"I'm that kind of person."

Qin Yutian said shamelessly, but he murmured in his heart. He seemed to be almost this kind of person, so Er Zai could live up to his frustrations.

Zhai Tongxin gave her a white look and didn't pay any attention to her. However, there is nothing wrong with Nancy. It just can't make Qin Yu interested in Nancy.


Nancy came out through the crack of the door, heard Zhai Tongxin call her name, ran slowly, and jumped to the bed along the shoe cabinet beside the bed.

After seeing Nancy coming, Qin Yu and Zhai Tongxin's faces formed a sharp contrast.

"Sure enough, Nancy is lovely. Er Zai is not so honest at all."

Gently touching Nancy's head, Nancy lay on the bed, squinting, let Qin Yu's hand caress on his body, feel very comfortable.

Looking at Qin Yu's gentle face to Nancy, Zhai Tongxin is too embarrassed to say anything. Instead, she looks at them and sleeps slowly.

"Look at your mother, she doesn't care about her body so much."

Qin Yu whispered and pinched Zhai Tongxin's quilt. Looking at Zhai Tongxin's sleeping face, she picked up her hair.

Holding Nancy out of the hut, will Nancy to put back, but also for fear that they will hurt Nancy, just go back to the bedroom.

The next day, both of them got up with each passing day. Zhai Tongxin had no choice but to drink the decoction prepared by Feng Miao. Regardless of whether it was used or not, it was very bitter anyway, so that when eating, Zhai Tongxin had to endure it.

This situation has been continuous for five days, until there are two cars slowly driving into Anxi garden at night.

After parking the car, Shang Mu Nan comes to the backyard with a ready bouquet in his hand. He wants to surprise Zhai Tongxin, fearing that he will be seen in the front door.

After opening the back door, Mimi quietly went to the house. Looking at no one downstairs, she went up the stairs. Suddenly, she heard the movement under the stairs. She thought it was Zhai Tongxin who came up and didn't go to the main room to see.


Shang muyue screams out and is startled by Shang munan who comes out at the corner. Shang munan also discovers that it's his sister.

"Why are you back?"

Looking back at Shang muyue, Shang munan frowns slightly, which is the cry of Shang muyue. I'm afraid the surprise I'm ready for is gone.

Looking at Shang Mu Nan holding a large bouquet of flowers, Shang Mu Yue also knew that he was wrong. He stepped back from the stairs and trotted away.

Zhai Tongxin and Qin Yu come out of their bedroom with a baseball bat. They also see Mou Nan, a businessman holding flowers on the stairs.

"You're back."

Seeing that it was Shang Mu Nan, Zhai Tongxin put down his baseball bat, only slightly wondering whose was the scream.

Shang Mu Nan handed over the bouquet in his hand and said with a smile.

"Originally, I was going to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect that there was an oolong."

Looking at the two, Qin Yu felt like an electric light bulb for a moment, but now she couldn't get down and was embarrassed to go up. She could only stand in the same place.

Silently looking at the two people's eyebrows and eyes, eating the dog food silently, I think of Lin Yezhi in my heart.

Zhai Tongxin took the flower in his hand, a little bit hard, but after holding the flower, he blocked his face.

"I'll send the flowers back first."

Then he trotted up the stairs and left behind Qin Yu and Shang Mu Nan,

"thank you for taking care of her recently."

"Well, she was my best friend before she was your wife."

Because he had eaten a mouthful of dog food, he was a little angry when he spoke. However, Shang Mu Nan also knew Qin Yu's appearance, so he couldn't help laughing and walked down the stairs.

See the business Mou Yue sitting on the edge of the sofa, patted her head.

"Welcome back."

After hearing these words, Shang muyue was also moved in his heart, just pretending to be calm on the surface.

"I wish my brother wasn't angry."

Zhai Tongxin put the flowers up and looked at the merchant Mou Yue downstairs. Unexpectedly, they both came back at the same time. She was a little surprised.

Sitting beside Qin Yu, she holds Nancy in her hand. After seeing Shang Mu Nan, Nancy shrinks her head. In her young heart, she still remembers the destruction of the demon king.

However, when Shang Mu Nan Saw Nancy, he saw her in front of his eyes. He thought that she was afraid of strangers. He came to Zhai Tongxin's side and hugged her.

"Ha ha, you've found someone to compete with you."

Qin Yu also thought of the other side of Shang Mu Nan and felt very novel. She joked to Zhai Tongxin.

It's not easy to just look at this scene. Suddenly I think of the scene between Lin Yezhi and ER ha. I can't help laughing."He looks so reassuring. Don't you think the contrast is cute?"

Zhai Tongxin said quietly, but Shang Mu Nan, with a bad smile on his face, took Zhai Tongxin over.

"Is it?"

Hearing the temperature of Shang Mu Nan's breath, Zhai Tongxin's face flushed. He insisted on Shang Mu Yue and Qin Yu sitting in the room, indicating that there was someone in the room.

But Shang muyue is not a little convergence, but is more arbitrary, in her ear after a whisper will Zhai Tongxin let go.

The devil's region 5 is finally over, but after thinking about what Taoist Mu Nan said, the blush on his face is more serious.

"Well, since you have someone with you, I'll go back too."

"Oh, Yuyu, are you going to leave?"

Listening to Qin Yu's leaving, Zhai Tongxin didn't expect that. He thought Qin Yu would stay here for a while before he thought it was clear.

But I didn't expect that she was ready to leave now. Zhai Tongxin was also blessing her best friend.

"I understand. It's the same with the trial marriage. If you want to go, you can go."

Listening to Qin Yu's last stubbornness, Zhai Tongxin didn't break through Qin Yu's disguise.

Looking at Qin Yu after the call, Qin Yu finally put down the appearance, the smile on her face said the beauty.

"When it's time to get married, you must ask me to be your bridesmaid, or I'll make a quarrel for you at your wedding."

"OK, OK, the bridesmaid is you. Does Shang Mu Nan want to be the best man? At that time, there will be interaction between the bridesmaid and the best man."

Qin Yu bad smile way, looking at business Mou Nan nodded.

"I want to be a bridesmaid, too."

Business Mou Yue yells at a side, do Bridesmaid of this kind of thing look very amusing appearance.