After Wei Ximing’s gentlemanly performance, Jiang Yao acted as if this was the first time she had ever been invited to dance. She exaggeratedly placed a hand before her mouth and made a surprised expression. Shu Ning wondered if the two of them had rehearsed this beforehand. The entire scene was a little over the top.

Okay. It was super over the top. 

They were acting as if it was a marriage proposal.

It wasn’t clear whether the people around them were being genuine or not. Either way, they all clapped and cheered for the two.

The two of them walked onto the dance floor and slowly started to dance.

Shu Ning eagerly watched the two dance as the villain fed him cake. 

“Tch, they’re so fake!”

“I know, right? They’re always like this every time. Do they have to show off their everlasting love all the time?”

Shu Ning heard a few people secretly whispering to each other nearby. He turned his head to see a couple of well-dressed students sitting a few chairs away from him. Their expressions revealed a little bit of their impatience.

Oho. It turned out that not everyone was buying the protagonists’ little performance just now. He had been wondering about how everyone else felt about it. It was so obvious that the male lead and female lead were showing off. Plus, they made all of their little lackeys cheer for them. Didn’t anyone feel a little bored by it all?

Did the people cheering them on actually mean it?

Wei Ximing and Jiang Yao were dancing on the dance floor. The crowd simply stood on the sidelines and watched. However, Wei Ximing’s line of sight kept drifting towards Wei Mingzheng.

He wanted to let Wei Mingzheng know that Jiang Yao belonged to him.

The Wei family had acknowledged him. As long as he married Jiang Yao, his position within the family would be even higher than Wei Mingzheng’s. He was going to slap Madam Wei and Wei Mingzheng in the face! 

Wei Mingzheng should understand by now that Jiang Yao didn’t just represent beauty. She also represented an immeasurable amount of wealth and status. Wei Mingzheng must be regretting it now.

Wei Ximing took Jiang Yao around the dance floor and deliberately brought her closer to Wei Mingzheng. He carefully observed Wei Mingzheng’s expression.

However, he ended up getting disappointed. Wei Mingzheng didn’t look at the two of them at all. From beginning to end, his eyes were locked on his little follower. Wei Ximing didn’t know what it was they were talking about, but he suddenly saw Wei Mingzheng reveal a rare smile.

Wei Ximing furrowed his brows. He was very surprised. 

It was difficult for him to understand how someone could resist Jiang Yao.

Jiang Yao’s appearance was already mind-bogglingly beautiful, but she was also wealthy and affluent. It was enough to drive any man insane!

Men pursued nothing more than money, beauty, and power.

Jiang Yao was someone who could satisfy all three of these, so it was only natural for every man in the world to go crazy for her. He and Jiang Yao were dating. Who knows how many guys hated him because of it. 

Before, Wei Ximing assumed that Wei Mingzheng didn’t care about Jiang Yao because he didn’t know anything about her. Once he understood what it was that he missed, Wei Mingzheng would definitely regret it. However, he was now starting to realize that Wei Mingzheng didn’t care about Jiang Yao at all…

Wei Ximing felt a subtle sense of frustration in his heart.

The thing that he was the most proud of wasn’t even worth mentioning in the other’s eyes. He couldn’t help but feel aggrieved.

“Ah.” Jiang Yao exclaimed, “You stepped on me!” 

Wei Ximing had been distracted this whole time. Jiang Yao’s skirt was very big, so it was inevitable that he would end up stepping on her.

Wei Ximing quickly came back to his senses and apologized, “I’m sorry.”

Jiang Yao was incredibly angry. Wei Ximing ended up losing out to Wei Mingzheng at the entrance of the venue just now. Since she was his partner, she ended up looking bad as well. She was already very dissatisfied. Now, Wei Ximing was being absent-minded while dancing and even stepped on her skirt.

It was infuriating! 

Originally, Princess Jiang Yao was going to throw him off and leave, but, since there were so many people watching, she decided to hold back her temper. She pouted, “I don’t want to dance anymore.”

Wei Ximing was stunned for a moment. The song wasn’t over yet, but Jiang Yao was refusing to dance. She was basically publicly embarrassing him.

After finding out about his true identity, his mentality had become very sensitive. He was particularly concerned about whether others respected him or not, whether their attitudes toward him had changed or not. Once there was a change, he was instantly on high alert.

Why was Jiang Yao embarrassing him like this? 

She was wearing such a big skirt. Wasn’t it normal to get stepped on every now and then? As his girlfriend, couldn’t she just put up with it for a bit?

Wei Ximing was annoyed. Nevertheless, he put on a gentlemanly expression and said, “I’m sorry. Did I step on you?”

Forget it. He’d better not split hairs with her right now. Jiang Yao really was spoiled rotten! He would have to talk to her about it after they get married. Once they get married, he’d have to start laying down some ground rules.

When she saw Wei Ximing caring for her, Princess Jiang Yao’s anger slightly subsided. She shook her head. “It’s okay.” 

Then, she took Wei Ximing’s arm and walked off the dance floor.

The male and female leads left after dancing. The music changed, and the other students started heading towards the dance floor in twos and threes. Shu Ning saw the boys and girls sitting nearby rushing out of their seats. The girls stood next to the dance floor, waiting for a boy to invite them, while the boys invited the girls to dance.

He finally understood why they didn’t like Wei Ximing and Jiang Yao.

Most of the people attending the dance are rich and wealthy. They were also treated like royalty at home. They had also dressed themselves up and wanted to show off. How could they possibly be happy with acting as a foil for someone else? 

Shu Ning finished his glass of juice. Just as stood up to go to the toilet, someone grabbed his hand.

When he turned his head, he saw the little villain’s gloomy face.

“Where are you going?” the little villain asked in an unhappy voice.

Shu Ning: “…” 

Shu Ning hadn’t even asked the villain about why he was grabbing him, yet the villain was actually interrogating him instead. Wasn’t he being a little unreasonable?

Shu Ning was speechless. “I need to use the bathroom. What else could I be doing? You keep handing me juice. Isn’t it normal for me to use the bathroom?”

Wei Mingzheng’s expression slightly improved. “Oh. You’re really going to the bathroom?”

Shu Ning asked back, “What else would I be doing?” 

Wei Mingzheng coughed, but he still didn’t let Shu Ning go. “Do you know where the bathroom is? I’ll go with you.”

Shu Ning was even more speechless. “Bro, we’re in high school now. This isn’t middle school, okay?”

In primary school or middle school, it was alright to go to the bathroom in groups. However, they were in high school now. Going to the bathroom together was kind of… Did the villain have dependency issues or something?

Wei Mingzheng was unhappy again. He pursed his lips and finally let go of Shu Ning’s hand. 

Shu Ning walked out of the banquet hall and found the bathrooms thanks to the staff. While he was sitting in one of the toilet stalls, he suddenly heard the sound of people talking.

“Haha, did you see Wei Ximing’s face just now? He was so pissed.”

“Yeah, Jiang Yao left without even finishing the dance.”

Shu Ning: “…” 

He wasn’t eavesdropping on purpose.

“Do you think they’ll break up?”

“P vbc’a xcbk. Lbkfnfg, fnfc lo Aljcu Tjb kjcar ab, vb sbe atlcx tfg ojwlis klii jugff?”

“Po atfs gfjiis vb ygfjx eq, kf’ii olcjiis tjnf j mtjcmf.” 

“Tbe yfaafg rajs agef ab sbeg kbgv. Snfgsbcf tjr ab qijs ojlg.”

Vte Rlcu: “…”

He had almost forgotten. The Big Shot’s Sweetheart was a romance novel for women. This meant the female lead would naturally have a truckload of suitors.

Ktf nliijlc vlvc’a mjgf jybea Aljcu Tjb ja jii, yea Qfl Wlwlcu xfqa uejgvlcu jujlcra atf nliijlc, jogjlv atja tf kbeiv rcjamt Aljcu Tjb jkjs ogbw tlw. Qtja Qfl Wlwlcu vlvc’a xcbk kjr atja atf qfbqif tf rtbeiv yf uejgvlcu jujlcra kjrc’a Qfl Zlcuhtfcu. 

Wei Ximing had gotten it all wrong from the very beginning.

Shu Ning continued to sit on the toilet in a complicated mood.

“What are you two talking about?” A stern voice echoed in the empty bathroom.

It sounded kind of familiar. 

It took a while before Shu Ning realized that it was Lian Feng’s voice.

The bathroom fell quiet.

Lian Feng was very angry. “The student council president and Jiang Yao are doing perfectly fine together. The two of you should take a look in the mirror. Why don’t you self-reflect a little bit before aiming at someone who’s totally out of your league?”

Lian Feng’s words were harsh. The two boys were instantly unhappy. “Lian Feng, how could you say stuff like that?” 

Lian Feng bit back, “You guys were the ones aiming for someone else’s girlfriend. Do I still need to be polite to you?”

“It’s not like it’s illegal to think about it. We haven’t actually tried anything. Besides, Wei Ximing and Jiang Yao aren’t married. What’s it matter if we aim for Jiang Yao?”

Lian Feng was probably Wei Ximing’s lackey. When he heard this, he instantly burst with rage. “You’re so fucking shameless! Not only are you aiming for someone way out of your league, but you’re also rude and shameless!”

The other two were very annoyed by his yelling. 

“If she’s out of our league, then what about Wei Ximing? She’s even more out of his league.”

“That’s right! I’ll be brutally honest. He’s just a bastard from who knows where. He’s always having people spread rumors about Wei Mingzheng. He claimed that Wei Mingzheng’s uneducated, that he’s a thief or something. Isn’t he also super shameless?”

Lian Feng said, “What a bunch of crap! The president didn’t say that!”

“Ha, we’re not dumb so quit trying to play innocent! You dumbasses might be stupid enough to fall for it, but the rest of us see exactly what’s going on. We just don’t say anything because it has nothing to do with us.” 

“He kept talking about how shitty Wei Mingzheng’s family was. Hehe, he didn’t even think about how the family Wei Mingzheng grew up in is his biological family. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Haven’t you heard this phrase before? The more he talks shit about Wei Mingzheng’s family, the more he’s letting people know about his own shitty roots. He looks high and mighty now, but who knows what he’ll end up like in the future.”

“…What? You wanna fight? I’m just saying what everyone’s too afraid to say. Lian Feng, you’re well-off and you’re smart, so why are you acting just as brainless as the others? How come you keep running around as Wei Ximing’s little underling? Did he put some voodoo magic on you or something?”

Shu Ning hadn’t expected to come across such an exciting scene in the bathroom. He eagerly listened in.

They were right after all. Wei Ximing was clearly a fake, and the villain was the victim. Nevertheless, the people in the novel were like brain-dead idiots. They kept crying out on Wei Ximing’s behalf and banded together to deal with the villain. 

After thinking it over for a bit, Shu Ning pinned it down as the “protagonist’s halo”.

So long as the protagonist’s halo was still in place, there would always be a rich and intelligent silver spoon following Wei Ximing lead and hating the little villain.

Unexpectedly, not all of Sai Yao’s students were affected by the protagonist’s halo.

There were only a few important supporting roles described in the novel. Those who weren’t described by the novel might just be normal people. 

Shu Ning was going to tell the little villain the good news.

After the three of them left, Shu Ning left the bathroom and rushed towards the banquet hall. As soon as he returned to his spot, he noticed a girl talking to the villain.

It was clear that she was inviting the little villain to dance.

A sudden sense of discomfort rose up in Shu Ning’s heart. 

The little villain shook his head.

The girl disappointedly picked up her skirt and left.

Shu Ning tried to act casual. However, he was actually approaching Wei Mingzheng very deliberately. He joked, “That girl’s very pretty. How come you aren’t dancing with her?”

The little villain replied, “I can’t dance.” 

Shu Ning was even more unhappy when he heard this. Did this mean the little villain would’ve danced with her if he knew how?

Shu Ning asked him.

Wei Mingzheng’s beautiful eyes flashed with surprise. It seemed as though he didn’t understand why Shu Ning was suddenly kicking up a fuss. He thought about it for a moment and said, “Even if I knew how to dance, I wouldn’t dance with her.”

Shu Ning still didn’t let it go. “What if some other girl invited you to dance? Would you dance with her?” 

Wei Mingzheng didn’t answer. Instead, he tilted his head in confusion. “What about you? Would you dance with a girl?”

Shu Ning was about to blurt out, “No.” Before he could say it, his rationality suddenly returned to him. Why wouldn’t he?

He doesn’t have a girlfriend. If he wants to start a relationship, it would make sense for him to accept the invitation to dance.

Why was his first reaction to reject the girl? 

Shu Ning was stumped by his own question.

Afterwards, he silently sat in his seat and lowered his head to think.

Do… I really not like girls?

I’m done for! 

Do I really fall into that category of people I read about online? Those people who aren’t interested in romantic love?

Shu Ning was suddenly full of worries about the future. He had already started thinking about what it’d be like when he’s still single at thirty. He could see it now. Cai Cai and Papa Shu would probably start pressuring him to get married.

He would probably have a bunch of aunts pestering him about why he didn’t have a girlfriend, why he didn’t get married.

He could already feel the headache coming on. 

“If I know how to dance and a girl invites me, I might say yes.”

Wei Mingzheng’s words brought Shu Ning back to his senses. For some reason, he suddenly became angry. He was really, inexplicably angry.

“Really?” Shu Ning spat out coldly.

Wei Mingzheng said slowly, “It’s just a dance after all. It’s a normal social interaction. It’s not like I’m agreeing to a date or something.” 

Shu Ning suddenly saw the light. That’s right. It’s just a dance. It’s not a date or anything.

But he was still unhappy.

However, in his rational mind, Shu Ning couldn’t understand why he was suddenly being so unreasonable.

He smiled reluctantly and said, “Yeah. It’s just a dance. It’s not like it’s a date. If a girl invites me to dance later, I’ll go dance for a bit.” 

The little villain’s expression suddenly darkened.

Now both of them were unhappy. Neither of them understood why they were unhappy and they tried not to be unhappy, but they were unhappy nonetheless.

The atmosphere was awkward.

After being silent for a while, Shu Ning tried his best to pull himself out of that strange emotion. He changed the subject. “I was in the bathroom just now, and I heard something incredible.” 

Wei Mingzheng also wanted to break out of this awkward atmosphere. He played along and asked, “Oh? What’s so incredible?”

Shu Ning briefly told him about what he had heard in the toilet. The villain raised an eyebrow. “It looks like not everyone is on Wei Ximing’s side. I thought that the whole world liked him.”

“There’s no way! How could a person be liked by the whole world?” Shu Ning waved his hand.

“It doesn’t matter if the whole world likes him.” The villain said, “So long as you like me, that’s enough.” 

Shu Ning’s heart skipped a beat. He suddenly didn’t know what to say.

The villain’s demeanor and tone of voice was simply too natural. It was as if he was talking about the weather or something. His voice was calm, and his expression was light.

It was so much so that Shu Ning felt as if this sentence was the most natural thing in the world.

He quickly recovered. The subtle throbbing in his heart quickly disappeared. Shu Ning said with a smile, “Don’t worry. Even if the whole world likes him, I’ll still like you.” 

The “like” that he was using was a neutral word. It was similar to liking a cat, a friend, or a child. That was why his tone of voice was just as calm and casual.

Wei Mingzheng turned his head and stared at him with deep, piercing eyes.

Shu Ning didn’t notice at first. However, after a while, he realized that the villain was still staring at him and started feeling a little uneasy. “Why are you looking at me?”

The little villain silently picked up a slice of cake and brought a spoonful to Shu Ning’s mouth. “Eat. It’s sweet.” 

Shu Ning took the spoon in his mouth. He rolled his tongue over the cake and savored it for a bit. Then, he said, “It is sweet.”

Suddenly, they heard a gasp from beside them.

Shu Ning turned his head and saw the two girls who had teased him earlier clutching their chests. They stared at him and the villain with gleaming eyes.

Shu Ning felt that they were being very strange. “What’s wrong?” 

The two girls shook their heads and quickly left. Once they got further away, they excitedly huddled together, muttering about something to each other.

It was halfway through the dance.

The host came onto the stage. “Hello, students! Could I please have your attention for a moment?”

Whether it was people on the dance floor or people just hanging out, they all stopped and paid attention to what the host had to say. 

The host said, “Tonight, we’re holding a raffle. Would everyone like to participate?”

“There’s a raffle?”

Excited, the students quickly shouted, “Yes! Let’s do it!”

Voices of approval rose up throughout the venue. 

Once the atmosphere had been livened up, the host smiled and said, “Since everyone’s willing to participate, let me tell you about how the raffle will work. For our raffle, there will only be two prizes, a first place prize and a second place prize. Two people will win each prize.”

“The first place prize is An Shengsheng’s painting, Heart! The Ruchun Auction House valued it at 1.2 million yuan!” the host loudly announced.

The entire venue immediately fell into an uproar!

Although most of the students here were from rich and wealthy families, they were still students. It was a pretty big deal for there to be a prize worth more than one million yuan at the school dance. 

The students were even more excited. “Hurry up and start the raffle! Come on!”

“Don’t get too excited. Please listen to what I have to say.” The host smiled and took control of the field. “I’ve already announced the first place prize. I will now announce the second place prize.”

“The second place prize is not a reward, but a punishment.”


Everyone gave each other a look.

“What’s the punishment?” someone asked.

The host smiled and said, “The punishment? Whoever wins the second place prize will have to allow everyone else to pour their drinks on them.”

Everyone was stunned. They immediately started whispering to each other. 

“Pour our drinks? Did I hear that right?”

“Everyone’s going to pour their drinks on the second place winner?”

“That’s right! It’s exactly what you’re thinking! Everyone will have to pour their drinks on the second place winner!” The host said loudly, “This is a Sai Yao dance! When has our Sai Yao ever been lowkey? If we’re going to play, we might as well play something exciting! What do you guys think? Do you have the guts to play?”

“This is really exciting!” Immediately, some chaos-seeking student stepped forward in support. 

The boys surrounding Wei Ximing were even more supportive.

“If you want to play, you gotta play big! Of course we’re gonna do it!”

“I agree! Let’s get started!”

There were also some who were hesitating. After all, it wasn’t exactly a nice experience to have drinks poured on them. Wouldn’t they end up looking like a drowned rat? 

“You all are young. You should try something more exciting. What’s the point of an ordinary raffle?” The host seduced them with these tempting words.

They were a group of reckless teenagers who weren’t afraid of anything. They were naturally inclined to cause trouble if there was nothing better to do. Under the mounting pressure, they gradually started to raise their hands one after another. “Okay! Let’s play!”

They were easily swept away by the enthusiastic atmosphere. A lot of people started raising their hands in agreement.

“Since everyone’s agreed, you’d better not back out later,” the host said once more. 

“We won’t! We definitely won’t back out!” A couple boys shouted out loud as they were watching the fun.

Wei Mingzheng narrowed his eyes. Shu Ning also started getting nervous.

Was this the so-called raffle? It really was exciting!

A large projection screen slowly descended before the stage. A laptop was set up in the corner. 

The host explained how the raffle would work. The laptop would randomly draw a winner.

The laptop contained all the names of everyone who was attending tonight. While the computer was drawing the names, everyone would start counting down in unison. The two winners would receive either a reward or a punishment.

It was very exciting.

After explaining all the rules, the host finally said, “Now, let’s draw the first place winners! The first place prize will be An Shengsheng’s Heart!” 

The host walked over to the laptop and said, “We’re about to get started! Get ready—go!”


The people in the banquet hall began to shout.

The names on the screen started to tumble wildly. Everyone’s hearts started racing. Their anticipation began building up. They felt as if they had been drinking. 



Gradually, their voices became more and more unified. 




The host pressed the stop button. 

Only two names were left on the screen. Lian Feng and Chen Yue.

A thrilled shriek echoed throughout the hall. “Ahhhh! I won!”

In the corner, a girl in a black dress clasped her chest, her face full of joy. She lifted her skirt and headed towards the stage to accept the prize. Lian Feng also appeared on the stage, looking both surprised and excited. He probably hadn’t expected that he would win.

There was only one painting. The two of them would need to decide how to split it between themselves. 

The people in the venue clapped wildly.

After the two winners stepped down, the host said once again, “Now, let’s start drawing the second place winners! Are you ready?”

Everyone became both nervous and excited when they thought of the punishment for the second place winners.


“Let’s get started!”

“Let’s see who the two unlucky winners are gonna be!”

Once the atmosphere had been hyped up, the host smiled and said, “Alright! Let’s start drawing the second place winners. Same rules as last time! Counting down from ten… go!”




The countdown was much neater and more organized the second time around. Everyone shouted out in unison, their unified voices booming through the hall.

The people surrounding Wei Ximing gave each other a look as they counted down. 

Wei Ximing looked at Wei Mingzheng sitting in the distance. A victorious smile spread across his face.




The host pressed the stop button.

Two names appeared on the screen. Wei Ximing and Jiang Yao.

The entire venue was stunned. 

When Wei Ximing saw the names on the screen, his victorious expression turned into one of panic. His face instantly dropped.

Jiang Yao was even more pale than he was. When she heard about the raffle, she was a little reluctant. She would look really ugly if she got drinks poured on her! It wasn’t like she really wanted the An Shengsheng painting either.

However, a lot of people were clamoring in favor of the raffle. She couldn’t go against that many people, so she chose to keep silent.

Originally, she figured that the probability of getting picked was super low. There’s no way she’d get picked out of all two hundred people. Who would’ve thought… 

Ahhh! Why’d it have to be her!?

When he saw the names on screen, Wei Ximing instinctively turned to look at Lian Feng.

Lian Feng held the painting, Heart, in his hands. He was also very surprised.

Wei Ximing was furious. He figured that this had probably happened because Lian Feng tampered with the system in order to win the first place prize. Otherwise, why would things go wrong!? 

He wanted to question Lian Feng right away. However, now wasn’t the right time, so he held himself back.

The boys who were involved with the raffle also looked at each other in surprise. They weren’t sure what to do next.

“What a surprise!”

In the silent banquet hall, a single person started clapping his hands. He said, “Congratulations to Wei Ximing and Jiang Yao for winning the second place prize.” 

This voice suddenly broke through the silence. Everyone turned their heads to see who was bold enough to say that, and they were met with Wei Mingzheng’s smiling face.

Shu Ning knew that the little villain wasn’t going to lose out, but he hadn’t expected that the villain would get back at Wei Ximing and Jiang Yao. It was really a surprise.

Holding back his laughter, Shu Ning clapped his hands and said, “Congratulations to the two of you! This dance is really amazing! We should thank the students who organized the raffle!”

Wei Ximing and the people around him turned pale. 

Jiang Yao glared at Shu Ning and Wei Mingzheng. The way they were gloating was really annoying! However, what was most annoying was the person who organized this stupid event! After all, the dance was organized by the student council. Which idiot insisted on holding this stupid raffle!?

She definitely wouldn’t let this go!

“I don’t want to!” Jiang Yao immediately said, “I didn’t agree to this raffle just now!”