
My God, I'm going to be shameless!

After Zhai Tongxin let go of the entanglement in his heart, his relationship with Shang Mu Nan has improved by leaps and bounds.

A happy family, a natural worry up.

Lu Hongye recently feels that her body is getting sleepy.

Often just get up, slowly began to feel sleepy again.

So always sleep, but always appear to lack of sleep.

Let the original good physical quality of Lu Hongye, gradually become haggard a lot.

This is not the night, a good family finally have a meal together.

Eating, Lu Hongye yawned again.

Looking at the side of the Qi old man's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled up, chopsticks heavily to the table.

"What have you been doing lately? Look at what you look like now

Lu Hongye's original attention was not on this, and her spirit was also in a trance.

By Qi old son such a fright, at ordinary times has been enduring the anger also came up.

"What's the matter with me? I'm breaking my heart for this family. What do you say I'm doing? Do you have those little cheap foxes out there, and now you're going to pick bones in your eggs and start picking my thorns? "

Lu Hongye such a, simply Qi old son also gave frighten a big jump.

Although she was often arrogant and domineering outside, she was unreasonable and unforgiving.

But Lu Hongye has always been a lady of a big family and a dignified mother in front of Mr. Qi.

It's also because she's like this. Uncle Qi is not fooling around outside.

But now Lu Hongye looks like she has lost her mind.

From the inside out, it's like another person.


Mr. Qi looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief.

"Me? what is wrong with me? I've been working hard on you, an old man. If you don't give me more money, I'll give it back to other foxes. It's five million. How can you be so generous? "

Lu Hongye saw that Mr. Qi didn't say anything, so she stood up from the chair.

His hands pinched his waist, although he was still dizzy when he stood up.

But I can't stop her looking like a fighting rooster.

She was dissatisfied with Luna before, and kept holding it.

If Luna is a son eight after days, give birth to a big fat boy to the Qi family, take good care of it.

But I didn't expect that something shameless happened behind, which made Lu Hongye feel more worthless.

I've been holding my breath all the time. I've let it out at this moment.

"It's unreasonable!"

Mr. Qi picked up the bowl next to him and fell to one side.

Then he stood up with his chair and walked angrily towards the door.

"Dad, don't be angry, mom is just uncomfortable!"

Qi jinggen stood up and said to Mr. Qi.

When he heard his son speak, Qi's anger was slightly suppressed.

In the past two days, Qi jinggen seems to be more sensible and less worried, so his attitude towards his son is not so tough.

But his eyes fell on Lu Hongye, and he became sharp again.

"Take a good look at your mother and see what she's mad about!"

With that, he didn't turn his head and walked out of the door angrily, swinging his sleeve.

Lu Hongye this appearance, let Qi Laozi feel deeply deceived.

Let this man can't help but feel, before the original appropriate, gentle and dignified, are a cover.

It's all an appearance to achieve the goal. It's a show.

His heart for Lu Hongye nature is also a lot more dissatisfaction.

After the old man walked out of the door, Lu Hongye was driven mad by his sentence, which made the whole person wake up a lot.

She stood in the same place for a moment.

"Mom, no matter how uncomfortable you are, you can't scold your father like this. Don't you see his disappointment?"

Qi jinggen stepped forward and looked down at Lu Hongye.

Although the tone of concern, but look carefully, his face is not with a trace of expression.

So cold as to stay out of it.

However, Lu Hongye did not notice.

Some of her legs were soft and she supported the chair on one side.

She doesn't know what's wrong with her. She's in a trance recently, and she's always upset.

She said that she was sleepy, but when she got to bed, her brain and spirit were running fast, just like a machine, running all night.

Therefore, Lu Hongye is particularly sensitive these two days.

Often a movement can scold the nanny.So after the shock, I didn't control myself, and no matter who the other party was, the whole person began to explode.

"Jinggen, what's the matter with me?"

Lu Hongye looks at her son for help.

She gradually began to have a feeling that since Qi jinggen stayed in the room for two days, her son seems to have grown up.

She's got a sense of dependability.

So now she doesn't know what to do.

I can only look at my son for help, hoping that he can help himself and find a way.

Seeing his mother like this, Qi jinggen had an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

Like the satisfaction of being depended on, being depended on.

He has a kind of abnormal idea, hoping that his mother will always be like this.

I hope Lu Hongye can make more mistakes, so that he has a chance to help.

"Don't think about it. Come and sit down. Xiao Yun, get the medicine!"

Qi jinggen calms Lu Hongye's mood, and then helps her walk to the sofa.

Then he said to the nanny.

Hearing his name, the nanny named Xiao Yun trembles slightly, then turns around and takes the medicine that Lu Hongye has been taking recently.

"You're just too tired and worried to take the medicine and have a good rest and sleep!"

Qi jinggen took the medicine in Xiaoyun's hand and handed it to Lu Hongye.

Looking at the medicine on his son's hand, Lu Hongye unconditionally believes that he reaches for it and then puts it directly into his mouth, swallowing the water on one side.

"But my son, although he can really have a good rest after taking the medicine every time, the time is very short, one or two hours!"

After drinking the medicine, Lu Hongye looks at her son with red eyes.

Since she began to feel sick and sleepy, her son went to get her medicine from the hospital.

This period of time has been eating, but eat so long did not see good, but also more and more serious feeling.

"If the medicine is three times poisonous, you still need to relax so that you don't have to take medicine in the back!"

Qi jinggen looked at his mother with a smile and comforted him.

But such a smile, the side of Xiaoyun is to see shivering, but dare not say anything.