Chapter 275

Looking at Xiang Ling's left back, so lonely and sad. Su Leyao is astringent and stuffy at the bottom of his heart, but he knows what to say and do at this moment.

Only silent blessing.

Anyway, she is still very grateful for Xiang Ling's presence in her life. Like a gorgeous and enchanting fireworks, it decorates the most beautiful time of her youth. Although it is short, it is the purest and most fearless beauty.

Gently said in the bottom of my heart: "Xiang Ling, you must be happy."

"Reluctant to let him go?" A man's sour voice rang out in her ear. Su Leyao was surprised that they had been cuddling with each other for more than half a second.

How exciting this is for Xiang Ling?!

If she wanted Huangfu Yuyang to let go, she couldn't, so she always asked him to let go. Whether intentionally or helplessly, this sentence has almost become her mantra.

However, how could she have the heart to say at this moment?

He is holding her with his injured hand, even if the wound is split, he will hold her.

"No, I just think he's gone so sad." Since we have decided to be with him, we should let him know what we want. Be honest to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.

They have gone through too many departures, there is no need to have so much embellishment.

"After all, I still can't bear it." A man is really jealous.

Su Leyao relaxed and nestled in his arms: "I'm not reluctant to let him go, but I'm reluctant to let him go. Huangfu Yuyang, I have nothing to do with Xiang Ling. When we separated, we were too young, maybe we had some confused feelings, but there was worship and admiration. It was pure, but now I think it's not love. "

The man with her eyes brightened, but his mouth continued sour: "what about you to me?"

"Boom" ground, the red halo on Su Leyao's cheek spreads all the way to the root of his ear.

Seeing that she refuses to speak, a man gnaws at her earrings in a vicious way, which makes Su Leyao protest. Scruple to his body wound, she dare not have too big action, can only silently endure his "bullying".

"Say it or not?" She tried to plant a strawberry on her white neck, which made Su Leyao feel embarrassed and helpless.

"You always bully me." There was a hint of coquetry in the plaintive tone: "if you were pursuing me from the beginning, maybe we would not go so many detours."

"At that time, I couldn't get out of the wheelchair, and you had to marry Zhuo XINGRAN. I had no choice but to do that." Rarely have they been so calm.

"Then you can tell me quietly, you are afraid that I will tell you?" Su Leyao is a bit of a polemic.

Huangfu Yuyang had no choice but to straighten her body and let her look into his eyes: "Yaoyao, I admit that at first I was too anxious and used the wrong method. Later, it also made you fall into the struggle for power and profit of Huangfu family, and made you suffer from fright and grievance. Also, I didn't deal with the communication with my grandfather, which made you in a dilemma. Yao Yao, I'm sorry. I'm not mature enough to handle it properly. "

"No, Huangfu Yuyang, you don't have to apologize. I also have many wrong places. I am preconceived and always reject you. Even if you have done so much for me, I still refuse to accept you. In fact, I'm not confident enough, because Wenjing is so excellent. I can't help feeling inferior in front of her... " This was the first time that she was so calm to Huangfu Yuyang.

Slender fingers against her beautiful red lips: "you don't have to talk to anyone, you are you, Su Leyao, the only girl in the world. You are kind, simple and considerate. Just, far away, can I have a little request for you? "

In his deep eyes, she can only nod.

Huangfu Yuyang raised her face, and her voice was very sexy: "learn to be nice to yourself and be cruel to others. Also, keep me in mind and think of me for the first time. "

Listening to his touching words, Su Leyao's eyes were slightly moist. He buried his head in his chest and nodded his head very gently: "well."

In fact, in front of him, she is very selfish.

She always thought that he had a good reason to hurt him, because he always tolerated her and let her regain her confidence a little bit.

It is said that the best love is to grow up with you, and she met a better love, he helped her find herself, and let her continue to be herself. Take her happiness as joy and sorrow as sorrow.

Her lips, like feathers, fell gently on her trembling and shy eyelashes, with no further meaning.

"Huangfu Yuyang, I'm sorry before, but I'll try to learn how to love you later." Even though she was too shy to bury her head in the sand, she still had to say something. She couldn't let Huangfu Yuyang guess alone.

Sure enough, her black eyes lit up a little. The light seemed to come from the fairy mountain, which shocked people and surrounded Su Leyao.

"Yao Yao, are you serious? Are you willing to love me? Are you already in love with me? Yao Yao, you tell me, tell me. " Voice urgent, a second waiting for him is indescribable suffering.

Su Leyao is ashamed and painful. It turns out that he has no sense of security, just like a warrior who goes to accept the challenge beyond the limit. No matter how confident he is, his heart is still restless and bottomless.Under his burning eyes, Su Leyao didn't want to let him guess any more and said aloud, "yes, Huangfu Yuyang, I've fallen in love with you. But, I don't know how to love, so if there is something wrong with it, please forgive me

"I thought I would never wait for you in my life." He murmured, the ecstasy in his eyes made Su Leyao feel remorse and heartache.

She bent down and pecked at her beautiful red lips. Su Leyao blushed, but he didn't dodge. Instead, he closed his eyes and let him have whatever he wanted.

Huangfu Yuyang's kiss was very gentle. His lips were like a dragonfly skimming water. He didn't dare to stay on it for too long, and he was reluctant to leave. So he lingered and forgot to return.

"Huangfu Yuyang Ah, why did you bite me? " Su Leyao covered his lips, stepped back, and looked at the pale man in front of him, but his eyes were shining.

"What do you call me?" Husky voice full of temptation, silk cotton wadding wrapped up.

"Huangfu Ah, you... " Su Leyao looks at the evil man in front of her. He asks. She answers truthfully. Why do you bite her?

Su Leyao wants to retreat, but she finds that the big palm is around her waist, and she can't retreat at all.

"What do you want?" This man really is, have words not to say still bite a person, inexplicable.

Looking at her dull and cute appearance, Huangfu Yuyang wanted to continue teasing her. But somewhere in his body, he wanted to do whatever he wanted to do with her.

However, they still have injuries and can't do too intense sports for the time being. If he goes on like this, he will be responsible.

"Call me by name." Men can not be relaxed, there is a strange husky voice.

"Emperor..." Just spit out a word to receive his stare, Su Leyao finally suddenly realized.

This man is really It's so cute.

"Yuyang." Mingming is a common word, which he has been used to since he was a child. At this moment, it is so pleasant and beautiful.

So soft and sweet, because rich in feelings and become up and down, unspeakable beautiful.

Su Leyao barks naturally, but he is uncomfortable by Huangfu Yuyang.

"That It's better to call a doctor to deal with your injury. " Said, escape also like out of the room.

When he reached the place that Huangfu Yuyang could not see, Su Leyao's eyes gradually glowed with sweet and blurred light, holding his hot cheeks in his hands. A corner of the empty heart is filled with something, like a sponge full of water.

Huangfu Yuyang's wound split, and the doctor forced him to lie down and rest. Warn him that if it splits again and infects, the consequences will be unimaginable.

He said he could have a good rest, but he had to move Su Leyao's bed to his ward. For his wonderful request, the workers rushed to work all night, broke through a wall, and merged the two beds into one.

Now Huangfu Yuyang was finally satisfied, because he could see Su Leyao at any time. If you hold her hand when you are asleep, you are not afraid that she will run away.

Looking at such a childish Huangfu Yuyang, Su Leyao is helpless and guilty.

It's all her fault. She's always evading and pushing him away again and again, which makes him feel so insecure.

"sister, how do you feel today?" Since the two wards merged into one, Qin Hao seldom bothered them.

"Much better." Su Leyao looks at Qin Hao with a smile and pats off his unruly hand under the quilt: "Qin Hao, how's Mr. Zhou? He blocked a shot for me, but I never went to see him

After that terrible gunfight, I watched my relatives get hurt and even leave him at any time. Qin Hao suddenly grew up a lot, and many things were prioritized overnight.

No matter what happens to anyone, he should put the safety of his relatives first.

"Sister, don't worry. Daddy is OK. He's resting at home. By the way, when I came, he asked me to greet you for him. " This time, Zhou Qingxuan is desperate to block a shot for Su Leyao, and let Qin Hao see his deep love.

Father's love is like a mountain, silent.

If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have sacrificed his life to save his sister. This is what we call love.

"Can I visit him?" Thinking of his bad attitude towards him before, Su Leyao is a little tangled.

She doesn't regret what she did that day. She treats Zhou Qingxuan coldly, because he really hurt her mother all her life. But he gave his life to save her. He was her benefactor.

She has no other advantages, but she knows how to be grateful.

She wants to see Zhou Qingxuan and thank him face to face. In addition, some knots are untied, which is best for Qin Hao.

"Of course, sister, you can go to Ximeng garden at any time. It's my home, and it's yours. " Qin Hao is very happy that they can shake hands and make peace. They are his closest relatives in the world.

It's hard to tell which is more important. The best result he can think of is that they can make up.