Chapter 368: (4000) The fourth level of Peiyuan Realm

Name:Secret Dice Author:Haige Lizi
Chapter 368 (4000) The fourth level of Peiyuan Realm

Snake gallbladder? !

After saying these two words, everyone present fell silent, especially Uncle Xu, who stared blankly at the huge snake gallbladder for a long time, tears streaming down his face...

"My brothers who collected herbs with me all died in the mouth of this beast... I never thought that, old man, I would be able to wait until this beast's death!"

Uncle Xu recalled the past with emotion. Lu Youcai and Fatty Chen looked at Luo Jun with awe in their eyes. Even Master Tong Qi looked at Luo Jun as if he didn't know him.

In the world of martial arts, masters are not uncommon. Although the deep mountains and old forests of Guandong are dangerous, they are not a big threat to martial arts masters who are proficient in vitality. Even if he has seen Luo Jun's heroic appearance in defeating bandits, Tong Qiye thinks that this is a The first-class players in the world are probably the outstanding disciples of a certain major sect.

But he knew Uncle Xu's abilities. Senior herbal collectors like him were all skilled in martial arts. Especially Uncle Xu, who had friendships with many northern sects and had a high status in the martial arts. Enshrined in the Baicao Chamber of Commerce, helping to identify medicinal materials is just one of them. Many matters in the world also need Uncle Xu to intervene.

In the eyes of such a person, the giant snake that is as invincible as a nightmare is actually poached by him in such an understatement? This is no ordinary master of martial arts!

Must win over! No... Such a person cannot be won over by a medicine merchant like me, but at least we must establish a good relationship. If necessary, this is the leg that can save the Tong family's life!

Thinking of this, Mr. Tong Qi immediately said: "Uncle Xu, congratulations on fulfilling your long-cherished wish, but now we have to get down to business first. Can you estimate the price of these ginseng and snake gall?"

Uncle Xu also came to his senses and wiped his tears: "It's funny, the older you get, the more sentimental you become..."

"Shaoxia Lin... you are not an ordinary person, and I am not hiding it, Old Xu. The common Guandong ginseng on the market is sold in taels. Depending on the quality, the market price of one tael ranges from three to five taels of silver, but a single ginseng Treasures weighing a kilogram cannot be sold at the market price. They are basically auctioned. The general transaction price is more than a thousand taels of silver... Since the establishment of the merchant, the largest ginseng king ever sold, weighing a kilogram and seven taels, was sold to Dong I bought the Taihe Hall in Zhouzhou for 4,200 taels, and it is still hanging in their lobby. It is the treasure of the store..."

Having said this, Uncle Xu looked at Luo Jun's ginseng in the box again: "But what I said above cannot be compared with the ginseng you brought... Not to mention the Baicao Chamber of Commerce has been established in the past few years. In the hundreds of years of history, I have never heard of a treasure with this kind of appearance. It is really difficult for me to estimate it..."

As he said that, Mr. Xu looked at Lu Youcai beside him and said, "President Lu, how much money is there in the Chamber of Commerce's account now for expenditure?"

"This..." Lu Youcai hesitated. After all, this was a business secret.

Uncle Xu saw that he was in trouble and simply said: "You mentioned it last time. If you want to eat a batch of goods, you need a lot of capital turnover. Can you get enough now?"

Lu Youcai's eyes lit up, "It's almost done..."

"That's good." Mr. Xu nodded and said, "Let's put the ordinary items there first. Can you allocate some money first to get this?"

"Of course, it's all up to Uncle Xu..." Although the batch of goods that Lu Youcai was interested in were all precious medicinal materials, compared with this once-in-a-thousand-year-old ginseng king, they could only be regarded as ordinary products.

Uncle Xu nodded and looked at Luo Jun: "Well, Brother Lin, I will give you an estimate of 50,000 taels for this ginseng. The starting price is 55,000 taels. If it is sold, the chamber of commerce will charge a 10% commission. If If you don’t sell it, even if you buy it for 50,000 taels, you’ll be guaranteed to make at least 50,000 taels anyway, how about that?”

This price was somewhat beyond Luo Jun's expectations. He thought that a ginseng would be worth a few thousand taels, so that he could make up for the storage fee of Jubao House. He didn't expect it to be so valuable!

One tael of silver is equivalent to a thousand big coins. If one copper coin is roughly equivalent to the purchasing power of one yuan of Sinian coins, these 50,000 taels of silver, or 50 million, is already a huge sum of money.

But the two worlds are different after all, and money cannot be easily converted.

Compared with the main world, the productivity of the [Wulin] world lags far behind, and the total wealth is far inferior. For example, the treasury of the main world of Sinian is easily several trillions of Sinian coins, and its GDP is even hundreds of billions. Compared with such huge figures, tens of millions is only one hundred thousand or even one millionth. Magnitude…

But compared to the martial arts world, the government's treasury is only tens of millions taels all year round, and even shrinks to one million taels in disaster years. In comparison, 50,000 taels of silver is one thousandth or even one percent of the national treasury!

Reflected on the lives of ordinary people, in the [Martial Arts] in the feudal era, people's living needs were far less diverse than those of modern people in the main world. [Wulin] Most of the money earned by the people is used to maintain basic food and clothing. If you have enough food and clothing, you can live a stable life. However, in a peaceful modern society, food and clothing only account for a small part of living expenses. Other entertainment, electronic products, education, medical care, transportation, loans, water and electricity, and even the consumption of luxury goods, etc. are all out of bounds for the people in the feudal era. imagination.

It can be said that if you give an ordinary person in [Wulin] a tael of silver, he will use it to buy rice and vegetables, and he can live for several months. But if you give a modern person in [Main World] a thousand yuan, he will not be able to live a basic life for a month. They may not be able to sustain it.

All in all, in the [Wulin] world where productivity is backward and commodities are relatively scarce, the value of money cannot simply be converted with the price of the same commodity. These fifty thousand taels of silver in the [Wulin] world are far more valuable than the five in the main world. Ten million, more valuable.

Naturally, Luo Jun had no objection to such a huge sum of money. Tong Qiye also said that the Chamber of Commerce was sincere enough and the price of ginseng was basically finalized.

Next, it was the turn of this super giant snake gallbladder, but the Chamber of Commerce was in a bit of a dilemma.

"To tell you the truth..." Uncle Xu looked at the snake gall and sighed: "In terms of rarity alone, this snake gall is probably much higher than that precious ginseng... But according to the pharmacopoeia, the functions of snake gall are nothing more than clearing away heat and detoxifying. Compared with ginseng, which can replenish qi and strengthen the body, and even almost bring the dead back to life, no matter how good the quality is, it may be difficult to find a suitable buyer..."

"Rather, the better the quality, the harder it is to sell..."

Luo Jun understood immediately after hearing this. If you say there is a special medicine that can cure cancer and it is the only one in the world, no matter how high the price is, there will still be people who want to buy it.

But if you develop a special cold medicine, as long as you take it, your nose will stop running immediately. No matter how effective the medicine is, it may not be able to sell at a high price...

"But snake gallbladder has some benefits for the cultivation of vitality. This kind of snake gallbladder has never been seen before. No one knows how effective it is. If Lin Shaoxia doesn't have time, I can contact some Jianghu sects on my behalf. Maybe there will be sales... But Baicao Chamber of Commerce , we won’t be able to guarantee the price for you.”

Luo Jun nodded in approval. After all, the 50,000 taels had exceeded his expectations. Wulin's silver taels couldn't be taken away, so no amount of money would be of much use to him.

And there were more than just these two things in his bag... Then, Luo Jun took out a few more medicinal materials, many of which he couldn't name, but the rich vitality on them made him sure that they were definitely not ordinary.

As expected, each of these medicinal materials elicited exclamations from several experts.

"Young Master Lin, where did you find so many treasures?" Uncle Xu has been in the medicinal materials market for half his life, and he has never seen these heavyweight treasures today!

"This is all obtained in the valley guarded by the big snake..."

Luo Jun wandered around the mountains of Guandong for a few days and encountered many treasures. However, depending on the concentration of vitality and the top-quality medicinal materials outside, they were just like weeds that could be seen everywhere in the valley. In the end, he gave up searching elsewhere. For the treasures that came, I picked a few of the best quality ones from the valley and brought them out. "No wonder..." Uncle Xu nodded: "To be guarded by such strange beasts, it must be a secret realm that gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth... If you take out any of these items, they are all treasures that can shock the medicinal materials market!"

The things are good, but Lu Youcai also said that the Chamber of Commerce does not have so much funds and cannot eat these treasures, so it can only help Luo Jun hang out to find sales.

Luo Jun didn't care about it and left it to them to operate with confidence. In [Martial Arts], strength is the first hard currency. He has shown absolute power. Even if these businessmen really have evil intentions, they still have to weigh it.

In the next few days, the Baicao Chamber of Commerce released several blockbuster auction news. Several medicinal materials with starting bids of tens of thousands of taels were listed on the auction house, which shocked countless medicinal merchants.

Not only those who are purchasing locally, the Chamber of Commerce has also sent letters to some large drug dealers who have not sent people, focusing on describing the origin and efficacy of these treasures, emphasizing that such an opportunity is rare in a hundred years, and there is no such store in this village. .

When these pieces of news were released, the first reaction of the drug dealers was that the prices must have been wrongly marked. The appearance of a treasure of this size is already magical enough. Several of them appeared in a row. Could it be that Mr. Xu was dizzy?

But even if Uncle Xu lost his head, wouldn’t all the people in the Baicao Chamber of Commerce be hysterical? Driven by curiosity, some merchants still went to the Chamber of Commerce to inspect the goods, but when they came out, they were all stunned and kept muttering, " Words like "jelly grass, elixir..." couldn't be recovered for a long time.

As more and more people went to the Baicao Chamber of Commerce to inspect the goods, everyone finally realized that the description posted by the Chamber of Commerce was not only not exaggerated, but even a little restrained.

At the same time, many large drug dealers from other places also rushed to Badaoji overnight, wanting to have a look at these treasures.

Three days passed quickly. There were many spectators, but few actually dared to bid.

Tens of thousands of taels of silver, even the Baicao Chamber of Commerce has to bite the bullet. Looking at the entire Central Plains, there are only a few medicinal merchants who can really spend such a huge amount of money...

But Luo Jundao is not worried. Looking at the time, there are still three or four days before the Wulin Gate opens again. He has already agreed with Lu Youcai that he will wait for one more day at most. The morning after tomorrow, whether he sells it or not, he will I want to take 50,000 taels of silver and leave. As for the remaining medicinal materials, he was not in a hurry and sold them at the Chamber of Commerce.

Under this condition, Luo Jun could get cash, and the Baicao Chamber of Commerce could keep the medicinal materials for free. Both parties felt that it was not a loss, and they hit it off immediately.

Seeing that it was late at night, Luo Jun sat cross-legged on the hot kang in the guest room of the Chamber of Commerce, with his five hearts raised to the sky, and the vitality in his body began to accelerate.

Nearly a month has passed since his last breakthrough, and the compression of vitality in his body has reached its limit. He has finally reached the bottleneck, and it's time to hit the fourth level of the Peiyuan Realm!

Luo Jun adjusted the vitality in his body to the most suitable state, and then called up the secret dice.

"Breaking through the fourth level of Peiyuan Realm."

"Ding, the event difficulty is 71 points, the final point is 50+15 points, the event failed!"

Bad luck...

Luo Jun chose to go back on his word and do it again.

"Ding, the event difficulty is 71 points, the final points are 28+15 points, the event failed!"

"I'm sorry..."

Eighth level luck, including double insurance, a total of four dice rolls, but no one got over 50 in one go. No one else has this kind of luck...

Luo Jun activated the refresh, regretted it again, and then closed his eyes on the kang to rest. After midnight, he couldn't wait to try again...

"Ding, the event difficulty is 71 points, the final points are 11+15 points, the event failed!"

what is it today?

Luo Jun blinked, as if God didn't want him to succeed... Isn't this a bad omen?

If it was really a bad omen, then he should hurry up and improve his strength. Luo Jun did not believe in evil, so he went back on his word and did it again!

"Ding, the event difficulty is 71 points, the final point is 97+15 points, the event is successful!"

It’s finally done!

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief and began to circulate his energy, trying to break through.

With the guarantee of Tianji Dice, Luo Jun's breakthrough was very smooth. The vitality in his body quickly stabilized and he successfully advanced to the fourth level of Peiyuan Realm.

"Ding, the incident was successful, the basic experience point is 71 points, the severity factor is eight times, and the final experience point is 568 points!"

"Congratulations, you have been upgraded!"

In the past twenty days, Luo Jun has gained at least one or two hundred experience points every day, and he has reached the edge of upgrading. This time, these more than 500 points have finally helped him reach level 46!

The result of the attribute point extraction is eight points, and another 23 attribute points are received.

However, Luo Jun's basic attributes are already very high now. When the extra twenty points are spread out, the increase is not obvious compared to before. Luo Jun just checked the attribute table and had an idea, so he lay down and closed his eyes to sleep.

Early the next morning, Luo Jun got up and went out, took a breath of fresh air, and stretched in the yard of Baicao Chamber of Commerce. Suddenly, his ears twitched and he turned to look at the front hall, where there seemed to be a quarrel.

Out of curiosity, Luo Jun walked to the front hall. As soon as he entered, he saw several Guandong people wearing animal skins standing in front of Lu Youcai, arguing fiercely.

"This belongs to Uncle Chang. It was stolen by you people!" The leader of several Guandong people is a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. She is tall, with bright eyes and white teeth. She is holding Luo Jun's Shen, in somewhat poor Central Plains Mandarin, said angrily: "Central Plains people have dug so many treasures from our mountains, and now they don't even let go of Uncle Chang's things. How shameless!"

ps. Six consecutive dice, the highest is fifty points, the worst ever since writing a book

(End of chapter)