Chapter 151: End-of-Year Stage (21)

Name:Second Try Idol Author:
Chapter 151: End-of-Year Stage (21)

“Give it a chance and listen till the end," Joo-Han encouraged us. Hearing that, Goh Yoo-Joon and I fell silent and gave the song our full attention.

From the get-go, the tinkling sleigh bells set a festive tone, undeniably Christmasy, but the tune was a fresh departure from the well-known classics we had in mind. The track was laced with sweet jazz and the occasional jingle, and it was crooned beautifully by a male vocalist, adding to its charm.

As the melody wound down, Joo-Han shared with a pleased smile, “That is 'Christmas is Ours,' a gem from the musical Happy Single Christmas."

“Hyung, your musical palette is impressively wide."

“Seriously, it's like there's no song out there you haven't discovered." It was quite remarkable for Joo-Han to pull such a perfectly fitting, yet obscure Christmas song out of his hat, truly a nod to his potential as a future music mogul[1].

Joo-Han modestly bypassed our praises with a grin and delved into the backstory of the song. “‘Christmas is Ours' isn't just any holiday tune. While its melody might deceive you with sweetness and the velvety male vocals may seem perfect for a romantic Christmas evening, the song cleverly narrates a tale of a single guy persuading his buddy, the protagonist, about the unique joy of spending Christmas together, just the singles."

“This story will probably mesh well with the musical that follows."

Just for context, the protagonist in the musical got convinced by his friend to spend a single Christmas together, but on Christmas Day, the protagonist found himself alone as his friend ended up going out on a date as a new couple, leaving the protagonist to experience a bittersweet Christmas.

“So, the idea is for Hyun-Woo and Yoo-Joon to kick things off together. With Yoo-Joon in the role of the persuasive friend and Hyun-Woo as the protagonist who gets sweet-talked into the plan."

Joo-Han then showed us a snippet from the musical “Christmas is Ours,” highlighting the dynamics between the characters.

I asked, “Goh Yoo-Joon is playing the bubbly persuader here?"

“Exactly. Picture Yoo-Joon buzzing around Hyun-Woo, pouring his heart out in a musical style song, with Hyun-Woo all smiles, utterly convinced by Yoo-Joon’s words.”

Immediately, Goh Yoo-Joon took steps back at the thought, clearly not thrilled. “We are supposed to pay homage[2] to this? Like, for real?"

Still beaming, Joo-Han assured him with a nod. “Absolutely. The fans will love it. When have I ever steered you in the wrong direction?"

“Well, no, not really," Goh Yoo-Joon reluctantly answered, turning his attention back to the clip.

The video showcased the friend character animatedly circling the protagonist, engaging in playful antics, and passionately selling the grandeur of a single Christmas. He even pretended to have an engagement proposal by kneeling.

Goh Yoo-Joon wasn't the only one feeling iffy about it. I asked, “So, I'm just meant to sit there and get swept up in all this?"

Being cast as a character whose expression ranged from genuinely clueless to comically dumb didn't sit well with me. Was I truly about to participate in this entire charade with Goh Yoo-Joon, right in front of everyone?

“Yes, it's your moment to shine on stage! Just imagine how much the Rings will adore this. It's not just any performance but a special one! Think about it. While others are showcasing their talents in a musical, our charming member, Cha Cha Hyun-Woo, will bring his own brand of musical magic. It's our unique spin on a musical."

“Ah... I see your point."

“Then, following that, you and senior Elisia will share a sweet duet up to the chorus. And then, Yoo-Joon, who was all about celebrating singlehood, joins back in for the second verse with senior Elisia. They then leave together, while Hyun-Woo watches on as he feels somewhat betrayed."

Shoot... I was swayed, convinced even. Here I was, contemplating a simple carol performance, while others were prepping for elaborate musical stages. Joo-Han's pitch made my initial idea seem almost too understated...

“A carol? Sure, it's lovely. But remember, this is a 'special performance.' That's a one-of-a-kind treat for the SES New Year Party."

Indeed, this performance needed to stand out and be something memorable and exclusive to this event. But considering carols were already slated for the opening and closing, and other senior artists had chosen them too, it didn't quite scream 'special performance.'

“Think about it. You might feel a bit embarrassed, but a musical showcase with a best friend? Come on, it’s a rare experience. Yoon-Chan and his crew are bound to delve into such acting in their own musical performances down the line. Hyun-Woo, you surely don't want to miss out on this opportunity, right? Being left in the shadows isn't an option, is it?"

“Absolutely not, getting overshadowed is the last thing I want...!"

“Then do it. It's going to be incredibly charming."

“Yes! Count me in!"

“I'm on board, hyung! Thanks for the recommendation!"

Joo-Han’s persuasion was successfully accomplished, so he nodded with a look of contentment and left the room with a smile. He was indeed the mastermind behind “Woof Woof Meow Meow.”

Perhaps he just relished the thought of us indulging in a bit of over-the-top acting. However, his point stood out. Focusing solely on carols might leave us overshadowed by the grandeur of the following musical stages.

Yet, the track suggested by Joo-Han could seamlessly serve as an engaging opener for the nineteen-year-olds’ performance! It was a chance to present a memorable stage, especially for the Rings who were looking forward to my participation before my unfortunate injury.

“Director, we've made our song choice!" I said. Joo-Han was for sure a musical genius.

We eagerly started to familiarize ourselves with the lyrics and melody. At that pivotal moment of decision, the first scene of our special stage preparation came to a close.

“Cut! Let's pause for a moment. Next up, we are filming the discussion about Chronos's stage."


“Ready to roll. Jin-Sung, would you do the honors and give the slate a clap?"

“Can I really? Wow!"

As ideas flew back and forth, I was torn, biting my lip in silent turmoil. This brainstorming session was dedicated to spotlighting me, and I felt it wouldn't be right to chime in, so I was overwhelmed by a sense of guilt.

Sensing my internal struggle, the members went above and beyond, pouring out tons of suggestions on my behalf and filling the room with a warm sense of camaraderie. Thus concluded our first day of filming for Chronos's preparations. This session was a testament to the unity and creative spirit that bound us together.

[Side Story] - The Distance of the Heart

As the afternoon waned and the filming crew left, the rest of the members, excluding me, swiftly changed and dashed to the practice room to immerse themselves in the grind for the upcoming performance.

Alone in the silent dorm, a heavy sigh escaped me, weighed down by guilt. Then suddenly, my phone buzzed softly from under the pillow, breaking the solitude.


It was a text message from my mom.


- Hyun-Woo, are you busy?

- Not really, just chilling at the dorm.

- Mind if I call?

- Of course, Mother.

As soon as I sent my reply, her call came through. A flutter of unease stirred in me as I answered, "Hello?"

- Hyun-Woo, why so formal all of a sudden? What happened to 'mommy'?

“Just felt like switching it up. Haha, how's everything, Mom?"

- Fine, fine. And you?

Her voice quivered a bit. She had to be shaken by the news of my fall.

“I am good as well.”

- I saw the news. Your fall has been making rounds. Why didn't you respond to my texts? You had me worried sick.

“Ah, I must have missed your texts. I am sorry about that. And, Mom, why did you watch that clip? It's not a good scene to watch.”

I'd been too wrapped up in my own discomfort to even glance at my phone, let alone consider my parents' distress. Realizing this brought me a pang of remorse. It felt so strange now, discussing such personal matters after years of growing apart.

- It's hard to not see it when it's everywhere. My heart just sank.

- Honey, ask him how he is feeling now, not just about the fall.

- Right, right. How are you feeling now? What did the doctors say?

I brushed off the severity of my injury, assuring her it was nothing a little rest couldn't mend. She was skeptical at first but eventually let out a resigned sigh, accepting my words.

“Anyway, I really appreciate your concern, and I'm sorry for the scare. But don't worry. I will be back on stage soon, even if I have to take it easy and sit."

- Hyun-Woo, please, don’t push yourself too hard. Are you sure you are alright?


- Remember, you can always come back and rest at home. There's no place like home for healing.

“I will keep that in mind."

- Mom and Dad will always be a home for you and your sister, no matter what.

'Mom and Dad are your safe haven.'

- You don't have to soldier on alone. You know you can always come back, right?


'Remember, it's okay to show your scars. Stay strong, and chase your dreams without fear. Even if you stumble, it's fine. We are here to catch you.'

Those words, once spoken by my parents during the time I shied away from family gatherings, suddenly echoed in my mind. I recalled their crestfallen faces when they saw my scarred face and the support they offered me despite their own heartache. Hearing their current concern over my minor injury made me wonder how they had coped back then.

Therefore, I found myself hesitating to face them, held back by a mix of guilt and the fear that seeing them might reopen old wounds, which prompted me to flee once more. The gap between us, connected by hearts yet separated by circumstances, remained a challenge to overcome.

1. An important or powerful person, especially in the motion picture or media industry. ☜

2. A tribute or respectful acknowledgment to an artist, composer, or a specific piece of music, often by incorporating or emulating its style, themes, or motifs in a new work. ☜