Chapter 1979: Chapter 1979. I Will Come for You

Name:Second World Author:
Chapter 1979: Chapter 1979. I Will Come for You

n it!" Jack cursed. Their position was far away, but they could still see what Master did. "Don't get provoked," John cautioned. "There is nothing you can do for them."

"What if we use Hope's Light?" Paytowin asked. "With Jack's control, he should be able to hit Master."

"Don't! I'm certain it will do no good. We will only expose our position," John said.

"John is right," Jack agreed. His senses sharpened while under mana awakening. He knew for sure Master could still easily destroy him even when he was in this state.

"We are saved thanks to your quick action," Jeanny told Jack.

"I'm grateful, but this is not a solution," John said. "Although your mana awakening can stretch the duration of Void Defense, it still has a limit. Once it is over, we will be found out." "Don't worry. In about twenty more seconds, Chris will contact us," Jack said.

"How do you... Ah... You used Time Reverse," John realized. "What happened before you turned back time?"

"You don't want to know," Jack answered.

Another pillar of fire erupted in the distance, killing thousands of people again.

"I can't just let him do that!" Jack exclaimed.

"Don't be foolish! You will risk everything if you face him now," John warned.

"I'm not facing him directly," Jack said. He cast Hundred Mirages.

Using the precise control of mana awakening, he merged all the mirages into one copy and sent this copy to Master.

Hundred Mirages' copies had the caster's mana signature, so Master sensed the copy approaching. However, Master could still tell that the one approaching him was an illusion, not the real Jack.

"Stop this," Jack's copy said.

"Come out and make me," Master challenged.

"I won't. You can act like a child and vent your frustration on those poor people. I still won't come out."

"How dare you call me a child?!" Master boomed. Lightning struck randomly. The earth cracked, and lava burst out.

"This is unlike you. I never like you, but I always respect your composure. Does becoming a God cause your personality to become inferior?"

Master's face turned into a scowl, but he quickly calmed down. As angry as he was, he did realize he let his emotions run amok too much. He wondered if becoming divine had truly caused his desire to become uncontrollable.

Jack saw the change in Master's expression. He said, "Don't worry. I will come to face you again, but not now. Not today, but I will come."

"Hmph!" Master harrumphed. He stretched his arm, but it was not aiming at the army this time. The empty land his hand aimed at was soon covered in a powerful tempest. When he saw no reaction, he aimed at another place, and the same thing happened.

"No need to waste energy. You won't hit me that way," Jack said.

Jack wasn't bluffing. Even if Master hit the spot where they were hiding, the tempest wouldn't hit Jack because of the Void Defense.

Master chuckled. He said, "They can still serve me even if I kill them."

The Necronomicon appeared in his hand. The black book released a copious amount of

ominous black light.

The Themisphere army had just started marching when Master appeared. They were still near the battlefield where they fought Satan's army. The black light from the Necronomicon spread all over this battlefield.

In the past, Master could only revive the dead in a small area around him. He had to go from one location to the next to revive all those who died on the battlefield. That took a considerable amount of time. With his current divine power, he could significantly stretch the Necronomicon's AOE.

Under the horrified gazes of the living soldiers, the dead started to rise. Within these risen

deaths were the comrades they used to fight with and the demons they fought against. These risen ones were now hollow zombies loyal only to Master. Even strong demons such as Dajja were resurrected. Satan, however, was not among the resurrected. His devil status made him ineligible for the Necronomicon's power.

Linda was lost for words seeing this. Like Master said, he could make the living army here serve him even if he killed them. Master didn't discuss the matter further with her. He flew above the Themisphere army. He saw these people were looking at him with fearful eyes. That was expected. However, in those fearful eyes, he saw another emotion. Hope. When he was wondering what could have given these people hope, Jack's face crossed his mind. This single thought drew his ire again. He almost gave in and obliterated these people, but he stopped himself.

"I will give you all one chance," Master's voice boomed across the plains. "Kneel!"

It was the players who knelt first. Most of these players were independent players. Guild players started kneeling once they saw their superiors did. Even the members of Everlasting Heavenly Legends did too. The ones who hadn't knelt were the native soldiers. When Master thought these natives would choose to be stubborn to honor their king, some started kneeling. These were the high-ranking officers. Seeing their commanders knelt, the remaining soldiers followed suit.

'This is easier than expected,' Master thought. He at first thought he had to make a few examples before the masses fell to their knees.

A portion of the people here knelt due to fear after seeing what Master was capable of, but the reason everyone did without showing any defiance was because Jack had sent the commands via his royal agents. While Master was searching for Jack earlier, they spread the word. They were to comply with Master's every demand. They were to be patient until the day he came


Jeanny did the same to their guild members, who then passed along the message to their

allied guilds.

In this way, everyone put on a façade of obedience. They were willing to bear this shame because they knew there was still hope.

However, a pair of people seemed unwilling to dance to the tune. Master soon noticed these

pairs. To his surprise, the pair were people he knew well. They were Wong and Long.

"Get down, you fool!" Domon scolded, but Wong refused. He remained standing tall.

Domon sighed. "In that case, I..."

Wong put a hand on Domon's back. "If you get up, your students will follow. They will die."

"So, you are allowed to keep your dignity but not me?"

"At least let me win over you in this regard, okay?" Domon looked around him. The eyes of his old and new disciples were on him. Wong was

right. If he rose, they would rise as well. He sighed again. If not for his grandson's urging him to submit, he wouldn't have knelt. He did not fear death. It was not a true death anyway. However, all these disciples who looked up to him would lose everything they had worked so hard for. He didn't want them to lose it because of him. So, he restrained himself. He stayed kneeling even when Master appeared above them.

"Well, well. We meet again, my heavenly enforcers," Master said. "You might think I only commanded my enemies to kneel, but no. I demand everyone to kneel. Even if you serve me, the two of you still need to kneel."

"You misunderstand," Wong said. "We refuse to kneel not because we consider ourselves on your side. We refuse to kneel because we are done being your lapdog. From now on, you can't tell us what to do anymore."