained an icy expression on his face. He looked as if someone owed him money.

However, he was always like that, so no one really minded him. They continued to have fun on their own.

The next day, the girls were cheering for them by the basketball court as usual. 

Their friends heard the cheers and bumped Shu Ning with their shoulders. “Wow, you and Yin Mingzheng are so popular! I’m jealous!”

Shu Ning smiled and waved at the girls.

Yin Mingzheng handed him a bottle of water. Shu Ning took two sips and returned it to Yin Mingzheng.

Yin Mingzheng then drank the rest of the water. 

No one found it strange because they were all used to it.

Wang Shenshen winked at Shu Ning. “So how was the date?”

Shu Ning didn’t want to talk about the date, so he muddled through his reply. “It was okay.”

“What about the details?” Long Qiao asked. 

Shu Ning responded, “What details?”

“About the date?”

Shu Ning answered, “It was just shopping, watching a movie, taking pictures, stuff like that…”

Long Qiao kept pestering him. “Nothing else?” 

Shu Ning shook his head. “Stop asking me. There wasn’t anything else.”

Long Qiao and Wang Shenshen looked at each other.

Wang Shenshen asked Shu Ning, “You don’t like her?”

Shu Ning thought about it for a while. Then, he bounced the basketball around in his hand and said, “It’s different from what I thought it’d be.” 

“What was different?”

Shu Ning sorted through his thoughts. He said slowly, “I want to find a girl who can play video games with me, play basketball with me, and talk about stuff with me.”

Yin Mingzheng turned his head.

Qjcu Vtfcrtfc jcv Obcu Hljb ujnf fjmt batfg j ibbx. Coafg j ktlif, atfs rjlv, “Vb ktja sbe’gf ibbxlcu obg lr j wjc?” 

Vte Rlcu’r tfjga pewqfv. Lf atgfk tlr yjrxfayjii ja Obcu Hljb. “Vtea eq!”

Obcu Hljb rqgfjv tlr tjcvr. “Ktfgf jgfc’a j iba bo ulgir ktb mjc qijs yjrxfayjii jcv qijs nlvfb ujwfr, jcv atfgf jgf fnfc ofkfg ulgir ktb jgf ubbv ja la. Ktfs’gf ilxf eiagj-gjgf jclwjir! C ulgi ktb mjc qijs yjrxfayjii, qijs nlvfb ujwfr, jcv tjnf j mbcnfgrjalbc klat sbe lr ilxf jc fcvjcufgfv rqfmlfr! Ktfs vbc’a fzlra!”

Shu Ning was speechless. “…Are they really that hard to find?”

“What do you think?” Long Qiao asked. 

“If you’re looking for a soulmate, then you’re probably better off looking for a guy.” Wang Shenshen smirked as he threw an arm across Shu Ning’s shoulder.

Shu Ning brushed him off. “Stop joking.”

“It’s not a joke. I’m being serious.” Wang Shenshen said, “Girls have different interests from guys, and the way they think is different from guys. If you want someone who has similar interests and can hold a conversation with you, wouldn’t it be easier to find someone who’s the same gender as you are?”

Everyone nodded. “That makes sense.” 

“Our interests might be the same, but that’s still a guy!” Song Nian interjected. “Whenever I think about hugging a guy like Wang Shenshen, I feel like I’m going to puke! A guy simply isn’t going to cut it! If I had to choose, I would rather choose a girl that has different interests.”

Wang Shenshen said angrily, “I’m literally such an amazing person! Are you looking down on me?”

Long Qiao and Song Nian both turned against him. “Yeah, we are.”

Wang Shenshen dragged Shu Ning out in front of them. “Alright, imagine if it was him. What if you were hugging Shu Ning?” 

Long Qiao and Song Nian: “…”

After hesitating for a moment, they both shook their heads, “No way, no way.”

Shu Ning breathed a sigh of relief, but, at the same time, he also felt a little unhappy. He could kind of understand what Wang Shenshen must be feeling.

Shu Ning grabbed the little villain and pushed him in front of Long Qiao and Song Nian. “What about him? Would you guys be interested?” 

This appearance, this figure! It would be weirder if they weren’t moved! Even he was tempted!

The young man stood in front of Song Nian and Long Qiao. His legs were long, and his features were beautiful. He had a cold temperament, and his eyes were as sharp as knives.

A killing aura pressed down on them.

Long Qiao and Song Nian desperately shook their heads. “No way! We wouldn’t dare!” 

Shu Ning wasn’t happy with this answer. “You don’t dare or you don’t want to?”

He gave the villain a slap on the butt. “Stop intimidating people.”

The little villain slowly turned his head, his eyes dark.

Those terrifying eyes weren’t the slightest bit threatening in Shu Ning’s eyes. He raised an eyebrow. “What? What are you going to do about it?” 

Then, he said to Long Qiao and Song Nian, “You don’t need to be afraid of him. Ignore his killing aura. Just look at appearance. Would you be able to date him?”

Long Qiao and Song Nian hesitated for a moment. “If Mingzheng gege is cool with it, then… of course we’d be okay with it too, hahaha!”

All of them burst into laughter. Except for the sour little villain, that is.

When they got home at night, Yin Mingzheng beat Shu Ning into the pillows. 

“Ah! It was just a joke!” Shu Ning screamed and shouted.

After hitting him a couple of times, Yin Mingzheng let go of him. He rolled up his sleeves and said, “Your big butt was asking for it.”

Shu Ning said angrily, “Hey, you little villain! Don’t cross the line!”

Time slowly passed through happy days like this. They soon became third year students. During this time, Cai Qin gave birth to a boy named Shu Yang. 

After giving birth to a child, the house suddenly became a lot more crowded. At Yin Mingzheng’s suggestion, the family moved into Yin Mingzheng’s villa.

When Yin Mingzheng bought the villa, he immediately found someone to start renovations. The interior designer suggested a Nordic style design. Yin Mingzheng didn’t particularly care about the style, as long as it wasn’t too cluttered or garish.

While renovating, he took the baby into consideration. They picked the most environmentally friendly materials possible. This way, they could reduce the amount of formaldehyde and other harmful substances.

After a year of renovating, the family finally moved in. 

Shu Ning felt very strange. The little villain was with him every day, but he hadn’t seen him doing anything to earn money. How come it felt like he was getting richer and richer by the day?

“It’s simple. I’m investing in the long-term now.” The villain was sitting in an armchair. He was holding a book, and his eyes were calm. “I own shares in some software companies. There are three companies that give me monthly dividends. Once I’m an adult, I’ll be able to officially get involved.”

Shu Ning asked cautiously, “How much money do you have now?”

The villain thought about it. Then, he held up a finger. 

Shu Ning guessed, “One million?”

The villain must have spent a lot of money to buy the villa and renovate it. He shouldn’t have that much money on him.

The little villain shook his head.

Shu Ning was surprised. “Ten million?” 

No way. He already spent so much money. Was he really able to earn ten million in that amount of time?

Shu Ning could only bow to him in admiration. The villain was truly in another class.

The little villain continued to shake his head.

Shu Ning sucked in a breath. “O-one hundred million?” 

No way! How was he able to have one hundred million yuan already?

The villain closed the book and nodded.

Shu Ning pressed a hand to his chest. He felt like he was going to spit up blood and collapse onto the sofa.

He was finally starting to realize that he was in a CEO novel. 

This was a CEO novel where people will just casually have tens of millions of yuan.

He understood now. He was handed an ordinary person’s script. Meanwhile, the villain was handed a feel-good story’s script. There was no way for him to compete.

With assets like that, what did the villain need to return to the rich family for?

One hundred million! The little villain himself was already a rich family! 

He didn’t need the Wei family! And he didn’t need their approval!

All he needed was a little bit more time. Once he was an adult, he would be able to fly straight into the sky!

Shu Ning could already see Yin Mingzheng’s future.

Speaking of which, he gave Yin Mingzheng’s information to the Wei family back in seventh grade, yet the Wei family still hadn’t come to pick him up. What the hell was up with that!? 

She Ning felt a little upset about this.

Recently, Shu Ning had watched Yin Mingzheng become more and more impressive. He was even starting to feel that it would be okay if the Wei family never came to pick him up.

He was reluctant to part with Yin Mingzheng.

However, it didn’t seem quite right for him to keep Yin Mingzheng by his side for his own selfish reasons. The little villain was so good now. Maybe he might be longing for that kind of familial affection. 

Yin Mingzheng looked at Shu Ning and smiled. Then, he lowered his head to continue reading.

Yin Mingzheng was now very well-known both online and within the world of finance.

Papa Shu had asked for his help with investing. Yin Mingzheng used Papa Shu and Cai Qin’s accounts to grow bigger and stronger. If there was an occasion he needed to attend, he would ask Papa Shu to attend in his place.

Papa Shu was now regarded as a god of investment. 

Papa Shu was also more than happy to act as a shield for Yin Mingzheng. He cheerfully ran around as the god of investment. He attended various financial events and was sought after by countless people.

However, Papa Shu was very clear of what he was capable of. He attended very few of these events. Once he was done serving as Yin Mingzheng’s spokesperson, he rushed back home to accompany his wife and children.

You could even say that he was Yin Mingzheng’s subordinate.

He still loved the furniture business that he had worked on for years. After becoming rich, Papa Shu and Yin Mingzheng made a joint investment. They bought a building in the commercial district and started a high-end furniture business. 

It may have been due to Papa Shu’s reputation and connections from the past ten years, but the furniture business did incredibly well. His furniture business welcomed a lot of high-end customers. The manufacturers that he worked with had been cooperating with him for ten years as well, so the goods they supplied were very reliable. The technology had also improved, so sales were particularly good. Yin Mingzheng set up an online shop for him and advertised it online. The business was doing really well both online and offline.

They made a lot of money over the course of a year. Yin Mingzheng’s assets increased once again.

Cai Qin knew that their family was making a lot of money. She was a rather simple person, so her mind immediately turned to buying real estate. If she had nothing better to do, she would go visit properties on sale and ask for a consultation.

Thanks to her encouragement, both Yin Mingzheng and the Shu family bought several houses. 

Yin Mingzheng wasn’t interested in buying real estate, but Cai Qin insisted on buying it for him. She wouldn’t let it go, so he accepted. However, the houses he bought were all under Shu Ning’s name. Even his investments were actually made under Cai Qin and Papa Shu’s names.

If Shu Ning and his family had bad intentions, they could easily run away with his one hundred million yuan worth of assets. There wouldn’t be anything Yin Mingzheng could do other than to take the loss.

However, the Shu family had never even thought of doing something like that.

Firstly, they didn’t have any intention of taking it for themselves. Secondly, Yin Mingzheng’s ability was truly impressive. Even if he lost a billion yuan, he would still be able to make a comeback. Thirdly, Yin Mingzheng’s abilities were getting stronger and stronger by the day. They may not be able to win against him. 

Shu Ning and Cai Qin had never wanted to take Yin Mingzheng’s things for themselves. Sometimes, they still treated Yin Mingzheng like a child. Papa Shu had thought these things over before. He was involved with some of the things they did, and he knew how terrifying Yin Mingzheng was.

He was deeply aware that Yin Mingzheng’s achievements weren’t limited to the things that he was aware of.

Time flew by. In the blink of an eye, they were already halfway through their third year.

By this time, Yin Mingzheng had grown to be 180 centimeters tall. He had finally grown into his lanky figure, and he was unbelievably handsome. Everyone in the area had heard of him and his good looks. He was the guy of everyone’s dreams. 

Shu Ning’s height had also jumped to 176 centimeters. He could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The two of them had been playing basketball for a long time. They were both tall and lean. Every time the two of them appeared, the girls would start screaming and cheering.

Little Sun and Big Moon, these were the code names that the girls had come up with. In private, Yin Mingzheng called Shu Ning Big Butt, and Shu Ning called him Little Villain. The two of them would compete with each other like this.

In the past two years, Shu Ning hadn’t dated another girl again. 

He had the faint sense that he didn’t seem to be interested in girls.

Long Qiao has already started dating Cheng Xiaoyu. He would always talk about his relationship in front of Shu Ning. As the boys got older, their conversations started getting naughtier. They even secretly looked at those kinds of explicit photos.

Whenever they looked at photos of exposed women, the other boys would get excited, but Shu Ning’s heart wouldn’t fluctuate in the slightest.

Whenever this happened, he would get a little flustered. 

Fortunately, Yin Mingzheng didn’t seem to be interested either. He had never talked about girls in front of him, so Shu Ning felt a little comforted.

Shu Ning suspected that he was gay, but he wasn’t sure because he didn’t have a boy that he liked. He didn’t particularly feel anything when faced with a boy’s body either.

He slept in the same bed as Yin Mingzheng everyday. Even in a situation like that, he didn’t feel his heartbeat quicken or anything.

Song Nian, Wang Shenshen, and Long Qiao also started shooting up in height. Unfortunately, Wang Shenshen also started growing horizontally as well. He played basketball just like the rest of them, but, for some reason, he ended up rather chubby. Long Qiao grew a face full of acne. Everyday, he would look in the mirror and feel sorry for himself. Song Nian was the only one to grow into a handsome guy. Unfortunately, he was entirely eclipsed by the big moon and the little sun. He still hadn’t found a girlfriend. 

Just as Shu Ning felt that things were too peaceful, a black car slowly came to a stop in front of Longpanshan Middle School.

The door opened, and a well-dressed woman stepped out of the car.

She looked at the closed school gates and took off her sunglasses. She could hardly contain her excitement. “Is my biological son here?”

During third period, the chemistry teacher was scribbling away at the blackboard, a serious expression on his face. Suddenly, the homeroom teacher appeared at the door and waved at him. 

The chemistry teacher was slightly taken aback when he saw the homeroom teacher. He put down the chalk and walked out of the classroom. The two of them talked for a bit. Then, the chemistry teacher walked back into the classroom with a shocked expression. The homeroom teacher followed behind him and called out to Yin Mingzheng in the last row, “Mingzheng, you come with me.”

Everyone turned to look at Yin Mingzheng.

In the past two years, the young man had gotten much taller. He grew into his delicate features, and he was beautiful beyond compare. Black hair, black eyes, indifferent expression. He carried himself with a calm and distant temperament. He had captivated every single girl at Longpanshan Middle School.

Confused, Shu Ning asked him, “Why’s the homeroom teacher looking for you?” 

Once they reached their third year, the teachers usually wouldn’t interrupt class time unless it was an emergency. In the past two years, the little villain had been every teacher’s favorite. They simply adored him and rarely called him into the office.

“I don’t know.” Yin Mingzheng shook his head indifferently.

Shu Ning said, “The homeroom teacher seems to be in a hurry. Go quickly.”

Yin Mingzheng smiled. Then, he calmly walked out of the classroom and left with the homeroom teacher. 

After class, Yin Mingzheng still hadn’t come back yet. However, the well-informed Wang Shenshen ran into the classroom and rushed over to Shu Ning’s side. “Shu ge, guess who I saw in the office?”

Shu Ning was in the middle of organizing a mountain of textbooks. He asked, “Who did you see?”

“Su Muli!” Wang Shenshen dramatically gestured with his hands. “She used to be a really popular celebrity! She was the real deal! She’s that star that ended up marrying Wei Yuanning!”

Shu Ning instantly froze. Su Muli! 

Madam Wei!

At this moment, a phrase popped into his mind: The plot had started. The wheels of fate had started to turn...

If there was a little more background music, it would be like another season of Detective Conan… Alright, this wasn’t the time for thinking about that.

Shu Ning was in a complicated mood. He handed Yin Mingzheng’s information to Wei Shanhe in advance because he wanted to change Yin Mingzheng’s fate. He hadn’t expected the plot to be so powerful. Even after everything he did, the Wei family still arrived in Yin Mingzheng’s third year of middle school, just like in the novel. 

However, his baby was completely different from the one in the novel. In the novel, he had long since dropped out of school, worked part-time, and slummed around with bad company. Now, he was super impressive!

Shu Ning believed that his future would be different from the one in the book.

Fourth period started, but Yin Mingzheng still hadn’t come back. He didn’t come back until class let out at noon. Finally, Yin Mingzheng showed up. He said to Shu Ning, “Let’s go eat.”

There was nothing Shu Ning wanted more. Right now, he really wanted to know what Baby was thinking. 

Wang Shenshen, Long Qiao, and Song Nian also followed behind them, happily chatting along. They planned on going to the cafeteria together. However, Yin Mingzheng turned his head and said to the three of them, “Shu Ning and I are going to eat outside. You guys can do whatever you like.”

After spending a long time together, Wang Shenshen and Long Qiao weren’t afraid of Yin Mingzheng anymore. They voiced their dissatisfaction, “How come you guys are going off without us? Are we friends or not?”

Yin Mingzheng asked, “Do you want to come?”

“Hmph. Of course I want to come if you’re paying. I’m going to eat as much as I can!” Wang Shenshen laughed. 

“Alright.” A thoughtful look brushed across Yin Mingzheng’s face. He nodded and led all of them towards the school gate.

A black car was parked at the school gate. A man in a suit and leather shoes stood by the car. When he saw Yin Mingzheng, he stepped forward and said respectfully, “Young Master.”

Young Master?

These modern era boys were instantly caught off guard by the address. They felt as if they had returned to the 1900s. 

Wang Shenshen, Long Qiao, and Song Nian gave each other a look. Shu Ning was well prepared for this and didn’t reveal any surprise.

The car door opened. Madam Wei, who was wearing a white suit, got out of the car and called out, “Mingzheng.” Then, she smiled and said to the boys, “You all must be Mingzheng’s friends, right? Come on, get in the car. We can have a meal together.”

She stretched out her hand in an inviting gesture. Her attitude was very warm.

Wang Shenshen looked like he was struck by lightning as soon as he saw Madam Wei. His chubby body was extremely stiff. His father had a rather wide circle of friends. He more or less knew who Madam Wei, or Su Muli, was, so he was able to recognize her at first glance. 

Long Qiao and Song Nian’s family backgrounds were a lot more ordinary. They didn’t recognize Su Muli. They just looked confused.

“This car doesn’t have enough seats…” Su Muli quickly realized the problem. After thinking about it for a moment, she said to her assistant, “Hurry up and call for another car.”

Wang Shenshen came back to his senses and waved his hands again and again. “No, no, no. We’re just passing by.”

He grabbed Song Nian and Long Qiao, who were still out of it, and said, “We wanted to eat at that new barbeque place, so we won’t bother you.” 

Wang Shenshen had been following his father for a long time now. He was better than most people when it came to observing the expressions of others. For someone as noble and dignified as Madam Wei to show up at their school and invite Yin Mingzheng to dinner meant that something was going on. They were better off leaving them alone. It’d be too shameless of them to insist on tagging along.

When Long Qiao and Song Nian noticed that this strange woman was here, they finally realized that Yin Mingzheng and Shu Ning weren’t trying to run off on their own. They backed Wang Shenshen up, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. We’re going to go eat barbeque, so we won’t tag along.”

“It’s alright. You’re all Mingzheng’s friends. Let’s have dinner together.” Madam Wei said enthusiastically, “Do you guys want to eat barbecue? There’s a really good barbeque place nearby. We can go there…”

“No need! Thank you!” The three of them quickly refused and dashed away. 

Yin Mingzheng didn’t really care if they came along. “Don’t worry about them.”

Only then did Madam Wei stop trying to invite them. Then, she fixed her gaze upon Shu Ning and said with a smile, “This must be Shu Ning. He looks like a good kid.”

Shu Ning was a little embarrassed. “Hello, Madam Wei.”

“Just call me Aunt,” Madam Wei said with a smile. 

When he saw Madam Wei’s enthusiastic appearance, Shu Ning felt a little more at ease. In the novel, it described how the Wei family disliked the villain when he was brought back. However, seeing Madam Wei today, he could clearly tell that she was showing goodwill.

Even Shu Ning could tell just how hard she was trying to connect with Yin Mingzheng.

This was completely different from how it was in the novel.

Yin Mingzheng didn’t say much. He got in the car at Madam Wei’s request. Then, they went to a nearby restaurant to have lunch together. 

During the entire meal, Madam Wei kept putting food in Yin Mingzheng’s bowl and asked him what he liked to eat. She even showed Shu Ning a bit of care as well due to his relationship with Yin Mingzheng.

Inevitably, Madam Wei ended up asking Yin Mingzheng about how he’d been doing for the past ten years. Yin Mingzheng didn’t like to talk about these things, but Shu Ning was different. He spilled everything about Zhou Juan and Yin Qiang without hiding a single detail.

Madam Wei was shocked. Her red lips trembled. It took a long time before she managed to speak again. “Mingzheng, you’ve been through a lot.”

“Come home with me, alright? From now on, I’ll never let you suffer ever again!” 

After spending so much time laying the groundwork, Madam Wei finally revealed the purpose of her visit.

Shu Ning was well prepared for this. He wasn’t surprised. He turned to look at the villain.

The little villain silently ate the fish in his bowl without saying a word.

Translator’s Note: 

Author ended up changing Madam Wei’s name. Her name is now Su Muli. I’ve gone back and changed the previous chapters!