When she saw Wei Ximing hesitate, Li Yongna had already guessed what the answer was. However, once he confessed, she couldn’t help but be disappointed.

Wei Ximing knew about his true identity as early as two years ago, but he didn’t say a thing. He did not mention Zhou Juan, and he did not mention Wei Mingzheng, who was still suffering. 

Madam Wei recalled how Wei Ximing had suddenly become very sensible two years ago. He started doing everything he could to please her. The thought made her feel very cold.

Did he try to please her because of his identity?

He plotted against Jiang Yao. He set a trap for her and then rescued her. As a result, Jiang Yao fell in love with him. This incident had already been exposed.

At that time, everyone thought that he was just too in love with Jiang Yao, so he tried every possible means to get close to her. However, now that this recording had been released, the very nature of that incident had completely changed! 

Madam Wei clenched her fist.

Li Yongna didn’t know what to do.

At this moment, the butler walked in with a strange expression. “My Lady, Madam, we have a guest.”

“A guest?” Li Yongna asked. “Who is it?”

If it wasn’t an important guest, the butler wouldn’t have let them in at this time.

The butler said, “My Lady, Madam, it’s the nurse who made a mistake with your insulin back then. She said that she was falsely accused.”

Li Yongna frowned. “The nurse? What is she here for?”

Madam Wei recalled how Wei Ximing plotted against Jiang Yao. A thought flashed through her mind. “Mom, let her in and hear what she has to say. When she was fired, she had claimed that she was falsely accused, and she’s still sticking with that story all these years later. Maybe there’s something there.” 

When Wei Ximing heard the butler announce the nurse’s arrival, his face turned deathly pale.

He was done for.

He knew that Wei Mingzheng was going to use any means possible against him, but he was still caught off guard. From his biological mother to the nurse, he pulled out all the stops to finish him! There was no chance for him to turn things around!

Right now, even if the nurse didn’t have any evidence, everyone was still going to suspect that he had deliberately tampered with the medicine. 

No evidence was needed. The tiniest bit of suspicion was enough to knock him to the ground!

However, he absolutely could not admit to it! Once he admits guilt, not only would he be kicked out of the family, but he might also be imprisoned!

After a while, the butler walked into the room with a nurse.

The nurse’s face had changed a great deal over these past couple of years. Her hair was short and neat. Her skin was rough. It was clear that her current circumstances weren’t that great. 

She walked into the room and greeted them, “My Lady. Madam.”

Madam Wei asked, “The butler said that you have a grievance?”

When the nurse heard this question, her expression became sorrowful. “That’s right! I was falsely accused. I worked for this family for several years. My only job was to serve the old lady, so I wasn’t busy at all. That’s why I always double and triple checked the medications before doing anything else.”

Li Yongna and Madam Wei listened quietly. 

Wei Ximing quickly interjected, “But, you made a mistake that day. People are not machines. Even machines can make mistakes. It’s normal for humans to make mistakes as well.”

“I didn’t!” The nurse quickly defended herself, “I checked it at least three times! I definitely didn’t make a mistake!”

One year ago, when the nurse was fired, she had said the same thing, but no one believed her. Facts spoke louder than words. She was the only nurse there. Who else could have made the mistake other than her?

The nurse wasn’t able to wash away this grievance. After all, she was the one to prescribe it. She even started to doubt herself. Maybe she did make a mistake without knowing it. 

But things were different now!

If a third party had messed with the medication, it would all make sense!

“…I remember what had happened that day very clearly. The old lady was in the bathroom. I brought the medicine into the room. Then, I suddenly heard a loud noise from outside of the room. So, I ran outside and saw that a servant had been injured by a vase. I quickly administered some first aid to him.”

Li Yongna nodded. She also remembered this. 

“By the time I got back, the old lady had already collapsed. Young Master Wei was by your side. He happened to have some sugar on him, so he poured it into a glass of water for the old lady!”

Too much insulin can result in hypoglycemia. This can be alleviated by drinking sugary water or administering glucose.

“At the time, I was so relieved that Young Master Wei happened to be carrying sugar with him. However, now that I think about it, isn’t this too much of a coincidence?” The nurse said, “After that incident, I kept blaming myself. I had clearly checked the medication over and over again, so why did it go wrong? Did I really get the wrong insulin and the wrong dose? If it wasn’t for me, how could the medicine have gone wrong?”

“Everyone thought that I was just trying to escape responsibility. I even doubted myself. I didn’t have any arguments when I was fired. But, things are different now.” 

The nurse stared straight at Wei Ximing. “Later, I started thinking. After I put the medicine in the old lady’s bedroom, I heard a noise outside and left. During this period of time, somebody else could have tampered with the medicine! I wasn’t suspicious of anyone before. However, now, I suspect Wei Ximing did it.”

Wei Ximing was both nervous and angry. He asked, “Are you trying to say that I messed with the medicine?”

The nurse said, “I had never suspected you before. Who would suspect a grandson to harm their grandmother? However, now, I’m sure that it’s you. In the audio recording, it said that you knew about your true identity two years ago. You knew that you were a fake. You were trying to find every possible way to stay in the Wei family.”


The nurse didn’t want to listen to his excuses. “You knew that your identity would be exposed someday, so you deliberately tampered with the medicine. Then, you saved the old lady so that she would be grateful towards you. The facts prove it. Everyone’s talking about all the awful things you’ve done. Everyone else has abandoned you. The only one who’s still protecting you is the old lady simply because you once saved her life!”

“That’s just your speculation. Where’s the evidence?”

The nurse gritted her teeth. Even after saying all of that, she felt a little timid in her heart. Still, she thought about the words she was taught to say and took a deep breath. “Why was Young Master Wei carrying sugar with him? How did he know that sugar water could treat hypoglycemia? Isn’t that a little too coincidental?”

The reason she came here today was to wash away her grievances. 

After being fired, no one would hire her anymore. She lost her job. There were people making trouble for her. Every single day was extremely difficult. The past year had been the most difficult year of her life.

Then, someone suddenly contacted her. They said that the incident with the insulin wasn’t what it had seemed. They said that she might have been framed. The nurse was naturally overwhelmed by emotions. She wanted to wash away her grievances.

The nurse had only come knocking on the Wei family’s door once she had fully prepared herself.

After listening to what the nurse said, Li Yongna’s face instantly darkened. 

At that time, the nurse had been blamed because there were no other suspects. Now, it seemed that Wei Ximing was an even more likely suspect.

Wei Ximing clenched his fists and said, “Grandma has diabetes. I care about Grandma. Of course I’m going to learn more about it. What’s wrong with that? Besides, how was I supposed to know that you had left? How did I tamper with the medicine? Grandma was in the room the entire time!”

Li Yongna’s expression improved. That’s right. People were always coming and going through here. It would’ve been extremely difficult for him to do anything of the sort.

Snfc Zjvjw Qfl gfnfjifv rbwf vbeya. 

Po tf kfgf ab ajwqfg klat atf wfvlmlcf, tf kbeiv tjnf ab vlragjma atf cegrf, vlragjma tlr ugjcvwbatfg, jcv vlragjma atf cfjgys rfgnjcar. Lbk kbeiv tf tjnf vbcf atja? Pa’r cba ilxf atlr kjr j rqs wbnlf.

“Dfmjerf bo atf rmtfveif.” Ktf cegrf rjlv, “P jikjsr jvwlclrafgfv atf biv ijvs’r lcreilc tjio jc tbeg yfobgf wfjir. Ktf wjlc yelivlcu rfgnfv wfjir ja atf rjwf alwf fnfgs vjs. Pa kbeiv tjnf yffc nfgs fjrs ab olcv bea ktfc atf biv ijvs kbeiv yf ajxlcu tfg wfvlmlcf.”

“Back then, the old lady would always use the bathroom at around ten o’clock in the morning. As long as you found a way to distract me, you would’ve been able to enter the room and tamper with the medicine without anyone knowing a thing.”

The nurse took a deep breath. She felt a little uncertain in her heart, but she still said, “Why don’t we call for the servant who was injured that day and ask? Why was he injured at that time specifically?” 

Wei Ximing’s face stiffened.

It had been too difficult to tamper with the medicine on his own. He had no choice but to find someone to cooperate with him. Otherwise, he never would’ve been able to switch the medicines.

The nurse actually didn’t have a lot of confidence. That person was the one who had told her that the servant was Wei Ximing’s accomplice. That person didn’t have any evidence either. It was just a speculation based on her description of the events that took place.

The nurse’s heart was beating like a drum. 

“Where’s that servant?” Li Yongna immediately asked the butler.

The butler replied, “My Lady, the servant resigned shortly after the incident.”

Li Yongna slapped a hand on the bed and ordered, “Start looking for him immediately!”

Wei Ximing’s entire body was trembling. He knew that it was over. He did, in fact, conspire with that servant in order to distract the nurse. 

Afterwards, he gave the servant a sum of money and told him to leave the villa as soon as possible.

The Jiang family.

Jiang Yao was about to leave the house, but Madam Jiang stopped her. “Yao Yao, come here. I have something to say to you.”

Jiang Yao walked over to Madam Jiang. “Mom.” 

“What are you going to do about Wei Ximing?” Madam Jiang cut straight to the point.

Jiang Yao frowned. “Mom, I… I don’t know either.”

When she found out that Wei Ximing had actually hired those gangsters to harass her, she was absolutely furious.

She wanted to find a perfect boyfriend, but she was now discovering that Wei Ximing was not perfect. However, after these past couple of years, she still had feelings for him. 

Madam Jiang advised her, “Yao Yao, break up with Wei Ximing.”

Jiang Yao raised her watery eyes and stared at her.

“Why?” Jiang Yao bit her lip.

Madam Jiang grabbed her hand and sighed. “Can’t you see? Wei Ximing knew about his real identity a long time ago. He deliberately manipulated you and made you fall in love with him.” 

“We can forget about the manipulation for now. However, he also fixed competition results, he bullied his classmates, and he targeted members of his family. This kind of person is cunning and narrow-minded. He only treats you well because of your looks, your status. He doesn’t actually love you at all.”

Jiang Yao’s eyes were slightly red. “I don’t believe it.”

How could Wei Ximing not love her!

There was no one in this world who didn’t love her. 

Madam Jiang said, “Yao Yao, this kind of guy doesn’t deserve your love.”

Jiang Yao bit her lip again. “I…I want to talk to him face to face!”

Madam Jiang laughed in spite of herself. “Do you really think he’s going to admit it? You won’t be able to get any answers by asking him.”

Jiang Yao didn’t listen to her. She left home with red eyes. Then, she got into the car and headed for school. She wanted to talk it over with a friend. Then, she would go to the Wei family estate and talk to Wei Ximing. 

The car drove up to the gates of Sai Yao. Just as Jiang Yao got out of the car, she noticed an eerie and disheveled woman hanging around by the school gates.

Jiang Yao frowned. She lifted her skirt and was about to enter through the school gates.

“Are you Miss Jiang Yao?” The woman suddenly stood up and rushed over to Jiang Yao’s side.

Jiang Yao turned her head. She asked suspiciously, “Who are you?” 

She had never seen this woman before. Why would she know her?

The clothes on the woman’s body were cheap and tacky. Her face was old and weathered. Her hair was disheveled. She was completely different from the elegant and noble ladies that Jiang Yao usually saw. This woman was clearly poor and destitute.

“My name is Zhou Juan, and I’m Wei Ximing’s mother,” the woman introduced herself.

Jiang Yao’s breathing came to a stop. “You… you’re Wei Ximing’s mother?” 

Zhou Juan nodded. “My phone is broken, and I can’t get in contact with Wei Ximing anymore. Can you help me get in touch with him?”

Jiang Yao took a step back. “This… you should try to get in contact with him yourself.”

She already knew about Wei Ximing’s history. She knew that his parents weren’t anything good, but it was only a vague concept in her mind. Now that she was faced with a real person, she realized that she couldn’t accept it.

She couldn’t accept that her boyfriend’s biological mother was such a disgusting, sloppy, and pathetic person. 

“Aren’t you his girlfriend?” Zhou Juan’s words came raining down. “There’s a marriage agreement between the two of you! You guys have already slept with each other! You’re my daughter-in-law!”

Jiang Yao hadn’t expected her to say such a thing. She was caught entirely off guard, and her face turned red. “Enough nonsense! Wei Ximing and I have done nothing of the sort!”

She looked around, afraid that someone might’ve heard them.

Zhou Juan didn’t quite understand. “But the two of you have a marriage agreement. This means you’re his woman! Wei Ximing doesn’t want to accept me as his mother, so you need to contact him for me! Either that or you give me money!” 

Jiang Yao was completely dumbfounded. “Why should I give you money?”

“Because you’re his girlfriend and your family is rich.”

Zhou Juan anxiously stepped forward and said, “If you don’t give me money, I will go to court to sue you! I will sue you for elderly neglect!”

Her crazed appearance almost made Jiang Yao cry. 

Her driver walked over and stood in front of Jiang Yao. His expression was dark and gloomy. He said to Zhou Juan, “Ma’am, if you keep harassing her, I will call the police.”

Zhou Juan stared him down. “Fine! Call the police! Let’s see who the police are going to arrest! Are they going to arrest me or are they going to arrest you two ungrateful pricks?!”

“Rich people sure are cruel! They have all that money! If they spared me even a little bit, I would be able to live a good life, but they won’t even give me a cent! You’re stingy! Shameless! Rich people are all horrible people!”

Zhou Juan started causing a scene. 

After Liu Hong brought Zhou Juan to her apartment, Zhou Juan’s cell phone accidentally broke. Then, she anxiously headed to the school to find Wei Ximing.

She wanted to drag everyone down! She was going to make it everyone’s problem!

Liu Hong took her in for two days. Then, she suddenly ended her lease and left the capital, leaving Zhou Juan homeless once again.

She was in desperate straits, and Wei Ximing was her last resort. 

She couldn’t understand. Wei Ximing had so much money. What was the big deal about giving her a million yuan or even ten million yuan? Why wouldn’t he give it to her?

How hateful!

Zhou Juan’s eyes were bloodshot. She reached out to grab Jiang Yao. “Tell me where Wei Ximing is!”

Jiang Yao screamed and backed away. Tears of fear welled up in her eyes. 

Zhou Juan’s demeanor was incredibly terrifying. She couldn’t help but think about the news reports online. Zhou Juan’s husband, Yin Qiang, was a domestic abuser and murderer. To this very day, he was still in prison.

Could there also be something wrong with Zhou Juan?

This crazy and vicious person was actually Wei Ximing’s birth parents!

Jiang Yao felt as if her heart was being torn apart. 

When she thought of all the disgusting things Wei Ximing had done before, the love in her heart finally dried up.

“I broke up with Wei Ximing! Don’t look for me!”

Jiang Yao loudly announced her breakup. Then, she ran into the school with her skirt in hand.

Originally, she wanted to see Wei Ximing. She wanted to see what he had to say, but, now, she didn’t want to see him at all. 

“Miss Jiang! Don’t go!” Zhou Juan shouted.

Jiang Yao ran as fast as she could.

The Wei family.

The butler quickly contacted the servant and found that he had actually bought a house in Beijing. 

When he resigned from the Wei family, he was just an ordinary servant. How did he manage to buy a house in Beijing, a place where housing prices were sky-high? That was already suspicious enough on its own.

The servant was a coward. After the butler interrogated him for a bit, he quickly started crying and begging. “Please let me go! I really didn’t know anything! At first, Young Master Ximing only asked me to distract the nurse. He didn’t tell me about anything else. Later, I found out that something had happened to the old lady. If I had known the truth, I would have never listened to him!”

When they heard the voice on the phone, all of the people in the room became serious.

Wei Ximing fell into a chair. The nurse breathed a sigh of relief. 

The person who asked her to come here was simply a genius! Everything went according to that person’s plan!

Li Yongna turned her head to look at Wei Ximing. She gave him a long and hard stare. Then, she slowly said, “I see.”

“When Mingzheng came home that day, I thought that he was narrow-minded and uneducated. I didn’t like him. I was partial towards you. However, I’m now starting to find that you’re the one who is narrow-minded, you’re the one who is full of tricks, and you’re the one who tried to harm your brother!”

The more Li Yongna spoke, the angrier she became. She suddenly started coughing, clearly upset. 

“Mom!” Madam Wei quickly stepped forward to support her.

“Grandma!” Wei Ximing was anxious.

“Don’t call me Grandma.” Li Yongna waved her hand and snapped back at him.

Wei Ximing was stunned. 

Li Yongna said, “From this day forward, you are no longer my grandson, and you don’t need to call me grandma.”

She raised her head and said to Madam Wei, “Remove his name from our household register right away. Transfer him back to where he should be. As for everything else, we’ll discuss after transferring his name elsewhere.”

“Grandma!” Wei Ximing stood up from the chair with tears in his eyes.

Li Yongna looked very grave. She didn’t look at him again. “Tell Shanhe and Yuanning about what happened here today.” 

The butler expressed that he would and left the room. He went to report everything that happened today to Wei Shanhe and Wei Yuanning.

Li Yongna turned to the nurse and said, “We’ve wronged you. Don’t worry. We will help you clear your name, as well as compensate you.”

The nurse’s eyes instantly welled up. A year’s worth of grievances were finally washed away.

This was great! 

Wei Ximing already had a bit of a premonition that this would happen when the nurse first showed up, so he was actually rather calm right now. He was extremely regretful. Why did he target Wei Mingzheng so obsessively in the first place?

Why didn’t he just come clean when Zhou Juan had first come to find him?

If he had been truthful from the beginning, he still wouldn’t have been treated badly, even if they didn’t accept him.

It was his greed, his inferiority, his fear that made him think that he could take a gamble, that he could cover it up, that no one would ever know. 

Wei Ximing regretted immensely, but it was already too late.


His phone started ringing.

Wei Ximing was in a daze. He did not respond. 

Madam Wei frowned and reminded him, “Wei Ximing, your phone.”

Wei Ximing regained his senses and mechanically pulled out his phone. A single word showed up on the screen—Baby.

Jiang Yao’s phone number.

Wei Ximing was suddenly incredibly frightened. He was too afraid to answer the phone. 

The cell phone kept ringing.

Li Yongna said coldly, “Answer it.”

Wei Ximing’s eyes suddenly turned red. He gritted his teeth and picked up the phone. Then, he said in a trembling voice, “Yao Yao.”

At this moment, he still had a sliver of hope that Jiang Yao would stay with him. He hoped that she would be like the female lead in the drama, Mother’s Life. He hoped she would be a female lead who worked hard, never complained, and stayed by the male lead’s side forever. 

Jiang Yao’s voice rang out from the phone. “Wei Ximing, let’s break up. I want to void the marriage agreement.”

He ended up being disappointed.

His very last hope was shattered just like that. Wei Ximing’s eyes were dark, and his head was dizzy. It was as if someone had punched him in the stomach.

“Yao Yao, listen to me…” 

“Your mother came to school to look for you. She saw me. She humiliated me. She asked me to give her money.” Jiang Yao’s voice contained a bit of a sob. “Wei Ximing, I have never in my entire life been humiliated like that. Your mother was the first.”

“The reason she stopped me was because you had abandoned her. You refused to support her anymore, so she became desperate. Wei Ximing, I had no idea that you were such a vicious and sinister person. I really was blind to have liked you!”

It was as if he had been struck by lightning.

Zhou Juan? 

Zhou Juan actually harassed Jiang Yao?

He felt like he was going crazy.

Jiang Yao said, “From now on, we’ll each walk separate paths. We won’t have anything to do with each other anymore!”

After that, Jiang Yao hung up the phone with all her might. She didn’t give Wei Ximing a chance to defend himself. 

Wei Ximing gripped his phone, his entire body trembling.

Zhou Juan!

It was Zhou Juan again!

It was her who switched the children, it was her who abused the Wei Mingzheng, it was her who blackmailed him, it was her who humiliated Jiang Yao… 

Everything was all because of her!

“You can go now.” Li Yongna shook her head.

Even Jiang Yao had abandoned Wei Ximing. He was truly useless.

Wei Ximing’s eyes were bloodshot. 

Madam Wei looked at Wei Ximing’s dejected appearance. Slowly, her anger started to subside, and all that was left was sorrow. She couldn’t bear to look at him any more. She feared that she would grow weak-hearted, so she turned and left the room.

After exiting the room, Madam Wei hurriedly called Wei Mingzheng.

As she stared at the name on the screen, Madam Wei’s heartbeat picked up speed.

It had been a long time since she had felt so tense. She felt like a subordinate reporting back to her superiors. 

After a little while, the call went through.

Madam Wei anxiously raised her phone to her ear and asked, “Mingzheng, when will you be back?”

“Madam Wei.”

Madam Wei’s eyes were slightly red. “Call me Mom. Mingzheng, I’ve cut ties with Wei Ximing. Tomorrow, I’ll be transferring his household register. I explained this to your grandmother, and your grandmother agreed.” 

There was a moment of silence. “You’re okay with it?”

Madam Wei took a deep breath. She quietly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said firmly, “Of course I’m okay with it.”

“Mom, thank you for choosing me.” A laugh came through the phone.

Madam Wei listened to the sweet sound of laughter, and her heart seemed to soar like a bird. She was very happy. “What are you saying? Of course I would choose you!” 

“Ah, that’s right.” Wei Mingzheng said slowly, “Since Wei Ximing is no longer a member of the Wei family, the things that the Wei family gave to him should be returned.”

Madam Wei blanked. Then, she nodded. “You’re right! All those things should be returned!”

After a pause, Madam Wei asked anxiously, “Mingzheng, when will you be back?”

“In two days.” Wei Mingzheng assured her, “You chose me, so I will definitely come back.” 

When Madam Wei heard this, she broke into a smile.

When the servants saw Madam Wei crying and laughing at the same time, they couldn’t help but give each other a look. Due to Madam Wei’s attitude toward Wei Mingzheng, it seemed that Wei Mingzheng was in control of their relationship. It felt as though Wei Mingzheng was leading Madam Wei by the nose.

Once Madam Wei got his guarantee, she put away her phone and stepped back into Li Yongna’s room. She said to Wei Ximing, “By the way, you’re no longer a member of the family. Everything that we gave you must be returned. If I recall correctly, you should have several properties, two cars, and a couple of credit cards in your possession.”

Wei Ximing’s face changed drastically. 

He thought that he had already reached rock bottom. He didn’t know that there were still eighteen levels of hell!

Madam Wei frowned when she saw his panicked expression. “What’s wrong? You don’t want to pay it back?”

“No, no…” Wei Ximing said with difficulty.

Li Yongna’s eyes revealed her suspicion. “In that case, quickly count your assets.” 

Wei Ximing slumped to the ground.

His reaction made everyone realize that Wei Ximing might have already moved his assets. The very reason he ended up in the family was for the sake of assets. After finding out about his true identity, he definitely would have transferred his assets elsewhere.