The two companies, together with Mou Nan's attitude, are driving Song Ling crazy. I can't help but resent Mou Nan.

If it were not for him, he would not have worked so hard.

But soon, Song Ling thought of a way to revenge him.

In the evening, Zhai Tongxin was really idle and sleepless when he was reading the news on the Internet.

The title is "shangmou group is in danger, and the president sells stocks overnight."

He made a phone call to Mou nan to discuss the countermeasures.

"Shang Mu Nan, look, Song Ling jumped over the wall in a hurry and sold the company's shares directly. Maybe tomorrow, the company's shares will plummet, but it can't work."

Shang Mu Nan is also closely monitoring the company's every move. He still has some understanding of Song Ling's anxious action.

Zhai Tongxin's body is much better, and he should be able to return to the company together tomorrow.

"Don't worry, we still have a recording on hand. Tomorrow we'll ask our Secretary to arrange a trustworthy lawyer for us. It's time to disgrace Song Ling."

These words reassured Zhai Tongxin and began to look forward to the play of Shang Mu Nan tomorrow.

And the secretary here has been following Shang mounan since he resigned, waiting for this day, so after receiving the news from Shang mounan, he kept on doing things well.

The next morning, many reporters gathered around the gate of shangmou group, hoping to get the first-hand information about the reason why shangmou group sold its shares.

The appearance of Shang Mu Nan and Zhai Tongxin stirred up a thousand waves, and many people were waiting here. Get ready for a joke.

Song Ling hasn't finished selling stocks yet. Seeing that Shang Mu Nan and Zhai Tongxin are still guilty, they have to ask tough questions in front of the public: "Why are you two bringing people to our company? Want to buy shares? Then take the money. "

Zhai Tongxin couldn't help but ask him, "why do we buy it? Do you want me to remind you of your own bad deeds? Now that we are back, we are fully prepared. "

Song Ling disdains this. The company has already completed the transfer of ownership. It's no use trying to go back!

Looking at Song Ling's coffin without tears, Shang Mu Nan had nothing to euphemism, so he simply played the recording directly in front of the media.

Song Ling listened to his forcing Shang Mu Nan sentence by sentence that day. At the moment, he panicked and subconsciously wanted to grab the recorder.

Shang Mu Nan won't let him succeed, and then his strength turned his body, and Song Ling fell a piece of shit.

"Now you know why we're here today? The reason why you are so eager to sell stocks, "said Shang Mu Nan, glancing at Song Ling on the ground.

After a pause, he continued: "it's not because you can't control such a big company and sign a contract that you want to make the last profit, isn't it?"

The reporters whispered that most of them looked down on Song Ling. They wanted to make the last sum of money of the company by using this kind of means.

Lawyers don't need to say anything. Standing there directly is also an invisible threat to Songling. There is no way for Songling to leave.

"So many people are watching. As long as you immediately transfer the ownership of the company back and compensate us three million yuan, I will not sue you, otherwise it will be enough for you to drink." Shang Mu Nan looked at Song Ling's back and said plainly.

Song Ling's back pauses, seems to want to say something, but gives up.

I wish everyone could see him when I come, but I hope everyone can't see him when I go back. Song Ling did a huge comedy for the whole city. The clown was himself.

After the whole city knew that Shang Mu Nan and Zhai Tongxin were returning to take over Shang Mu group, life seemed to be back on the right track, and the episode would eventually pass.

The only difference is that the relationship between Zhai Tongxin and Shang mounan is getting better and better.

It was not until the arrival of Fang Yu that this barely maintained calm was broken.

After the lesson of the last time, the Secretary refused to let Fang Yu get close to the president's office this time, and refused her far away.

"Our president is very busy. What can I do for Miss Zhao? If not, please come back

Fang Yu looks around at the Secretary's back to see if Shang Mu Nan has come to work today.

The secretary was speechless. "Miss Fang, what do you want to do? Is the company a place you can break into at will? "

Fang Yu is even more unreasonable. She must see Shang Mu Nan today. It's hard for anyone to stop her.

Seeing that he couldn't do it hard, he took a circuitous tactic. "Then you have to go in no matter how hard you are. Can you tell me? Even if he refuses, he refuses, not you. "

Looking at the incredulity of the Secretary's face, Fang Yu smiles, "don't be so incredulous. I'll just sit here. You can pour me a cup of coffee. I'll wait here."Shang Mu Nan couldn't deal with his official business today. He just looked at the scenery by the window. When he heard the noise outside, he came out to have a look.

Fang Yu sees Shang Mu Nan come out, eyes all put pure light, brush of stand up, tidy up own appearance.

Blushing face said: "I knew you would come out to see me, I came here today is to apologize, I know last time I did wrong, you forgive me, OK?"

With that, Fang Yu took a few steps forward and shook his sleeve.

Next to the Secretary's mouth long can plug an egg, he is never expected that Fang Yu will be such a small woman's coquetry.

Shang Mu Nan stepped back half a step, the other side rain this action showed resistance, this is too intimate.

"Fang Yu, I don't know what medicine you sell in gourd. I'll tell you straightforwardly, forgive. It's impossible to forgive in this life." after seeing Fang Yu's reaction, he continued: "it's useless for you to just ask for my forgiveness. You also know who is the one you should apologize for most."

Fang Yu still doesn't give up, pressing Shang Mu Nan step by step, and the whole person seems to be hanging on him.

Jiao didi said: "I just want to get your forgiveness? Brother Mou Nan, please forgive me. I'll never dare again. "

What kind of trouble is this?

Shang Mu Nan is about to be disgusted and vomited by Fang Yu. Just now he can keep his most basic expressionless face, but now he can't stand it completely.

"If you have brain problems, go out and treat your brain. I'm not in a mental hospital."

Shang Mu Nan feels that he is wasting time talking to Fang Yu.

Estimating that his goal has been achieved, Fang Yu talks like a normal person. "Shang Mu Nan, you found it yourself. I've begged you so humbly to forgive me."

Shang Mu Nan sneered, even disdained to give Fang Yu a look, "how? Do you want another kidnapping? You'd better grow your brain. "

"You stop. I know it's no use saying anything to you now. I just hope you can be so calm tomorrow morning."

Shang Mu Nan waved his hand and asked people to take Fang Yu out.

"Don't touch me. I'll go myself. One day you'll ask me." Fang Yu laughs like a madman.

Before Fang Yu came to the company, she had already made arrangements. The reporter quietly followed her and secretly took some intimate photos of her and Shang Mu Nan.

When I woke up the next day, the photos of Shang Mu Nan and Fang Yu holding together were all over the sky. The reporter who collected the money had no conscience and played up the atmosphere between them.

Seeing that his affair has spread all over the city, Shang Mu Nan is furious with Fang Yu.

After washing up in a hurry, I'm going to the company to arrange for people to withdraw all these untrue reports.

But I didn't think that now the company gate has been flooded.

"Mr. Shang, could you answer the rumor about your affair with Miss Fang Yu?"

"Mr. Shang, have you really abandoned your wife for a new one?"

Business Mou Nan iron green face, these reporters more and more aggressive, do not ask what to give up.

"I don't have any new lovers. You don't have to ask any more. I don't want to see you at the gate of my company for the second time."