Shu Ning suddenly recalled the weird feeling coming from his back, so he quickly took a look at the back of his clothes. He hadn’t realized earlier, but he now discovered several roses pinned to the back of his suit!


He suddenly realized what had happened and glared at the villain. “You already knew, didn’t you? How could you not tell me?!”

Shu Ning could overlook it if it was just that, but he even helped the enemy!


If it wasn’t for the little villain dragging him around all over the place, it would’ve been impossible for him not to find out about it!

They had all teamed up against him! 

The little villain had been corrupted by them!

Shu Ning was angry, but, at the same time, the entire situation felt rather laughable. “Aren’t you guys crossing the line?”

“Crossing the line? We’re going to cross the line even further!”

The boys hooped and hollered. Even more boys rushed up to pin their roses onto Shu Ning’s clothes.

Shu Ning was absolutely flabbergasted. He tried to run away, but there were people coming at him from all directions. They trapped him in the middle of a crowd and pinned their roses onto his hair, his clothes, and his pants, all the while laughing.

Soon, he ended up looking just like Zhu Ling. He had completely turned into a rose bush.

After the initial shock, Shu Ning didn’t get super angry or anything. His first reaction was, “Crap. The clothes are going to get damaged. What should I do?”

This was the latest design from WM! The price starts at six figures! 

While he was worrying about his clothes, the boys managed to push him up onto the stage. Shu Ning stood next to Zhu Ling.

The two rose bushes exchanged a look and burst into laughter at the same time. Everyone else at the dance cheered and took pictures, as if they were celebrities.

After choosing the king and queen, the dance finally came to an end.

The dance today was exciting and absurd, but it was incredibly fun to talk about. 

At the end of the dance, Wei Mingzheng stepped forward to help Shu Ning remove all the roses from his clothes. After hesitating for a moment, he cautiously asked, “You aren’t going to get angry, are you?”

Would Shu Ning get angry about how he hid the roses from him? He didn’t know why, but, at that time, he just wanted to play a little joke.

Shu Ning shook his head. “Take them off carefully. Don’t damage the clothes. Hey, can these clothes still be worn anymore?”

Wei Mingzheng: “…” 

Sometimes, Shu Ning’s thinking turned towards unexpected directions.

“Don’t worry about it. Either way, they’ve already completed their task.” Wei Mingzheng’s eyes carried a smile. He reached out to pluck a rose from Shu Ning’s hair.

Beneath the blurry lights of the banquet hall, his smile seemed incomparably gentle.

Shu Ning stared blankly. His heart skipped a beat. 

He hung out with the villain every day, so he had already become immune to his beauty. However, at this moment, the villain had shed all of his frostiness. All that was left was gentleness. He exuded a unique charm, the kind that moved people’s hearts.


The quiet click of a camera shutter was mixed with the cacophony of the banquet hall. The two of them didn’t notice.

Not too far away, several girls gathered to look at the photos. 

In the photo, two figures stood on the dance floor, one in black and one in white. The two of them were looking at each other. Wei Mingzheng had a gentle smile on his face. His eyes were like an endless night sky. They contained a cool breeze, a bright moon, and a blanket full of stars. There was a blue rose in his hand, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Shu Ning was wearing a white suit, blue roses littered across his body. He had a brilliant smile on his face and a small dimple on his right cheek.

The two figures looked at each other.

“Holy crap! This photo is amazing!” 

“God, I’m about to stop breathing!”

“Please send me the photo! I want to print it out for my collection!”

“Ahhh! So beautiful!”

“Quick, send the photo in the group chat for everyone else to see. This isn’t just a ship anymore. This is an armada!” 

“The thing is that they don’t even realize it themselves. Everything they do is super natural. This kind of inexperienced and ignorant vibe is really to my taste!”

“Like a budding flower, innocent and naive, tempted without even knowing it. Ah, I’m drooling.”

“This ‘more than a friend but not quite a lover’ kind of vibe is so heartwarming!”

“Hurry, hurry. I feel like they might get there soon.” 

“We gotta get more material before they figure it out!”

That night, Sai Yao’s school forum was unbelievably lively.

The events that occurred at the dance quickly spread throughout the school. Wei Ximing exposing himself wasn’t even the most discussed topic. The hottest topic on the forum was the male queen and the female king.

Before the dance, everyone had assumed that the king and queen selected would end up being Wei Ximing and Jiang Yao. The dance would also end up becoming one big love fest for the two of them. No one had expected something like this. The world truly worked in mysterious ways. 

Wei Ximing had actually created the raffle for the sake of fucking Wei Mingzheng over. However, the person he fucked over was himself.

Jiang Yao also ended up leaving the dance halfways through.

In the end, the King of the Ball turned out to be Zhu Ling, and the Queen of the Ball became Shu Ning!

Hahaha! It was all so weird yet so convincing! Hahaha! 

Ktf raevfcar kfgf tjnlcu jii xlcvr bo tfjafv vlrmerrlbcr.

Snfgsbcf kjr rtjglcu atf nlvfb bo Qfl Wlwlcu’r vgecxfc ogfchs, jr kfii jr atf qtbabr bo Ite Olcu jcv Vte Rlcu.

Ds atf alwf Qfl Wlwlcu tjv rbyfgfv eq, la kjr jigfjvs atf cfza vjs. Qtfc tf uba atf cfkr jybea atf obgew, tf delmxis lrrefv j rajafwfca rjslcu atja tf kjr vgecx jcv kjr rqfjxlcu cbcrfcrf sfrafgvjs. Lf mijlwfv atja atf gjooif tjv yffc mbwqifafis ojlg jcv atja la vlv cba rqfmlolmjiis ajgufa jcsbcf.

However, just as he posted the statement, something else happened. 

An anonymous post leaked the chat records between him and Lian Feng. The chat records clearly showed that Wei Ximing and Lian Feng worked together to fix the raffle. The first place winners were random, but the second place winners were set to be Shu Ning and Wei Mingzheng. It was clearly intended to target Wei Mingzheng.

The chat records were ironclad evidence. There was no way to refute it.

Besides Wei Ximing and Lian Feng, several other members of the student council also participated.

The video of Wei Ximing’s drunken rage had already spread throughout the entire school. It was already pretty damning. Now, the chat records had pretty much completely sentenced him to death. 

In the past, it was rumored that Wei Mingzheng was targeting Wei Ximing. People said that Wei Mingzheng forced him to live at his grandmother’s house. Wei Mingzheng had never tried to explain himself, but it was now being revealed that Wei Ximing had set up a trap to target Wei Mingzheng.

It was hard to say exactly who was targeting who!

However, the one thing everyone could be sure of was that the rumor about Wei Ximing being targeted by Wei Mingzheng was just that, a rumor. There wasn’t any evidence. Wei Mingzheng was set up by Wei Ximing. This had not one but two pieces of evidence backing it up!

The first piece of evidence was Wei Ximing’s own confession. The second piece of evidence was Lian Feng’s chat records. 

Wei Ximing couldn’t wash this away even if he wanted to.

His supporters racked their brains to try and find a way to dispute it. They claimed that the chat records were photoshopped, that it was fake. However, they couldn’t do anything about the video.

The evidence was as solid as a mountain. It was clear what the truth was.

Wei Ximing was also aware of this, so he stopped trying to explain himself and remained silent. 

Still, that didn’t prevent him from being absolutely outraged.

Wei Mingzheng was clearly supposed to become the laughingstock. Wei Mingzheng should’ve been the one to get drinks poured on him. Wei Ximing and Jiang Yao were supposed to be awarded the title of King and Queen of the Ball. They were supposed to become the center of everyone’s attention! He hadn’t expected things to go haywire like this!

Wei Ximing would never blame himself. After thinking about it for a bit, he blamed Lian Feng.

In the student council room, Wei Ximing berated the pale-faced Lian Feng, “Lian Feng, I didn’t expect you to do this to me!” 

The screenshots from the anonymous forum post showed that the person who took the screenshots was Lian Feng. Even if it wasn’t Lian Feng himself, it was still leaked from Lian Feng’s end.

Lian Feng knew how to code. That’s why he was put in charge of programming the raffle. Now, he not only screwed up, but he also put Wei Ximing in a precarious position.

Wei Ximing was extremely angry. The other three people who were revealed to have been involved also shot suspicious glances in Lian Feng’s direction.

Wei Ximing walked out from behind the round table and slowly approached Lian Feng. He gloomily spat out the question that he had been brooding over, “Have you been bribed by Wei Mingzheng to come and mess with me?” 

He had thought of this possibility as soon as the raffle went haywire. The more he thought about it, the more probable it seemed.

Lian Feng was shocked. He quickly shook his head. “No! I didn’t! President, you should know what kind of person I am by now!”

“The kind of person you are?” Wei Ximing sneered, “You’re just a dog who got close to me for the sake of power. You’re looking down on me because I’m not actually related to the Wei family, right? You’ve joined hands with Wei Mingzheng, haven’t you?”

Lian Feng hadn’t expected him to think this way at all. He was very upset and tried to explain, “No! Ximing, we’re friends! I would never betray you!” 

Wei Ximing pointed a finger at Lian Feng’s nose. “In middle school, didn’t you give me the cold shoulder all because of a stupid dog? You never listened to me to begin with. Plus, there was that incident with the camera and that incident in Anning. You’ve been unhappy with me for a long fucking time, isn’t that right? Once you found out that I’m not actually the Wei family’s son, you started looking down on me even more, right?”

Lian Feng was stunned. The three incidents that Wei Ximing brought up all happened a long time ago. Lian Feng thought that they had already moved past all of that, but it turned out that Wei Ximing had been holding a grudge over it all this time. He even came to the conclusion that Lian Feng was dissatisfied with him.

“You really think I don’t know that you’re thinking?” Wei Ximing glared at him darkly. “You only got close to me because of my status and identity. Friends? Heh, if you were really my friend, you wouldn’t have done such a thing!”

In the face of Wei Ximing’s angry interrogation, Lian Feng suddenly recalled what the two boys had said to him at the dance. “Lian Feng, you’re well-off and you’re smart, so why are you acting just as brainless as the others? How come you keep running around as Wei Ximing’s little underling? Did he put some voodoo magic on you or something?” 

He also wanted to ask himself this. Why did he follow after Wei Ximing like a madman?

Wei Ximing had never actually believed in him. He was also a victim, but Wei Ximing kept insisting that he betrayed him.

Lian Feng hated the person who had fucked him over, but he was also deeply disappointed with Wei Ximing.

He calmed down. He looked around at the people around him and said, “I didn’t make the changes to the system, and I didn’t publish the chat records. I don’t care if you believe me or not! The laptop was in the student council room the whole time. Anyone could’ve accessed it, and my phone could’ve been hacked…” 

However, his defense was feeble and weak. No one believed him.

Wei Ximing slammed his fist on the table and shouted, “It’s already come to this, yet you’re still fucking arguing!”

“I’m not arguing.” Lian Feng said through gritted teeth, “The computer was placed in the student council room. Later, it was moved to the stage. A lot of people could’ve come in contact with it. It’s most likely to be one of our people. Why are you insisting that it was me? ?”

Wei Ximing laughed out of anger. “It wasn’t you?” 

The other members of the student council were afraid that the blame would fall on them, so they quickly replied, “Lian Feng, this is where you’re wrong. You were the one who used the laptop the most, and you were in charge of keeping it safe. Even if someone accessed it, who could’ve possibly changed the software in such a short amount of time?

“Yeah! Are you trying to say there’s someone here even better at programming than you, Lian Feng? If we were able to program at the same level as you, what would we still need you for?”

“We’re all friends here. You shouldn’t go around blaming others.”

Lian Feng’s face turned red. “It wasn’t me!” 

“Things are already like this, yet you’re still denying it.” Everyone shook their heads and sighed. “You should just own up to your mistakes. Maybe the president will forgive you.”

The student council members had ganged up on others before, and Lian Feng had been among them. Now that it was his turn, he finally understood just how suffocating it was to be accused of something you didn’t do.

Everyone was pressuring him to admit to it, and Wei Ximing also believed that it was him who had done it. There was nothing Lian Feng could do to clear things up, so he said to Wei Ximing, “President, I was wrong. From now on…”

“There won’t be any ‘from now on’!” Wei Ximing pressed, “You admit that it was you?” 

Lian Feng was stunned. He quickly shook his head. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“You already admitted to it!” Wei Ximing sneered. His eyes were as sharp as knives, and his voice was firm.


Wei Ximing said coldly, “Get out of my sight. Stick with Wei Mingzheng from now on. You better prepare yourself for what’s coming next.” 

His voice was cold and harsh. There was absolutely no room for discussion.

Lian Feng wanted to say something else, but Wei Ximing wouldn’t have it. He waved his hand, and two boys beside him pushed Lian Feng out of the student council room.

The student council room door shut with a bang.

Lian Feng stood in front of the student council room door, shell-shocked. 

In the past, Lian Feng thought that Wei Ximing was direct and straightforward. He thought that Wei Ximing was a man of great achievements. However, Lian Feng was now discovering that he wasn’t direct or straightforward at all! He was just arrogant and impulsive!

Lian Feng clenched his fists and turned to leave the student council room.

He knew that he and Wei Ximing were completely finished.

As a traitor to the student council, his fate looked very bleak. He was definitely going to suffer the revenge of Wei Ximing’s supporters. 

Sure enough, his books were shredded the next day. When he went to the cafeteria, no one would share a table with him. While he was walking, someone stretched out their leg and tripped him. His face was bruised black and blue. He even broke his glasses.

Laughter roared all around him.

Wei Ximing was the king of Sai Yao. Whoever got on his bad side was done for. Before, there were two students who were bullied so badly that they ended up dropping out.

At this moment, Lian Feng hated Wei Ximing to death. 

“Are you all right?”

A familiar voice rang out above his head.

Lian Feng looked up and saw Wei Mingzheng’s beautiful and indifferent face.

Wei Mingzheng helped him up, pulled out a tissue, and handed it to him. 

Lian Feng got back onto his feet. He was startled, confused, and ashamed.

“Why are you helping me?” Lian Feng asked as he accepted the tissue.

Shu Ning walked over and was stunned to see Lian Feng’s miserable appearance. When he saw the gloating expressions on everyone’s faces, he instantly realized what had happened. Lian Feng was being dealt with.

As everyone knows, The Big Shot’s Sweetheart was an exaggerated romance novel about a CEO. The first half of the story described their school life, and the second half of the story described the intricacies between wealthy families. 

It was inevitable for any campus romance novel to have something like F4, G3, so one and so forth. The male leads were usually the domineering princely type.

Wei Ximing was no exception.

His character type was someone of noble birth. At school, he was the law. If he didn’t like someone, it meant that everyone was free to bully this person.

When Shu Ning saw Lian Feng’s miserable appearance, he suddenly remembered this chuuni world setting. 

However, a lot of girls tend to find this kind of male lead attractive. After all, a male lead like that is wealthy and powerful. He’s more than capable of granting your every desire. A man like that’s so cool, so amazing…

Now that this “cool and amazing” plot had become a reality, Shu Ning wanted nothing more than to just slap the male lead a couple of times.

Although, since the person it happened to was Lian Feng, Shu Ning didn’t feel quite as sympathetic anymore.

Wei Mingzheng said to Lian Feng, “I want to know what happened.” 

Lian Feng had caused quite a commotion when he fell down. Now that Wei Mingzheng had appeared, they attracted even more attention. Everyone’s eyes were focused on the two of them.

Lian Feng wiped a few rice grains off his face with a tissue. “There isn’t really anything to say.”

Lian Feng’s glasses were broken. He squinted a bit. He couldn’t see very clearly.

Wei Mingzheng seemed to have noticed this and said, “I’ll help you get a new pair of glasses.” 

Lian Feng was caught off guard by this. He quietly said, “Thank you.”

He never would’ve imagined that the person to come to his aid would be Wei Mingzheng. He had helped Wei Ximing mess with Wei Mingzheng, yet Wei Ximing turned against him and bullied him. Meanwhile, Wei Mingzheng was the one to help him out of a difficult situation.

When he compared the two, Lian Feng felt even more worthless.

“Wow! It turns out he really was Wei Mingzheng’s dog!” While they were talking, one of the boys in the cafeteria started insinuating things. 

Lian Feng was furious. He clenched his fists and resisted the urge to curse him out.

Fine! Since they all seem to think that I’m working for Wei Mingxheng, then I might as well go ahead and work for him!

Wei Mingzheng shot the boy with a cold glare. A shiver suddenly ran up his back. He didn’t dare say anything else.

“Let’s go.” Wei Mingzheng left the cafeteria with Lian Feng, and Shu Ning followed behind them. 

After leaving the cafeteria, Wei Mingzheng called for a car, and the three of them headed to a nearby optician to get new glasses.

Once he put on the glasses, Lian Feng’s emotions finally settled down.

After leaving the optician’s, Lian Feng took a deep breath. He said to Wei Mingzheng and Shu Ning, “I know what you guys want to ask. Everything the post said was true. Wei Ximing hates you. He secretly spread rumors about you. He also designed the raffle in order to target you.”

Wei Mingzheng stared at him. 

Lian Feng smiled bitterly and said, “You already know about everything that happened afterwards. There was an error with the computer, and Wei Ximing ended up exposing himself. Someone hacked into my phone to steal the chat history. Wei Ximing thought that I betrayed him and kicked me out of the student council. He even encouraged his followers to teach me a lesson.”

Shu Ning was speechless. “It’s that bad?”

He couldn’t help but glance at the little villain.

Lian Feng’s current situation was all due to the person in front of him. 

Wei Mingzheng pretended that he was learning all of this for the first time. “So, you’re also one of the people who targeted me?”

Embarrassed, Lian Feng looked away. “It was because of Wei Ximing. I don’t have any grudges against you. Why would I try to mess with you if not for him? Although, I’m never going to help him ever again.”

Wei Mingzheng nodded. “That’s good.”

Lian Feng gritted his teeth. “I won’t help him. I’ll help you.” 

“Ah?” Shu Ning’s chin almost fell off. What was going on? Wei Ximing’s underling didn’t just betray him. He was also trying to join hands with Wei Mingzheng.

Wei Mingzheng was also quite confused. “Why do you want to help me?”

Lian Feng said, “All of them assumed that I was bribed. They didn’t even give me a chance to explain myself. Hehe. Since they’re so sure that this is the case, I’m naturally going to give them what they want!”

Shu Ning: “…” 

Bro. Did you know that the guy in front of you is the reason you’re even in this position right now?

Do you still want to help him?

Shu Ning’s eyes twitched. He couldn’t help but glance at the little villain.

After plastering a surprised expression onto his face, Wei Mingzheng shook his head. “Forget it. I don’t need it.” 

Shu Ning carefully observed his expression. He was trying to determine whether his surprise was real or fake, but he simply couldn’t tell.

Lian Feng said, “I know you don’t believe me. It doesn’t matter. I’ll prove myself to you.”

Wei Mingzheng hesitated for a moment. Then, he sighed. “Why me…”

Lian Feng said, “Back then, it was my father who wanted me to become friends with Wei Ximing. He was interested in the Wei family’s power. Later, I started to sincerely regard him as a friend. Everything I did was for his sake, but he never actually took any of it to heart. He still hasn’t let go of things that happened years ago, and he likes to hold grudges. The reason all of this has happened to me is because I was framed, but, more importantly, it’s because he didn’t trust me to begin with. He wouldn’t even give me a chance.” 

“You’re also the young master of the Wei family. If I befriend you, I’ll be able to give my family an explanation. Besides, Wei Ximing already thinks that I’m working for you. Even if I don’t befriend you, it won’t stop others from thinking this way. I’m just going along with the flow.”

“Young Master Mingzheng, everything that I’ve said to you today is from the heart. I will do my best to help you from now on. You don’t need to treat me like a friend. If you think I’ve done a good job, please give my family a hand if the opportunity arises. If you don’t think I’ve done a good job, then just forget about it.”

“I know that you don’t trust me. I apologize for going after you. In order to make up for my mistakes, I’ll show you something good within the next two days.”

Lian Feng’s words had already laid everything out on the table. 

Shu Ning understood what he was thinking, but he still felt like this guy had misunderstood something. He asked, “What if Mingzheng’s just like Wei Ximing?”

He didn’t want to sell out the villain. He wasn’t going to tell Lian Feng that the culprit behind all of this was this guy right here. All he could do was give him a vague hint.

How should he say this? It wasn’t very appropriate to take Lian Feng in. It was a little awkward, and the villain probably wouldn’t take him in as a follower either.

It would be best not to have anything to do with each other. 

However, Lian Feng responded, “I believe in Young Master Mingzheng’s character!”

Shu Ning: “…”

Shu Ning: “Huh?”

Lian Feng said, “Wei Ximing’s been spreading all kinds of bad rumors about Young Master Mingzheng, yet Young Master Mingzheng never caused Wei Ximing any trouble. He was unruffled by the rumors and let it all slide off his back. I helped Wei Ximing harm Young Master Mingzheng, yet Young Master Mingzheng was able to look past all of that and help me…” 

The more Lian Feng spoke, the more moved he became. “Young Master Mingzheng is a good person! Working for him is definitely the right decision!”

Shu Ning: “…”

He moved his lips but didn’t end up saying anything.

Mingzheng was obviously a good person, but, if he wanted to be bad, he definitely wouldn’t show any mercy. 

Wei Mingzheng also seemed a little moved. “But, I can’t give you anything.”

Lian Feng said, “I’m doing this voluntarily. I don’t need Young Master Mingzheng to give me anything.”

Wei Mingzheng curled his lips into a smile. “Thank you for that.”

“Young Master Mingzheng, don’t worry. I’ll help you deal with Wei Ximing!” After Lian Feng finished speaking, he turned around and hurried away. 

Shu Ning: “…”

Shu Ning witnessed this entire process from start to finish. After thinking for a moment, he turned towards the villain. “You did that on purpose, right?”

Wei Mingzheng didn’t hide it from him. He nodded. “I did approach him on purpose. I was just trying to get a few words out of him, but I didn’t expect him to be… so proactive.”

Shu Ning felt a little complicated. “Do you really want to accept him as a follower of yours?” 

Wei Mingzheng shrugged. “He sent himself onto my doorstep. Either way, it’s not like I’m going to be paying him wages.”

That was true. From start to finish, the villain never promised Lian Feng anything. Everything was Lian Feng’s own choice.

“Let’s see what it is he has to show us.” After saying this, Wei Mingzheng said to Shu Ning, “If you don’t like it, I won’t associate with him.”

Shu Ning replied, “I don’t really have an opinion on it.” 

If the villain was able to take Lian Feng under his wing, it would be a huge insult to Wei Ximing. Think about it. The little villain was actually able to snatch the male lead’s henchman and convert him into his own. This kind of plot would be pretty refreshing.

Anyway, Shu Ning already gave Lian Feng a hint. He had already done as much as he could. Whatever happened afterwards was none of his business.

The villain’s tactics were becoming more and more meticulous. This raffle debacle not only damaged Wei Ximing’s reputation but also turned Wei Ximing’s subordinate against him. Jiang Yao probably wasn’t very happy with him either.

It was three birds with one stone. 

So villainous!