In the kitchen.

Gu Yu waved his hand and slapped towards the tap.


With a crisp sound, the tap was shattered.

Water gushed out from the tap.

After the stream of water fell into the air, it started to float. Then, as if it was attracted by something, the water column flew into the living room from the kitchen.

"Water Force?" Dracula asked with a faint smile.

"That's right, only when there is water can the water potential display the strongest destructive power. In the absence of water, we can only think of ways to get water out of the water." Feng Feng said.

"So that's how it is. However, even so, you all are doomed to die!" Dracula sneered as he took off his robe.

The muscles beneath the long robe were clearly defined, and they seemed to contain terrifying power.

"Water prison!" The sharp peak coldly snorted and took the initiative to attack.

The unending stream of water, under the control of the sharp grass, transformed into a cage that surrounded Dracula.

"Hex!" With a clench of his fists, the cage around Dracula suddenly shrank.

Weng! *

A muffled sound rang out.

In the blink of an eye, Dracula was completely submerged by the endless streams of water.

"The scariest part of the Water Prison is that water is formless and formless, no matter how much you struggle it is useless. He will trap you inside, suffocate you, make you know that you are drowning and that you are unconscious. In addition, the water current will constantly collide with your body, causing your body to consume oxygen faster. " Sharp Peak said coldly.

Dracula held his breath as he looked at the flow of water spinning around him. This flow of water kept crashing against his body, forcing him to use the same amount of strength to defend himself. And once he used his strength, his heartbeat would quicken and his oxygen consumption would naturally increase.

This was indeed an extremely difficult move to deal with. However, to Dracula, this move was useless.

Dracula's legs suddenly bent, and then he suddenly exerted force.


With a loud bang, a deep crater appeared in the ground under the foot force of Dracula's feet. After that, Dracula's body flashed and actually broke free from the water prison!

Such speed!

The peak of the mountain's pupils suddenly shrank. This Dracula didn't attempt to break the water prison, but used his speed to forcefully throw the water prison behind him, freeing his body from it.

If your speed is not fast enough, then when you move, the controller of the water prison will make the water prison follow you at all times. Only if you move faster than the prison controller's reaction speed, then will you be able to escape from the water prison, and a person's thinking ability is generally above the person's body's reaction speed, and the peak's person's thinking speed far exceeds the average person's reaction speed. If a person's body's speed is faster than the peak's thinking speed, then that's too difficult, and in such a difficult situation, Gu De easily did it, what does this mean? This meant that Dracula had a body fitness level that far exceeded that of an ordinary person's!

In the next second, Dracula arrived before the peak.

A water shield suddenly appeared in front of the peak.

The water on top of the water shield continuously flowed. Relying on the flow of the water, the water shield had extremely strong defensive capabilities. Even if it was a bullet, it wouldn't be able to use the water shield.

At this moment, Dracula's hand had already reached the peak.

Just like Eduardo before, Dracula also used his five fingers as a weapon. The sharp nails on his five fingers flashed with a strange red light!


The sharp fingers pierced into the water shield.

The strong current continued to wash over Dracula's hand, trying to stop it from moving forward.

However, the piercing force of Dracula's hand was just too strong. In an instant, his hand had already pierced through the water shield!

"Fuse, Gu Yu!" The sharp peak called out.

Gu Yu's pupils constricted and he instantly released his energy, fusing it with the power of the peak.

The intensity of the spike increased by a level, as did the strength of the water shield.

Dracula's hand was trapped by the water shield, unable to take another step!

"Attack!" The sharp peak called out.

Without any hesitation, Gu Yu rushed towards Gu La. At the same time, Gu Yu grabbed a 10 centimeter long black handle from his waist.

Gu Yu swung his hand, and a long whip suddenly appeared on the black handle. Gu Yu abruptly swung the long whip at Dracula.

This long whip easily wrapped itself around Dracula, and after that, Gu Yu pressed a certain button on the handle.

The entire whip suddenly tightened, like a snake wrapped around its prey.

Dracula's body shrank with the tightening of the whip.

Dracula tried to struggle, only to discover that the whip was abnormally strong.

"Don't underestimate the power of technology." Gu Yu said coldly, "In order to deal with you special groups, the country invested a lot of money and developed a lot of weapons to deal with you."

"Is that what you're talking about?" Dracula lowered his head to look at the long whip on his body and asked with a smile that was not a smile.

"This whip is made out of special materials. The more you struggle, the tighter he shrinks. The maximum pulling force he can endure exceeds 30 tons. You don't have to try to break free, it's impossible. Not to mention that one of your hands has been trapped by a water shield. " Gu Yu said.

"Then I'll give it a try." He took a deep breath.

His chest expanded as Dracula inhaled, and at the same time, the rope around his body began to contract violently.

"First, break this water shield for me!" The hand that had been trapped by the water shield shuddered.


The strengthened water shield instantly shattered.

Sharp Peak and Gu Yu's bodies trembled uncontrollably, and soon after, both of them spat out a mouthful of blood.

After that, Dracula grabbed the whip with his free hand and pulled it outwards. His other hand was restrained by the whip, and he forced it open.

The whip, which was said to be able to withstand thirty tons of pulling force, was directly pulled out, and it immediately became thinner.

"Break!" Dracula roared, exploding with even greater strength.


A loud sound echoed out.

The whip snapped.

Both Feng Feng and Gu Yu were stunned. They never thought that a whip that could trap even an elephant would be broken like this.

"Gu Yu, run and find Xu Taiping. This person is not someone we can deal with!" I will keep him busy! " Feng Feng shouted.

"If I leave, you'll have even less hope!" Gu Yu said excitedly.

"If we don't run now, we'll both die here. Hurry up and go!" As the sharp peak spoke, he gathered the water from the water pipe in front of him.

The outline of a spiraling dragon appeared in front of the peak.

His sharp eyes suddenly turned blood-red, and blood began to flow from his nose and mouth.

"Peak!" As he saw this, he knew that this peak was going to put its life on the line!

"You can hold on to the peak!" Gu Yu shouted loudly, turned around and dashed out the door.

"Do you think you can escape?" Dracula sneered as he charged into the rain.

At this moment.

"Water Dragon Break!" The sharp, angry roar of a mountain could be heard.

Dracula looked around, alarmed.

At this sight, Dracula's heart trembled slightly.

A short distance away, a completely formed water dragon whizzed towards him.

Dracula had to give up the rain and turn to face the water dragon.

Taking advantage of this time, Gu Yu rushed out of the room and went downstairs through the window.


A loud sound came from behind Gu Yu, accompanied by a loud sound. Water spouted out of the windows of each room and sprinkled into the air.

Gu Yu landed smoothly on the ground and turned his head to look behind him.

"Hold on!" As Gu Yu spoke, he turned and walked in the direction of Xu Taiping's residence.

On the other side.

In Dracula's residence.

Dracula crossed his arms in front of him, drew back on one leg, and arched his legs.

The flesh on Dracula's hands had already split open, revealing the bones underneath. In addition, there were also many deep bone scars on his body.

Beside Dracula, the peak was pale and panting.

Just now, Water Dragon Break was the peak's ultimate attack. Once this move was used, the peak's momentum would be overdrawn. Currently, he was on the verge of fainting.

"It's indeed very strong." Dracula put his hands down and stood up straight, ignoring the blood that was running down his body as he walked step by step towards the peak.

With a plop, Feng Feng fell to the ground. He no longer had the strength to move his body.

Just like that, Dracula walked in front of the peak and extended his hand, grabbing the collar and lifting the peak up.

"If I hadn't swallowed Eduardo, I might have died just now, fortunately." said Dracula.

"If you kill me, I will bring calamity upon you and your entire family." Feng Feng said with his last bit of strength.

"Apart from Zhao Tie-zhu, our family has never been afraid of anyone else, because humans are creatures of a lower level than us." said Dracula.

"Hur hur." Ape smiled. Although his smile was weak, it was enough to show his contempt.

"Thank you for coming. When I get back, I'll tell my people that Eduardo was killed by you. That way no one will suspect that I killed Eduardo. That's perfect. " Dracula laughed.

"Go … "Die." Sharp Peak gritted his teeth and said.

Upon hearing these words, Dracula's brow creased slightly.

It was at this point that a feeling of vigilance suddenly rose up from deep within his heart.

Dracula reacted almost instinctively, shaking off the sharp peak and sprinting towards the window.

As Dracula rushed out of the window …


A loud sound rang out from behind Dracula.

Dazzling flames spewed out of the window, illuminating the entire night.