Chapter 34: The Second Path to Divinity

Chapter 34: The Second Path to Divinity

Amidst a haphazard arrangement of scrolls, a certain ancient tome was being suppressed.

Unlike the other scrolls, this one exuded an aura of freshness.

The name on the ancient book was incomplete, revealing only three words:

"...Ascension Forbidden Technique."

Owen paused in his steps, pulling out this particular ancient tome.

The name sparked an exhilarating rush in him.

"Soul Ascension Forbidden Technique."

Ascension... forbidden technique?

His eyes flickered with curiosity as he opened the first page.

The first thing he saw was the summary:

"In the ancient and mystical world, there exists a sealed taboo art known as the 'Soul Ascension Forbidden Technique.'"

"This forbidden technique is believed to possess the power to elevate a human soul to the realm of gods."

"However, due to its immense power and potential dangers, this technique has been strictly prohibited by successive guardians of mystical powers."

"Well-crafted indeed... If this forbidden technique is real, wouldn't the Grand Magus Academy be home to several gods?"

With a stirring heart, Owen turned to the second page, only to find it disappointingly blank.

Not a single word was written.

"Could there be some secret method of sealing it, preventing others from viewing it?"

With this thought, Owen silently recited a fire magic spell.

A flame burst forth from his fingertips.

He used the flame to scorch the second page of the book, but the tome was extraordinarily resilient, unaffected by the fire.

After pondering for a moment, Owen summoned streams of water, washing over the ancient book.

Yet again, the tome remained unchanged, impervious to water and fire...

Just this fact alone, the material used for this ancient tome, was enough to astound anyone.

"A fine prize, best taken now for later scrutiny."

Owen slipped the "Soul Ascension Forbidden Technique" into his spatial ring, preparing to leave.

He spared not a glance for the other forbidden techniques.

With his dragon bloodline, brimming with myriad forbidden techniques, and being a Gold Divine Dragon himself, he could employ any Dragon forbidden technique at will.

The forbidden techniques of the Grand Magus Academy hardly caught his eye.

Yet, having come all the way to the library's subterranean level, Owen was intent on uncovering what other mysteries and peculiarities this place held, aside from harboring forbidden techniques.

The entire lower level was dimly lit, with only ancient magic lanterns flickering feebly in the corners.

The walls were etched with the marks of time, testifying to the library's long history.

Venturing deeper, Owen encountered a massive circular stone platform.

The platform was covered with complex magical runes, exuding a mysterious aura.

These patterns were so dizzying that Owen had no desire to delve into their secrets.

This place, he surmised, must be where the Grand Magus Academy's masters or grandmasters studied forbidden techniques.

As for the matter of the heart, he could inquire with Professor Elwin later.

Stepping out of the wooden door, the aged face reappeared.

"Haven't gone to bed yet, old man?" Owen asked with a smile, somewhat sheepishly.

The face on the door glanced faintly at the space ring on Owen's finger and responded lightly, "How could I sleep if you didn't come out?"

"Sorry for the disturbance, old man."

"Mm, at least you're polite. Better get some rest now."

"Goodbye, old man."

Owen let out a sigh of relief and quickened his steps towards the exit of the library.

Just then, the aged face spoke again in a ghostly tone:

"Some things are fine to look at, but if you really want to practice them, you'd better think thrice."

Owen's steps halted abruptly.

He turned slightly to look at the wooden door.

But where was the aged face on the door now?

His heart pounding, he narrowed his eyes and thought to himself:

"Is this old man talking about Thunder Resonance or the 'Soul Ascension Forbidden Technique'?"

Regardless, the Grand Magus Academy was indeed no simple place.

He needed to tread carefully; his nocturnal visit to the library had been quite a risk.


The next day, Owen got up early to attend Professor Elwin's class.

Waiting until the class was over, he approached Elwin again. "Do you have a question?" Elwin asked.

Owen had initially planned to beat around the bush to extract some useful information from Elwin.

But remembering his own identity, he decided to be straightforward:

"Professor, you're aware of my identity. Recently, elders from my clan have sent word that there's a forbidden technique in the Grand Magus Academy that can bestow divinity. Is there any truth to this?"

Elwin's brows furrowed slightly as he patiently explained:

"Indeed, our academy possesses a technique for achieving divinity. However, your current realm is too low, merely a gold-tier magus. Contemplating such a divine technique at this stage seems a bit too ambitious."

Owen grinned broadly, revealing his pearly white teeth, giving off an air of innocence and naivety:

"What I find most memorable about studying at the Grand Magus Academy is something said in the principal's office: a magus needs not only to elevate their realm but also to broaden their horizons. So, I'm just curious and want to understand a bit more."

"Did the principal really say that?" Elwin looked puzzled.

While it made sense, it didn't seem like something the principal would say.

Of course, the words were Owen's own invention, a tactic anyone could employ.

"Certainly, it was during the opening ceremony."

"Hmm—well, in that case, let me tell you. Our academy has a professor who has researched a forbidden technique for soul-based divinity..."

Owen felt an inexplicable tension, his eyes flickering slightly.

"...The principle of the 'Soul Ascension Forbidden Technique' involves a special ritual that merges a person's soul with divine power, granting them power beyond that of ordinary humans. That is what we call the divine realm. However..."

Elwin paused, his expression complex.

"However, what?" Owen pressed on.

"Ahem, well, the point is, this forbidden technique isn't easy to implement, and the consequences of failure are not something an ordinary person can bear. For now, you should focus on your studies and find your own path to divinity in the future."