Zhou Juan’s sharp voice echoed out from the phone. “Wei Ximing, you ungrateful prick! You actually sent people to kick me out?!”

Wei Ximing hated Zhou Juan to death. He sneered, “What, did you expect me to keep you around for the holidays? Do you really think that you can keep leeching off of me just because you gave birth to me? Let me make things clear. That house is mine! If I tell you to fuck off, you’re going to have to fuck off!” 

Zhou Juan screamed, “Wei Ximing, I’m your biological mother!”

Wei Ximing said indifferently, “I don’t have a mother like you, and you never raised me. If you had even the slightest bit of shame, you wouldn’t have come to find me.”

Zhou Juan was full of grief and indignation. She said, “Wei Ximing, you’re such an ungrateful bastard! If I hadn’t switched the children, would you be able to live like you are now? Would you live in a luxury house and drive a luxury car? Would you be able to look down on everyone else from your stupid pedestal? Everything you have is because of me! You can’t drive me away!”

Wei Ximing hated listening to this the most. “Zhou Juan, listen carefully. I’m living the way I am now because of fate. It has nothing to do with you. My identity’s been revealed, but I’m still able to remain in the Wei family. That was because of me. What did you do besides giving birth to me? To be honest, I wish you hadn’t.” 

“Wei Ximing!” Zhou Juan roared.

Wei Ximing sneered, “Get lost! My identity has already been revealed, so you can forget about using that to threaten me.”

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

When he thought about how Zhou Juan would soon be homeless, Wei Ximing finally seemed to find an outlet for the anger from before.

Zhou Juan was no longer a threat. He wouldn’t be held back by anyone anymore!

Madam Wei was now a lost cause. He just needed to get through this difficult period and maintain a firm grasp on Li Yongna and Jiang Yao. Then, he would be unbeatable.

Wei Ximing had hung up on Zhou Juan, but Zhou Juan kept calling back again and again.

Wei Ximing no longer took her seriously, so he blocked Zhou Juan’s phone number. She could jump around as much as she liked. 

On some random street, Zhou Juan continued to call over and over again. When she finally realized that the other party wasn’t going to pick up, a deep sense of despair rose up in her heart.

The most unfortunate thing in life was to lose hope just as soon as you got it.

Her million-dollar wedding expenses were gone. Her boyfriend had also left her. Now, she had been kicked out of her house and had nowhere to go. It reminded her of the time she was kicked out of her hometown when she was unmarried and pregnant. It reminded her of the time she was kicked out again because of Yin Qiang. It reminded her of how she was unable to stay in Chuzhou…

Now, she ended up getting kicked out again! 

Why? Why did she have to be driven away and trampled on time and time again? Furthermore, why was it always the people closest to her who were doing the trampling?

Zhou Juan’s eyes were bloodshot, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Her biological parents chased her away, and her biological son chased her away as well!

Looking back on her life, the only person who gave her warmth and cared for her was Yin Mingzheng! 

Oh, Mingzheng! Her Mingzheng! What a well-behaved child! He had now become the young master of the Wei family. Whenever she thought of him, Zhou Juan would feel incredibly ashamed and uncomfortable.

Naturally, she couldn’t go looking for Yin Mingzheng. No, he should be called Wei Mingzheng now.

She wasn’t that shameless.

After experiencing all these setbacks, she realized for the first time that the person she was the most sorry towards was Wei Mingzheng. For more than ten years, it was Mingzheng who had helped her cook, clean, sweep, and more. He did his best to reduce the burden on her. He protected her and comforted her whenever Yin Qiang was out of control… 

She couldn’t keep thinking about it. Whenever Zhou Juan thought about the past, she couldn’t keep herself from shedding tears.

In the past, she was able to somewhat comfort herself. Once she reconnects with her biological son, she would finally live a happy life. However, after the past two years, she had completely given up. Even if she wanted to return to the way things were before, Mingzheng wasn’t there anymore.

She knew that he had become the young master of the Wei family. He should be living a better life now, so her heart was content.

But, what about herself? 

Zhou Juan squatted on the side of the road. She was crying so hard that others were starting to give her strange looks.

Soon, a group of people gathered around her. They were pointing and whispering. Some of them were even taking videos.

Their indifference made Zhou Juan even more upset.

Was there not a single good person in this world!? 

Damn it!

Damn it all!

A strong desire for revenge swelled up in her chest.

“Excuse me. Ma’am, did something happen?” A person walked over to her and asked with concern. 

Zhou Juan raised her tear-streaked face and saw a well-dressed woman standing before her. She was wearing a red suit, and she had her hair down. She was about thirty years old and had a worried expression on her face. From the looks of it, she seemed to be a career woman.

When she asked Zhou Juan this question, Zhou Juan’s heart became even more sour. She cried once more, “I was kicked out by my own son! He’s an ungrateful prick who won’t even support his own mother!”

The woman was taken aback. “Something like that happened?”

“It’s true! I sacrificed everything for the sake of my son, but he refused to support me! He drove me out of the house! That damn ingrate!” Zhou Juan wailed. 

The woman said angrily, “How awful!”

Zhou Juan sobbed, “I’m homeless now, and I don’t have much money on me!”

Originally, she had extorted a lot of money from Wei Ximing. However, in order to find a man, she spent a lot of it at the matchmaker’s association. She was also tricked by her boyfriend. As a result, she now had no money left.

“You don’t have anywhere to go?” 

Zhou Juan burst into tears. “No! Where could I possibly go?”

The woman thought about it for a moment. Then, she said, “It must’ve been difficult. Since you’re having a hard time, why don’t you stay at my place for a couple of days.”

Zhou Juan looked up in surprise. There were still tears in her eyes. She asked, “Really?”

The woman replied, “If someone’s in trouble, it’s our duty to help.” 

Zhou Juan had been at the end of her rope when she met this good samaritan. She almost wanted to kneel down at the woman’s feet. “Thank you so much! You really are a saint!”

The woman’s red lips curved into a smile. She helped Zhou Juan up. “No need to thank me. We’re both women after all. We should look out for each other.”

Zhou Juan expressed her thanks. “May I ask for your surname?”

The woman smiled and said, “My last name is Liu, and my first name is Hong. You can just call me Xiao Liu.” 

“Miss Liu! M-my surname is Zhou, and my full name is Zhou Juan.” Zhou Juan tearfully introduced herself.

“Mrs. Zhou, there’s no mountain that we can’t climb. Come with me,” Liu Hong said softly. “There’s a solution to everything. Tell me about your son. Maybe I can give you an idea or two.”

“Thank you, Miss Liu!” Zhou Juan was incredibly grateful to Liu Hong. She hurriedly picked up her stuff from the ground and followed Liu Hong to a car parked nearby.

Vte Rlcu jcv Qfl Zlcuhtfcu kfgf kjlalcu lc jc jlgqbga ibecuf. Ktfs ybeuta atflg almxfar ja atf jlgqbga lcrafjv bo gfrfgnlcu atfw bcilcf. Ktf almxfar atfs ybeuta kfgf obg gfv-fsf oilutar, rb atfs tjv ab kjla obg j ofk tbegr. 

Mbgaecjafis, agjnfi rfjrbc tjvc’a gfjmtfv lar qfjx sfa. Yatfgklrf, la kbeiv’nf yffc lwqbrrlyif ab ufa j almxfa.

Shu Ning wandered around the lounge for a bit, a little bored. “The airport in Beijing is so big!”

Wei Mingzheng sat on the sofa, resting his head in his hands. “Yeah.”

His phone suddenly vibrated. Wei Mingzheng looked down. 

Liu Hong: [Boss, I’ve made contact with Zhou Juan.]

Wei Mingzheng raised an eyebrow. Then, he typed: [Where is she?]

Liu Hong: [Wei Ximing kicked her out, so she is now in my apartment.]

Wei Mingzheng smiled. [Take good care of her.] 

Liu Hong: [Don’t worry, Boss. I’ll be taking good care of her.]

When Shu Ning noticed him typing away, he casually asked, “Who are you chatting with?”

Wei Mingzheng put his phone away. “One of my subordinates.”

Shu Ning said, “Ahh. Is it Liu Hong, or is it Zhang Wei?” 

While they were still in Chuzhou, Wei Mingzheng had opened an investment company under Cai Qin’s name. He hired these two people to manage his assets for him. At the same time, he used the company’s name to work on a few other projects.

Wei Mingzheng replied, “Liu Hong.”

Shu Ning stopped sticking his nose in the villain’s business. He knew his place, and he never interfered with the villain’s business affairs. His experience in his past life told him that, once money and business were involved, anyone could turn against anybody. He didn’t want to have that kind of problem with the villain.

Shu Ning didn’t care too much about business. Instead, he changed the subject. “Speaking of which, we’re not going to be able to see whatever Lian Feng has prepared.” 

Lian Feng said that he would show them something good. There was sure to be some action in the near future.

Wei Mingzheng patted the seat next to him, signaling Shu Ning to sit. “Wouldn’t it be more convenient for them to act now that we’re gone?”

Shu Ning blanked. He felt that the little villain seemed to have something to say.

“Alright, enough thinking. We’re going home soon. Don’t worry so much.” 

Shu Ning was suddenly full of anticipation. He figured the villain was right, so he sat next to the villain and said, “Sigh. There’s still a lot of time left. Let’s watch a movie.”


The two of them comfortably watched a movie. Then, they ate dinner and left Beijing by plane.

However, as soon as they left, Sai Yao International High School and the Wei family were both turned upside down by their departure. 

On Monday, Lian Feng suddenly posted onto the school forum under his own name, exposing all the scandalous things that Wei Ximing had done. It included engaging in under-the-table manipulations, fixing the results in speech contests, and spreading rumors about Wei Mingzheng.

Each and every one of them was a bombshell accusation.

The most explosive issue of them all was about Jiang Yao’s run-in with gangsters. Lian Feng revealed that Wei Ximing’s heroic rescue was actually a carefully planned stunt! Those gangsters had all been placed there by Wei Ximing in advance!

New issues kept popping up one after another. Sai Yao instantly started boiling over. 

That wasn’t all. Soon after, Grade 10 Class 1 started saying that, after Wei Ximing was exposed, he ran over to the main branch of the family and caused a huge fuss, forcing Wei Mingzheng to leave.

One of the students described it in great detail. Basically, Wei Mingzheng and Shu Ning hadn’t come to school because Wei Ximing went over to the main branch to weep and wail. He wanted Madam Wei to force Wei Mingzheng to forgive him. Wei Mingzheng didn’t agree and got into a fight with Madam Wei. As a result, he left home out of anger.

They weren’t clear about exactly what had happened, but Wei Mingzheng and Shu Ning did, in fact, leave. This pretty much explained everything.

At this point, the truth had finally surfaced. 

When Wei Mingzheng returned to the Wei family, Wei Ximing was jealous, so he moved in with his grandmother of his own accord. However, he kept spreading rumors about how he was forced away. He also spread rumors about how Wei Mingzheng was petty and narrow-minded. He tried to smear Wei Mingzheng’s name in any way he could.

He even tried to embarrass Wei Mingzheng through the raffle at the dance.

However, he ended up shooting himself in the foot.

He didn’t blame himself for doing something wrong. Instead, he blamed Lian Feng for messing things up. The two got into an argument, so Lian Feng, in a fit of rage, decided to expose everything that he had done. 

The under-the-table manipulations, the speech contests, this was all shocking enough. However, even his heroic rescue was fake!

Back then, Wei Mingzheng had yet to return to the Wei family, yet Wei Ximing had already done something so sinister. It was completely within reason that he would be able to do all these horrible things to Wei Mingzheng as well!

This person’s character must’ve had problems since a long time ago! He was just a bad person down to his very core!

Once all of the evidence was linked together, public opinion quickly turned against Wei Ximing. It was one piece of evidence after another. Wei Ximing was pretty much hammered to death on the school forum. 

Wei Ximing heard the news, so he opened the forum. When he saw Lian Feng’s allegations, he started shaking with anger.

He really hadn’t expected Lian Feng to help Wei Mingzheng like this!

He thought that Lian Feng was just a lowly dog. Even if he kicked him around, the only thing Lian Feng would be able to do is shut up and take it, just like all the people he had bullied before.

Who would possibly have the guts to fight back against him? Did they not want to live anymore? 

He really hadn’t expected this…

Wei Ximing felt this burning sense of anxiety in the pit of his stomach. It was as if every bad thing in the world had happened at the exact same time. He was running in circles, trying to salvage the situation.

Everything used to be smooth sailing before. He’d never been this unlucky in his life. Everything changed once Wei Mingzheng returned…

How nice would it be if Wei Mingzheng didn’t come back! 

Wei Ximing sincerely hoped that Wei Mingzheng would never return.

Lian Feng’s post not only stated the facts, but it also attached evidence. It was simply impossible to refute.

Now that things had become like this, most of his followers started to distance themselves from Wei Ximing. Even Wei Ruoyang began to avoid him.

The higher you climb, the harder you fall! 

Wei Ximing didn’t even want to go to school anymore. He really didn’t have the nerve to go. So, he decided to apply for sick leave and stay at home.

He figured that, since his high school reputation was already ruined, he might as well forget about it. He simply needed to grab a hold of the most important things.

Li Yongna. Jiang Yao.

Because Wei Ximing had bullied Wei Mingzheng at school, Madam Wei started paying special attention to everything that happened at Sai Yao. Very quickly, she learned about Lian Feng’s exposé. She was completely shocked. 

In her eyes, Wei Ximing had always been an excellent and outstanding son. He had won various awards, he had excellent grades, and he had a sweet and personable demeanor.

However, it was now revealed that he had used his position as student council president to control competition results.

In that case, were his awards and honors even real? Or were they fake?

She recalled what Hu Mei had told her. Wei Ximing had two different faces, one he wore in front of the Wei family and one he wore in front of others. 

Madam Wei was now completely convinced that Wei Ximing had gone bad a long time ago. He wasn’t who she had imagined him to be at all.

After knowing the truth, Madam Wei was both sad and relieved. She could finally abandon Wei Ximing without regrets.

By the time Shu Ning and Wei Mingzheng reached Chuzhou, it was already midnight.

The two of them were afraid that Cai Qin and Shu Jun would wait for them late into the night, so they didn’t tell them that they were coming home. The two of them secretly unlocked the front door and quietly entered the villa. 

They left their suitcases in the living room on the first floor. The two of them were incredibly tired. They ran up to their rooms on the second floor only to find that their pillows and blankets had all been stored away.

It was the middle of the night. They were really too tired to tidy up both of their rooms, and they didn’t want to wake up the rest of the family. So, the two of them stayed in Shu Ning’s room. They pulled out a random blanket and threw it onto the bed. Then, they changed into their pajamas and laid down to sleep.

The two of them were so tired that they fell asleep the moment their heads touched the bed.

Early the next morning, Wei Mingzheng heard a commotion outside their bedroom. 

“There are two suitcases downstairs!”

“Someone got inside last night!”

He turned his head to look at Shu Ning. Shu Ning was sprawled across the bed. He had one leg pressed against Wei Mingzheng’s waist, snoring away.

Wei Mingzheng slept with him a lot, so he already knew about his habits. This guy was the easy-going type. If he fell asleep, nothing would be able to wake him. Even if someone picked him up and threw him on the ground, he’d probably just roll over and go back to sleep. 

He was probably really tired last night.

When he thought about how Shu Ning was dragged all the way back here in the middle of the night because of his own reasons, Wei Mingzheng couldn’t help but gently touch his face. He pulled the blanket up to cover him. Then, he quietly got out of bed and opened the door.


Cai Qin and Shu Jun were stunned to see him. 

“We just got back last night. We want to sleep for a bit longer,” Wei Mingzheng whispered.

Shu Yang toddled over and called out, “Mingzheng gege…”

Wei Mingzheng walked over and patted his head. “Shu Yang, be good.”

Cai Qin picked up Shu Yang. “Yang Yang, don’t disturb Mingzheng gege. Mingzheng gege is very tired. He has to sleep.” 

Shu Yang bit his finger and asked, “Where’s my brother?”

When he saw his cute and innocent appearance, Wei Mingzheng couldn’t help but laugh. He said, “He’s in his room. He’ll come see you later.”

Cai Qin admonished him, “How come you didn’t tell us you were coming back? We could’ve gone to pick you up!”

Wei Mingzheng replied, “The reason we didn’t say anything is because we didn’t want to bother you guys so late at night.” 

Shu Jun didn’t approve. “The two of you are still children. You should pay attention to safety.”

Wei Mingzheng felt warm in his heart. “We’re not kids anymore. We know how to protect ourselves.”

Cai Qin said, “Don’t start thinking that you’re all that just because you’re smart. In front of us, you’re always going to be a child!”

“Yes, yes, yes. You’re right, Aunt Cai.” Wei Mingzheng smiled. 

“Hurry up and go back to sleep. You can have breakfast once you wake up,” Cai Qin said.

Shu Jun said, “It’ll probably be lunchtime by then.”

Wei Mingzheng enjoyed this natural, comfortable atmosphere. He waved at them. Then, he quietly returned to the bedroom and quietly climbed into bed.

Shu Ning felt him move and dazedly opened his eyes. “What time is it?” 

“It’s still early. Go to sleep,” Wei Mingzheng coaxed.

Shu Ning hummed and continued to sleep. He was really sleepy.

Wei Mingzheng also closed his eyes and went to sleep.

By the time they woke up, it was noon, just as Papa Shu had predicted. 

The two washed up and went downstairs. Their suitcases had already been put away by the housekeeper.

Cai Qin was feeding Shu Yang fruit. When she saw the two of them come downstairs, she asked, “You’re up?”

It was an ordinary sentence that they had heard countless times before, but it made Wei Mingzheng and Shu Ning feel as if they had been worlds away from each other.

Here, there weren’t any pretentious relatives, there weren’t any schemes, and there was no Wei Ximing. The clothes on their bodies were ordinary clothes that only cost a couple hundred yuan or even a couple dozen yuan. The slippers on their feet were twelve yuan per pair. They were fuzzy slippers that Cai Qin had bought from the wholesale market. No one was wearing makeup. No one was dressed up. 

Everything was very ordinary.

Yet, Shu Ning and Wei Mingzheng felt incomparably warm and comfortable.

“Cai Cai! Dad!” Shu Ning cheered. He ran over to Cai Qin’s side to rub his face on her.

Cai Qin chided him, “Be careful with my bowl!” 

Shu Ning hurriedly stepped aside. “Mom, I was finally able to make a trip home. How can you use this kind of attitude towards me?”

Cai Qin put the fruit bowl on the coffee table and raised an eyebrow. “What kind of attitude do you want from me?”

Shu Ning pitifully said, “You should say something like ‘Baby, you’re home’ or ‘Mom misses you so much’.”

“Keep dreaming.” 

Shu Ning giggled and ran over to Shu Jun.

Shu Jun laughed heartily. “It’s good that you’re back.”

“Go wash your hands and eat,” Cai Qin ordered.

“Okay!” The two of them obediently went to wash their hands. 

“Brother, hug.”

Once they were back in the living room, Shu Yang opened his arms and waddled towards the two of them.

Shu Ning felt like his heart was about to melt. He stepped forward and hugged his little brother. Then, he smacked several kisses onto his cheeks. Shu Yang was drowned in kisses and started to furrow his little eyebrows. “Drool… drool…”

Shu Ning viciously and ruthlessly kissed his rosy little face. “I’m going to keep drooling on you! Muah~” 

Shu Yang shouted, “Brother’s bad! I want Mingzheng gege!”

Wei Mingzheng then walked over with a smile and picked Shu Yang up.

Shu Ning said sourly, “You know, your real brother is me.”

“I don’t want you. I want Mingzheng gege…” Shu Yang said as he lay in Wei Mingzheng’s arms. 

Shu Ning instantly took ten thousand points of damage.

Wei Mingzheng couldn’t help but laugh.

“The two of you still haven’t eaten breakfast yet. You should be hungry. Come on, go eat.” Papa Shu wore a big gold chain and boldly declared, “I steamed the crabs today! They’re super delicious!”

Cai Qin glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “I can’t believe you even have the nerve to say that. The crabs were about to escape from the pot.” 

Papa Shu was embarrassed for a moment. Then, he regained his momentum and said, “Didn’t they all die in the end?”

“Congratulations. They all died.”

Papa Shu pretended not to hear her. “Come, come, come. Let’s try my cooking.”

Cai Qin continued to rip into him. “That’s not called cooking. That’s called killing crabs.” 

As Cai Qin continued to roast him, the family walked into the dining room. The housekeeper brought the food to the table. It included Shu Ning’s favorites, which were abalone and mantis shrimp. It also included the villain’s favorites, which were turbot, sweet and sour ribs, and crab.

Cai Qin also made fish maw and chicken soup, as well as pickled radish and duck soup. They were rich in flavor and mouth-watering.

The family eagerly started eating.

Shu Ning spoke as he ate. “Wow, it’s delicious!” 

Cai Qin glared at him. “Can you pay attention to your table manners? Don’t tell me you were like this with the Wei family?”

“I wasn’t! I’m only like this at home. The Wei family has a lot of rules, so we don’t really mess around,” Shu Ning quickly explained.

Wei Mingzheng backed him up. “Shu Ning behaved well. Aunt, you don’t have to worry. To be honest, I don’t think we need to be that careful around the Wei family.”

“How can we do that?” Shu Ning immediately replied. “Everyone else thinks we’re country bumpkins. We can’t let them look down on us.” 

Cai Qin and Shu Jun looked at each other. “Why would they think you’re country bumpkins?”

Shu Ning choked.

Cai Qin’s face became serious. She asked Wei Mingzheng, “Is the Wei family treating you badly?”

Wei Mingzheng was silent. 

Shu Ning didn’t know how to answer. He could tell the truth, but he was afraid that Cai Qin and Shu Jun would be worried. He could lie, but he would feel super aggrieved if he did.

“They weren’t particularly good or bad,” Wei Mingzheng said. “They have a lot of family members. I only just returned, so they’re not familiar with me.”

Cai Qin and Shu Jun let out a sigh. “That’s a relief.”

Cai Qin said, “Madam Wei had been very persistent back then. She even stayed in Chuzhou for a full month. She seemed very sincere, so I figured she would definitely treat Mingzheng well.” 

Shu Jun added on, “The Wei family’s also put a lot of effort into finding you. They traveled almost a thousand miles to Chuzhou in order to bring Mingzheng home. How could they not be good to him?”

Wei Mingzheng hummed.

Shu Ning wanted to say something. However, the little villain clearly didn’t want Cai Qin and Shu Jun to know about the Wei family, so he kept his mouth shut.

“However, Mingzheng…” Cai Qin placed a piece of chicken in Wei Mingzheng’s bowl. “We aren’t very used to you not being here. It feels very empty.” 

Shu Ning asked, “Mom, what about me? Do you feel empty without me?”

“No.” Cai Qin ruthlessly shot him down.

Shu Ning: “…”

What was this? Why did it feel like he was the one who was picked up off the side of the road? 

Wei Mingzheng couldn’t help laughing.

“When you two went to Beijing, Mingzheng was always calling us and asking about us. What about you? How many calls have you made?” Cai Qin lectured Shu Ning.

Shu Ning shrank into his neck and didn’t make a peep.

Cai Qin huffed, “You’ve grown up now, haven’t you? You’re playing around outside, so you don’t have time for your family anymore, right? I bet you’ve forgotten all about this mother of yours!” 

“No, I haven’t!” Shu Ning quickly raised his hand and pledged, “I missed Cai Cai, I missed Cai Cai’s cooking, I missed Cai Cai’s morning greetings, and I missed Cai Cai’s soup. My favorite person in the whole world is Cai Cai!”

Cai Qin burst into laughter and gave him a piece of duck meat. “You sure know how to talk. Here, eat.”

“Thank you, Cai Cai!” Shu Ning laughed and took a bite of the meat. “It’s really tasty!”

The whole family happily enjoyed a meal together. 

Shu Ning sighed to himself. It was definitely better to be at home.

Wei Mingzheng didn’t say much, but he was smiling the entire time.

Once everyone had finished eating, Cai Qin said to Wei Mingzheng, “Your uncle and I have been thinking about something, and we want to discuss it with you. Is that alright?”

Wei Mingzheng asked, “What is it?” 

Cai Qin and Shu Jun looked at each other. Then, Shu Jun said, “Mingzheng, would you like us to become your godparents?”

Wei Mingzheng was stunned

Shu Ning was also stunned.