Chapter 190: Joy (27)

Name:Second Try Idol Author:
Chapter 190: Joy (27)

The stage was adorned with screens displaying cherry blossoms painted in soft pastels. It was a picturesque backdrop redesigned by the choreographer who had witnessed our performance at a previous school event.

The dance was initially designed for us to rally in the center with hands united as if chanting a rallying cry, but this rendition had us facing each other with hands clasped—what a subtle yet poignant change.

Framed by the fluttering cherry blossoms in the intro, our smiles emerged, natural and contagious. As the intro faded, the powerful drums kicked in, propelling us into a synchronized jump that landed us in a meticulously crafted formation.

Stepping back gracefully, I watched as Jin-Sung burst forward with energy that matched the dynamic beats. The choreography embodied the essence of Chronos's youthful vigor and passion, each move a testament to our collective spirit.

Initially mirroring the formation, the dance evolved to showcase individual flair, diverging at a crescendo in the intro. With Jin-Sung at the center, we subtly shifted, morphing the formation with seamless precision.

Then, the choreography transitioned as I reclaimed the center and picked up the energetic dance where Jin-Sung had left off. Although not visible from the front, Joo-Han was mirroring my steps from my previous position. This part of the choreography highlighted our individual styles and ensured that our unique dance identities shone through clearly.

I led the first verse with a melody that lifted the spirits.

The spring sun has risen

Though the spring breeze is still chilly,

it carries a warm embrace

When you wide open the window and take a deep breath,

the day begins♪

As I bent down, Jin-Sung used my back as a launchpad for his leap and smoothly transitioned into his part. Followed by Joo-Han and then Goh Yoo-Joon, we introduced each other's parts like a musical and weaved a tapestry of joy across the stage.

As I caught sight of Goh Yoo-Joon playfully mastering his part, I couldn't resist it. I directly dashed toward him with a grin and leaped to cling onto his back.

Goh Yoo-Joon's muscles tensed instinctively, his posture steady as he supported my weight without a wobble. I then gestured grandly toward the sky and continued my part.

Ah! There go the rolling leaves!♪

In perfect harmony, Jin-Sung spun on his heel and tossed paper leaves into the air.


This was a playful twist encouraged by our agency. Thinking of the lyrics, we crafted these paper leaves together in the morning. It was a creative workaround.

As Jin-Sung made way, Yoon-Chan stepped into the spotlight to sing his part, his tender gaze and gentle voice melding perfectly with the song's theme.

Sliding off Goh Yoo-Joon's back, I casually slung my arm around his shoulder. We seamlessly regrouped into a triangular formation with Yoon-Chan at the forefront, and a whistle pierced the air, signaling the start of our synchronized dance. With hands nonchalantly tucked in our pockets, we let our feet carry the rhythm.

‘This part is bound to be a hit with the audience.’

Yoon-Chan beamed with contentment at the center, manifesting the song's essence. At that moment, prideful eyes silently cheered him on as I smoothly transitioned to the center, adding an extra flair to the choreography with my movements.

The music swelled, and electric guitars wove through the melody, leading us into the second verse and building up to the climactic highlight.

As the climax approached, I found myself encircled by my fellow members, the spotlight squarely on me. The high note was always a daunting challenge as it demanded me to belt out everything I had.

Pouring my soul into it, I delivered the note with a perfect blend of power and melody. Navigating this prolonged, unwavering high note was an ordeal in itself, intensified by the relentless pace.

In the middle of the formation, I watched as my fellow members danced in harmony, their movements echoing the band's lively rhythm and my soaring vocals. As we neared the song's finale, the energy of the audience peaked as each face was alight with the thrill of performance. This song was a true anthem of joy, transforming the arduous comeback preparations into a stage brimming with delightful memories.

Pink cherry blossoms flutter in the wind

And you and I are laughing

I capture your smile in a photo,

And you shyly lower your head

The excitement swells,

It's a relief that we are here today♪

A whimsical thought crossed my mind. ‘If only cherry blossoms fluttered down from above, the scene would have been even more dramatic.'

I wrapped up my part and felt a gentle weight on my shoulder. Jin-Sung had come up beside me and rested his elbow there.

Our most brilliant moment,es a beautiful filter,

Gifting us a lifetime of joy♪

“This is...”

“Congratulations on your comeback.”

They were the newly released smartphones. We then exchanged glances, a wave of guilt washing over us at the sight of Su-Hwan's genuine gift. The old 2G flip phones we had been using since our trainee days were probably still hidden under our pillows.

Su-Hwan's sincere gift weighed heavily on our hearts. He noticed our lackluster reaction and looked puzzled, so he asked, “What's the matter?"

After a brief silent exchange, I spoke up with a mix of embarrassment and guilt.

“We... um, we have something to confess..."

“We are really sorry."

“We messed up, big time!"

Following my lead, the members started to apologize one after the other.

“What's going on?" Su-Hwan asked.

“Hold on a second..."

At Su-Hwan's question, we sheepishly retrieved our personal phones from our rooms one by one.

#Side Story - Concept Photo Shoot (Type B, Park Yoon-Chan)

The director's suggestion seemed a bit too sudden for a newbie idol like Park Yoon-Chan. After all, he was still green in the ways of the industry.

“Please, take your time to think it over and contact Su-Hwan if you are interested. I understand you are busy, so I can wait."

Grateful for the director's understanding, Su-Hwan and Yoon-Chan both nodded appreciatively.

“Thank you, Director. We will be in touch soon."

“It's just a suggestion, so feel free to take your time. Let's take a short break and then resume shooting. You too, Yoon-Chan."

“Yes, Director."

Once the director had left, Yoon-Chan turned to look at Su-Hwan who looked expressionless like usual.

“What would you like to do, Yoon-Chan?"

“I... um..."

The director had spontaneously offered Yoon-Chan a role in his upcoming musical-style short movie. After all, Yoon-Chan's neat appearance could capture attention in an instant. His somewhat shy demeanor and his surprisingly decent acting skills despite his inexperience made him an ideal fit for the project. Being a Chronos member with talents in dancing, singing, and acting, he seemed perfect for the director's vision.

However, despite the flattering offer, Yoon-Chan declined without much hesitation although he was visibly pleased. “I'd rather focus on the group and our performances for now."

Like what Hyun-Woo and the others had done before, Yoon-Chan prioritized the group's stability although he had a keen interest in acting.

“It's a great opportunity though. Aren't you interested in acting, Yoon-Chan? This could be your first step."

Yoon-Chan shook his head while smiling reassuringly at Su-Hwan. His smile was usually tinged with timidity, but it was filled with conviction this time. “If I'm prepared, opportunities will come. For now, I want to progress along with the rest of the members. Just like what Hyun-Woo hyung said, once Chronos’s popularity stabilizes, maybe after our first successful concert, that's when I'd like to give it a try."

At first, Yoon-Chan had found the demands of training, dancing, and singing overwhelming. Despite his rapid rise to an A-grade trainee based on his looks, the cutthroat competition had nearly crushed his spirit.

Even after joining the trainees late and being warmly received for his amiable nature, he lacked close connections with them during his trainee years. Thus, he doubted that debuting would ignite any significant affection or passion within him for the group. At first, he thought that the debut group, which was freshly formed amidst fierce competition, would be all about seizing every opportunity to rise through the ranks between members.

However, Chronos was nothing like that.

“Thank you for the offer, but I'm committed to the group right now. Please tell the director I will come and audition personally next time."

The joy of dancing and singing, the recognition of his own talents, and the confidence his fellow members instilled in him—all of these factors, coupled with the camaraderie and affection they showered upon him, made him believe that opportunities would always come around. Therefore, there was no need to rush.

‘It's not about a competition.’

When Su-Hwan heard Park Yoon-Chan's words that were filled with conviction, his initial surprise quickly turned into a smile. He nodded in understanding. “Understood. Here, take this."

Su-Hwan handed him a pocket watch. “They say it's a prop."

“Thank you so much!"

“Let's get ready to resume shooting!" A staff member's voice echoed from behind the tree-shaded wall.

Yoon-Chan held up the pocket watch and turned around. “Okay! I’m coming!”