Twin Fish [Translator]15-19 minutes

He soon realized that he ended up ignoring Shu Ning because of his argument. Wei Mingzheng turned towards You Guangming and the others. Then, Wei Mingzheng solemnly introduced him, “This is Shu Ning, my godbrother, my benefactor, and my best friend.”

When he heard this introduction, You Guangming quickly extended his hand to Shu Ning. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” fvaBV7

Shu Ning naturally reached out and shook hands with him. “I don’t really understand what you guys are talking about. You guys continue. I’m going to go look around.”

Wei Mingzheng said, “I can tell you about VR visualization…”

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“No, no, no.” Shu Ning quickly waved him off. “You don’t have to waste time explaining it to me. I’ll head out first.”

Everyone else was still waiting! How could he have the nerve to take up all of Wei Mingzheng’s time? 6KyHBD

He hurried out of the office and leisurely walked around the hallways.

The little villain must be very fond of Pegasus and You Guangming. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have taken him here for a trip, nor would he have specifically asked for Pegasus’ shares.

Before coming here, Shu Ning had genuinely thought they were just meeting an ordinary online friend. He hadn’t expected it to be a business negotiation.

It was probably going to take a lot of time, right?


Shu Ning was guided to a small lounge by one of the assistants. Then, he pulled out his cell phone to play a game.

However, not even five minutes had passed when Wei Mingzheng walked out of the conference room and found him. “It’s boring, isn’t it?”

Shu Ning was surprised. “Isn’t there a meeting?”

“No,” Wei Mingzheng said. “The purpose of coming here today was to make You Guangming listen to me. Now that I got what I wanted, there’s no need to stay here any longer.” a78Xuh

Shu Ning: “…”

How ruthless.

Wei Mingzheng said, “Is there anywhere you want to go? Let’s go hang out.”

Shu Ning put away the phone and thought about it for a bit. “If it’s going to be just the two of us… I don’t really know where we should go.” xzU9vE

Originally, he had planned to meet Wei Mingzheng’s online friend. He hadn’t expected it to go by so quickly.

“Then follow me.” Wei Mingzheng took his arm and led him out of the building.

“Where are we going?” Shu Ning asked in confusion.

“Aren’t you going back to Chuzhou? Before you leave, you should take a look around Beijing.” Wei Mingzheng held his palm tightly. 6i5Ies

Shu Ning figured that he was right, so he smiled and let Wei Mingzheng drag him around Beijing.

He found that the little villain was getting more and more unyielding. The child who didn’t like to talk and would silently listen to others was long gone.

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He now had the calmness, the toughness, and even the cunning of a leader.

“What’s wrong?” Wei Mingzheng turned his head and stared at him, confused. His eyes were filled with a clear light. eF1b9T

In an instant, Shu Ning seemed to catch a glimpse of the child who used to silently follow him around.

Towards Shu Ning, Wei Mingzheng hadn’t changed much.

“Nothing.” Shu Ning grinned like a little ray of sunshine.

When they first arrived in Beijing, Madam Wei had once brought them out to play for an afternoon. However, they had never done it again. OtXbaE

Now, it was just the two of them. It was just like when they were in Chuzhou. It didn’t really matter where they went, and they didn’t have a destination in mind.

There were a lot of interesting places in Beijing. They didn’t plan any sort of route. Instead, they just hailed a taxi and asked the driver about fun places in the city. Then, they asked the driver to take the two of them there.

This unplanned, aimless kind of wandering was very relaxing.

They could stay at each tourist location for as long as they wanted. b7oGIy

Shu Ning would look up historical information for each spot they went to his phone. If he was able to find information on it, they would go check it out. If he wasn’t able to find information on it, they would just take a quick look.

When they arrived at a certain ancient city, there were a lot of models walking down the street for videos, and a lot of people were watching. Shu Ning pulled the villain aside to watch the fun. However, only a few minutes had passed when they were caught by a photographer.

“Hey, you look really good! Could you pose for a couple photos?”

Vte Rlcu jrxfv meglberis, “Qtja xlcv bo qtbabr?” oGTlJ

Qfl Zlcuhtfcu ogbkcfv, j ibbx bo lwqjalfcmf bc tlr ojmf.

“Pa’r ragffa qtbabugjqts.” Ktf qtbabugjqtfg fzmlafvis fzqijlcfv, “Ktf akb bo sbe jgf gfjiis tjcvrbwf. Uier, sbe uesr ibbx ilxf j ubbv wjamt.”

C ubbv wjamt?

Qfl Zlcuhtfcu kjr raeccfv. Vte Rlcu kjr fwyjggjrrfv. tFleWN

What was this photographer saying?

“I’ll take a photo for you!” The photographer held up her DSLR camera. She kept adjusting the angle of her camera. “Please? We promise not to mess with your photos!”

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“You’re really such a good match!”

Shu Ning said, “We’re just good friends. You shouldn’t talk like that.” oTz6 A

“Ohhh! Good friends! Understood!” The photographer continued, “We’re very good at taking pictures, and we don’t charge money.”

“Okay, just take two photos,” Wei Mingzheng suddenly agreed.

Shu Ning looked at the villain in surprise. He was clearly reluctant to participate earlier. Why did he suddenly change his mind?

“Great!” The photographer instructed them, “Come, come, come! Get closer!” VD2KEk

“Do you really want to take a photo?” Shu Ning asked Wei Mingzheng.

Wei Mingzheng nodded. “It’s fine either way. Let’s just take a photo.”

Following the photographer’s commands, the two of them leaned together. Wei Mingzheng placed his hand on Shu Ning’s shoulder, and the two of them smiled at the camera.

Next, the photographer told them to walk through the street naturally. Then, they needed to look back when she called their names. ro8zdD

Click. Click.

It wasn’t just two photos.

“We’re not taking any more photos,” Shu Ning said. He wasn’t afraid of having his photos circulated. He was worried about Wei Mingzheng. Wei Mingzheng was the young master of the Wei family. If he was caught doing something strange, it wouldn’t be very good.

The photographer reluctantly stopped taking pictures. MKoU47

After seeing the photos, Wei Mingzheng said, “Send the photos to me.”

“I haven’t copied it yet. I’ll send it to you once it’s copied.” The photographer’s eyes lit up. “Could I add your WeChat?”

Thus, Wei Mingzheng added the photographer’s WeChat.

When he saw how happy the photographer was, Shu Ning suspected that the photos were just an excuse. Her real goal was probably the WeChat. TSPxF2

At around noon, his stomach growled.

Wei Mingzheng said, “Let’s find a place to eat.”

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He looked around and saw a beautifully decorated restaurant. He was planning on heading over there.

Shu Ning suddenly grabbed him. “Hey, what are you going to a restaurant for?” K2odOX

Wei Mingzheng blinked. “Where else would we go to eat?”

“We obviously have to eat street food!”

He held up his cell phone and excitedly said, “I found it. There’s a street not far away from here that has all kinds of stalls. We can start from one end of the street and eat our way to the other end of the street.”

When he saw how much Shu Ning was looking forward to it, Wei Mingzheng nodded and said yes. koHm4g

The two of them followed the GPS’ instructions and crossed a bridge. Then, they walked a bit before finally reaching their destination.

It suddenly became a lot more crowded. People were moving in all directions.

Wei Mingzheng disliked crowds more than anything. He felt a little resistant. “Do you really want to go?”

Shu Ning took his arm. “Let’s go.” HOFjl

“I don’t want to squeeze in with other people.”

“But I want to go. Let’s go, let’s go…”

There was nothing Wei Mingzheng could do once Shu Ning started acting like a spoiled child. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow Shu Ning into the crowd.

There was tons of good food all along the street. There were all kinds of kebabs, pancakes, pastries, steamed buns made into cute shapes, grilled oysters and scallops, fried dough twists, stinky tofu, and other local specialties. There were also a bunch of viral online desserts and milk tea… 4zbY0U

Shu Ning pulled Wei Mingzheng along and started going to town.

Wei Mingzheng had never been a big fan of eating these kinds of things. He also didn’t like eating in crowded places, so he just helped Shu Ning carry his food and handed him tissues.

“Wow, they even have sugar people from Chuzhou!” Shu Ning suddenly caught a glimpse of one of the stalls and excitedly bolted over.

Wei Mingzheng was still holding his half-eaten tofu pudding. Dumbfounded, he said, “Haven’t you eaten enough of it in Chuzhou?” HQh8bt

“Hey, hometown specialties are hard to come by.” Shu Ning walked to the stall and asked for one sugar figurine.

“What about your tofu pudding? Are you still going to eat it?” Wei Mingzheng asked.

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Shu Ning said, “No.”

“You only took two bites.” WyYoP

Shu Ning giggled and said, “You help me eat it. I want to eat my sugar figurine.”

Wei Mingzheng couldn’t do anything about him, so he had no choice but to pick up the spoon and finish the tofu pudding for him.

Shu Ning continued to walk forward with his sugar figurine in his hands.

He was interested in every stall. He was like a cat the way he wanted to try a bite of everything. However, his appetite was small, so he couldn’t eat much at all. In the end, it all went into Wei Mingzheng’s stomach. o5rdMI

When Shu Ning started drooling over some pineapple rice half an hour later, Wei Mingzheng pulled him away out of fear.

The hollowed out pineapple was stuffed full of rice. This guy wouldn’t even be able to finish off two bites of it. He would be the one who’d have to eat it all.

His stomach was already super bloated.

“Wait… this is the last one.” Shu Ning struggled. “Let me try it, okay?” 6RtEe4

“No, you’ve already eaten so much. It’s made with glutinous rice, so it’s not good for digestion.” Wei Mingzheng coldly refused.

“Please.” Shu Ning begged as Wei Mingzheng dragged him away by the collar.

“No.” Wei Mingzheng was still as cold as ever. “When did you become so greedy?”

“Please, Mingzheng gege.” Shu Ning started acting shamelessly. hmCM9Z

Wei Mingzheng stopped. He helplessly turned around. “Do you really want it?”

Shu Ning smiled and lifted one finger. “I just want to take a bite.”

In the end, Shu Ning left the stall with the pineapple rice. As he walked away, he said, “It’s so hot!”

Wei Mingzheng glared at him. “I hope it burns you to death!” kMcs3i

However, he still helped him blow on the pineapple rice.

Sure enough, Shu Ning wasn’t able to eat more than two bites. Wei Mingzheng wasn’t able to finish it either, so they had no choice but to throw most of the pineapple rice in the trash.

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“Your eyes are bigger than your stomach,” Wei Mingzheng said.

Shu Ning pretended not to hear him. k4b1Xo

The two of them then left and headed towards some random historic site. They shamelessly freeloaded off someone else’s tour and listened to the tour guide’s explanations for a bit. Then, they were distracted by the carp in the lotus pond.

They bought two bags of fish food to feed the fish.

Wei Mingzheng was absolutely speechless. “Are you here to sightsee or to feed the fish?”

Shu Ning threw the fish food into the water. When he saw the colorful fish swimming around for food, he giggled and said, “Neither.” KJ8Wir

Wei Mingzheng raised an eyebrow.

Shu Ning said, “I came out here to have fun with you.”

The weather was good today, and the sun was out. The sun was in the north, and it was both bright and warm. It shone on the boy’s lively countenance, like a photo that would never fade.

Wei Mingzheng’s heart suddenly trembled for some reason. Then, the tremble quickly disappeared. lH6f53

The two of them didn’t return until late in the day. Wei Mingzheng contacted the photographer. Once he got the photos, he solemnly saved them in his “Him and I” photo album like he always did.

When he first started staying with the Shu family, he had created two photo albums on his computer, “Him and I” ​​and “Family Portrait”. Over the past few years, he slowly accumulated a large collection of photos.

Wei Mingzheng was able to remember exactly what happened in each of those photos. Such happy times.

While he was staring at those photos, Wei Mingzheng suddenly regretted it. pEFNW2

He regretted letting Shu Ning return to Chuzhou.

He thought that he could stay here on his own and take care of things himself. He thought that he could let Shu Ning go home to happily live his life. Now that he was looking at these photos, he realized that he couldn’t live without Shu Ning.

However, Shu Ning had decided to return to Chuzhou.

He was going to leave after a while. zI8fry

Wei Mingzheng turned off his old and worn computer. He climbed into bed and laid there, unable to sleep.

When Wei Mingzheng arrived at school on Monday, he was full of worries. He laid his head down on his desk, absentmindedly dozing off.

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Shu Ning didn’t notice. He was chatting and joking with their classmates as usual.

Someone suddenly asked, “Hey, Shu Ning, how’s Jiang Yao and Wei Mingzheng’s marriage agreement going along?” nqFETZ

Shu Ning was taken aback. “Marriage agreement? What marriage agreement?”

“The marriage agreement between the Jiang family and the Wei family.” The other person naturally replied, “Wei Ximing took Wei Mingzheng’s marriage agreement, but he’s been kicked out now. The marriage agreement should naturally return to the person it originally belonged to.”

Shu Ning fell silent.

He had almost forgotten about it. Jiang Yao originally had a marriage agreement with Wei Mingzheng. In the novel, Jiang Yao and Wei Ximing were desperately in love with each other and refused to separate. After the villain’s death, the two of them got together. Now, Wei Ximing had been kicked out of the Wei family, the villain was highly regarded, and Jiang Yao had also broken up with Wei Ximing. zOULly

The situation had changed dramatically. The marriage agreement would naturally be returned to Wei Mingzheng.

“I haven’t heard anything about it,” Shu Ning said with difficulty. “No one mentioned it.”

“No one’s mentioned it yet, but they’ll definitely mention it in the future!”

“Why?” hBd I9

“It’s a marriage agreement between the Jiang family and the Wei family. It’s obviously going to be Jiang Yao and Mingzheng.”

“Yeah, Jiang Yao’s so beautiful, and Wei Mingzheng’s so handsome! They’re like a match made in heaven!”

“They’re what you call a perfect match!”

The compliments sounded grating to the ear. 87Kdsu

Shu Ning withdrew from the group and returned to his seat. “Jiang Yao already said that she would never get together with Mingzheng.”

“Really?” The others gave each other a look.

“She said it herself.”

“Well, if the two of them got together, what would you think?” iapdIJ

Shu Ning: “…”

Shu Ning reluctantly said, “If they truly love each other, I’ll naturally wish them well.”

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After he said this, Shu Ning felt a little disappointed.

He realized that, even without Jiang Yao, there would be some other girl who would get together with the villain. They would get married, have children, and live a happy life in the future. ou9W5w

However, why was it that the thought of being separated from the villain made his heart feel as if it were being squeezed?