Chapter 1905. Hot-headed Lunatic

Name:Second World Author:
Chapter 1905. Hot-headed Lunatic

At the Southern Aurebor Front, the Verremor army held the defensive line fearlessly. The orcs were a race with unusual battle lust. They were not easily intimidated, even when the enemies outnumbered or outpowered them. Additionally, they were reinforced by their national treasure, the Totem Banner.

Water Lily was in charge of the Totem Banner, while the ten war banners that received the Totem Banner's effects were entrusted to the field commanders who spread out on the battlefield. Water Lily herself was working on the war table, organizing the army for an effective defense.

She was so focused on what she was doing, and everyone had been running around the place all the time, that she didn't sense someone coming behind her.

"How's the battle going?"

Water Lily was startled by the question. She turned and saw Four Winds. Leavemealone, Arthur Bagrat, and Blackhole stood behind Four Winds. The bodyguards protecting Water Lily and the war table let them pass since Four Winds was the Grand Chief.

"Grand Chief!" Umeza Giantkiller called. He was in charge of the security around Water Lily. He was fighting a demon who tried to get to the war table. He gave the demon a roundhouse kick that sent the demon away. He ordered his pet, the three-headed wolf, to deal with the demon while he came to Four Winds.

"It's about time you come," Water Lily said to Four Winds. She talked while returning her attention to the war table. "Want to take over? I honestly don't know how to turn things around. I might need to issue a retreat if the situation doesn't change."

"I can't. You need to keep steering the army. I have to deal with another thing," Four Winds answered.

"Other things like what?" Water Lily asked.

"Like defeating Asmodeus," Four Winds answered. He was observing the map above the war table. It was easy to identify Asmodeus' position on that map. The devil was represented by the largest red dot.

"My regiment and I will follow you to battle the devil," Umeza declared.

"No. Your regiment stays here and protects this place," Four Winds ordered. To Water Lily, he said, "I need you to rearrange the troops to keep the other demons away from Asmodeus. I want to focus on Asmodeus without interruption." Findd new stories at

"That will be difficult. Despite his size, that devil is very fast," Water Lily answered. "Plus, the other sides of this defensive line will weaken if I retask the troops to focus on the area around Asmodeus. We might end up having to retreat earlier."

"We won't be retreating anymore," Four Winds announced.

Water Lily turned to Four Winds again. She was trying to check if he was joking. Four Winds was displaying his regular serious face.

Four Winds saw the skepticism in Water Lily's expression. He added, "We will be making our stand here. There will be no more retreat. We will defeat the devil. It's time to go all out!"

"Grand Chief, maybe that is too hasty?" Umeza said. "Please don't underestimate Asmodeus. You haven't seen the devil in action. He is not an opponent who can be defeated simply by using more troops. We have lost a lot of good orc warriors who tried to do that. The ones who can face Asmodeus are the hi-ranked members from the Council of Hybris. Even they lost quite many members already. Currently, they simply tried to keep him at bay instead of trying to defeat him."

'That's our guild leader for you,' she thought.


Asmodeus' man-head turned in the direction where the mana-empowered voice was coming from. He snickered after hearing the declaration. "No longer retreating? Such a boastful statement," He muttered.

He then turned his attention back to the four natives battling him. All of them were members of the Council of Hybris. They had lost countless members during this war. They had even lost one of their leaders just two days ago. Balrd had fallen. Only Petunia was left.

The radiant peafowl also almost died earlier. Petunia forced it to retreat to heal its wound first. It was unwilling but finally yielded to Petunia's demand and retreated. As for Quetzalcoatl, he was helping the other side of the battlefield. Most of his skills were lightning-based. They were very ineffective against Asmodeus.

After Balrd's demise, Petunia wished to halt Asmodeus' advance all by herself due to her pride, but a squad of high-level members of the Council of Hybris came to her aid. These members weren't going to lose both their leaders, even if it meant leaving the other parts of the battlefield weakened.

That squad was now down to only four, including Petunia. Two of the four were level 85 mythical grades. These two had their HPs at critical already. The remaining one specialized in healing spells. She tried to heal her two comrades, but Asmodeus cast Interrupt, and her casting failed.

Asmodeus' bird claws went in a flash and stomped one of the mythical combatants. That stomp was using a skill. It caused a localized earthquake. The combatant died after the stomp.

The other one received splash damage but not that bad since he successfully dodged from getting a direct stomping. His accomplishment didn't last long, though. Asmodeus' serpent tail shot a lightning bolt that pierced him. He lost his life after that assault.

Petunia never stopped firing using her bowgun, but Asmodeus ignored her attacks. Asmodeus had a magic shield empowered by lightning that blocked her attacks. Normally, Magic Shield only reduced damage, but Asmodeus' Lightning Shield had runic symbols reinforcing it. This Lightning Shield blocked Petunia's shots completely. None of her arrows hit the devil.

"Aneid, get back!" Petunia told her healer comrade. She was casting a spell while firing her bowgun. The spell was now completed. A black hole appeared near Asmodeus. While a black hole was inherently dark, this one had darkness-element infused to it. This dark black hole pulled at Asmodeus while causing dark-element damage.

Asmodeus didn't appear perturbed by the spell. He shoved one of his bird claws into the black hole. He then squeezed. The black hole distorted until eventually, it was ripped apart.

Petunia was taken aback. She couldn't believe Asmodeus could end her spell by force.

"Without your partner, you are nothing," Asmodeus mocked. "Perhaps it's time I end this game and send you to reunite with him."

Petunia's HP was also not well. She was below 30% HP. Aneid tried her best to heal Petunia, but her healings were not fast enough.

When Asmodeus was preparing three spells simultaneously to make good on his threat, a high-pitched screech was heard. He turned to the source and saw something that looked like a firebird coming at him at high speed.

"Hmph! Another plaything?" Asmodeus snorted. He changed one of his spells back into the lightning shield to block this newcomer.

The firebird crashed into the runic-empowered lightning shield. While the lightning shield seemed to hold, Asmodeus sensed a sudden spike of mana. Something that looked like a dark drill pierced through his lightning shield. A raging flame burst through the hole caused by this dark drill. That flame transformed into a flaming tiger head.

This flaming tiger head slammed into Asmodeus' man-head. As it did, Asmodeus felt like he had been punched by a giant fist. His head reeled back from the punch. His two other spells ended mid-casting, and he was forced a couple of steps back from the impact.