Chapter 366: Common routine

Name:Secret Dice Author:Haige Lizi
Chapter 366 Common routines

The battle between the two powerful men made many martial arts masters marvel. The disciples on both sides looked up at the sky with nervous expressions on their faces, worried that their master had made some mistake. Only Luo Jun stared at the sky with a playful look on his face, watching the "exhibition match" between these two powerful men.

Next, it was not just dark clouds. As the fighting became more and more intense, it also caused lightning, thunder, heavy rain and strong winds. This small, dilapidated ancient city was crumbling in the thunderstorm. On this day, three years of rainfall were almost exhausted. Already…

The other spectators hurriedly took shelter from the rain and marveled at the power of the two immortals. Only Luo Jun looked calm and even felt a little bored...

In his opinion, this will be a protracted battle...

As the saying goes, in a battle between masters, success or failure can happen in an instant. If it is really a life and death situation, and both sides go all out, the battle will not last long, let alone a flash of lightning to determine the winner.

But if it was really an exhibition match, that would be troublesome.

There are various rumors that are either reliable or unreliable. What is the most common?

A certain master and a certain leader fought for three hundred/five hundred/eight hundred rounds. The battle lasted three days and three nights/five days and five nights/seven days and seven nights...

From this point of view, these two powerful men will be unable to decide the winner for a while.

As expected, the battle lasted from early morning to night, and the vision in the sky never ended. Except for Luo Jun, the other spectators had always maintained considerable interest, praising the power of the feathered masters and guessing the final result. Disciples on both sides were also waving flags and shouting for their masters.

So there’s no need to guess?

Luo Jun curled his lips.

What is the most common outcome of rumors? The two masters fought sleeplessly for three days and three nights. In the end, there was no point, victory or defeat!

If it were serious, then victory or defeat would naturally depend on ability, but since it was a tacit exhibition match between both parties, it wouldn't look good if anyone lost. The best result would definitely be a tie.

Luo Jun had no interest in seeing the end game at a glance. Although I don't know why the two feathering masters wanted to make such a fuss, looking at the reactions of the disciples on both sides, it is obvious that this matter is kept secret, at least Qi Feng and Duan Feibai don't know about it either.

There may be some deep meaning behind this exhibition match, but at least for Luo Jun, an outsider from a different world, it no longer has much appeal.

He couldn't even wait for the two of them to decide the winner, and he quietly left Shashagou.

In the next few days, he wandered around Mobei.

In addition to deserts and grasslands, there are also civilizations, cultures, and customs established by nomadic people that are very different from those in the Central Plains. Luo Jun walked through villages, towns, and cities along the way, increasing his knowledge and traveling around the world, while never neglecting the cultivation of vitality.

Not long after, news spread in the martial arts world about the contest between the Sword Master and the Tianmen Sect Master. As Luo Jun had guessed, the two masters fought for three days and three nights. In the end, no winner was decided, and they agreed to fight another day.

What Luo Jun thought was a boring exhibition match made the entire martial arts world excited. People who had watched the match told everyone about the grandeur of the battle, and their voices and expressions were full of pride. The listeners also looked forward to it, and then added fuel to the fire and spread the word about the war of the century in an even more exaggerated version. Listening to these unreliable rumors, Luo Jun headed east, through the vast grasslands, and finally came to the Kanto region.

A huge mountain range separates the prairie to the west and west of here. Although they are both in the north of the Central Plains, the scenery is completely different. The interlaced terrain of mountains and plains has created a large area of ​​primitive jungle, rich in products, and brave people who make a living by fishing and hunting. nationality.

"The Jue Throat Pass is just ahead. Work harder and try to enter it before dark!"

Juehou Pass is a pass that separates Guandong from the Central Plains. It is adjacent to mountains to the west and the sea to the east. It is like an iron pliers, clamping the narrow passage inside and outside Lantong Pass, as if it is strangling the throat, hence the name.

At this time, Luo Jun had just taken a trip through the jungles of Guandong. When he decided to go south, he happened to encounter a caravan that was attacked by bandits. Luo Jun helped them get rid of the bandits, and the strength he showed made the caravan's The leader of the caravan greatly appreciated him and hired him with a large sum of money to guard the caravan.

Luo Jun is not very interested in the hiring fee, but the leader of the caravan is obviously not an ordinary person. This person's surname is Tong. He is the seventh eldest son in the family and is known as Tong Qiye. He looks about forty years old and has a dignified appearance. Judging from the goods he transports, The goods are basically precious medicinal materials from outside the customs. According to the people around him, he should be an influential medicinal merchant in the customs.

Coincidentally, during this trip to Guandong, Luo Jun also found a lot of natural treasures in the deep mountains and old forests.

Naturally, he doesn't understand medicinal materials, but the special vision brought by having a perception attribute of over 100 is more reliable than any experienced experience.

[Martial Arts] The natural and earthly treasures in the world, in addition to curing diseases, often have the effect of assisting cultivation and increasing cultivation. This does not rely solely on the chemical components in the medicinal materials. Really precious treasures basically absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and are rich in vitality.

This kind of vitality integrated into the medicinal materials itself is luminous and restrained. Even with the vitality vision, it is difficult to distinguish, but Luo Jun's special vision with over 100 senses can see it clearly.

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, those inconspicuous grass roots, wild mushrooms, and bugs are all shining treasures in his eyes. He has collected a lot along the way, and even the leather bag he carries cannot fit them in, making it inconvenient to hold. , we can only discard most of them, leaving only the most dazzling ones, hoping to sell them at a good price.

For this reason, Luo Jun specifically showed the medicinal materials merchant his collection and wanted him to estimate the price. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took out the first item, the businessman's eyes lit up. After a fierce ideological struggle, Tong Qiye finally advised: "Brother, if it were normal, I wouldn't ask someone like you who doesn't know how to do it with such a good product." My dear, I will try my best to deceive you with a price you are satisfied with... But you saved my life, brother, I can't cheat you..."

"When I left customs this time, I spent all my money on these carts of medicinal materials. I can't afford this treasure like yours. If you're not in a hurry for money, wait for me for a month and I'll raise the money to give you a fair price."

Tong Qiye has said this, and Luo Jun also believes that he will not treat him badly. But the problem is that Ailontan sent a message a few days ago that the originally planned three-month internship plan will end early. , when the door to martial arts opens again, everyone will return to the main world.

Calculating the time, there was only a little more than a week left after all the calculations were completed. Luo Jun still needed money to save the Eternal Star, but he couldn't wait that long.

After learning that Luo Jun was in a hurry to spend money, Tong Qiye sighed with regret: "Well, brother, I will give you an idea. When you enter the pass, it is Badaoji, which is the largest medicinal material market. If you put this treasure up for auction, all the major drug dealers will definitely be rushing to buy it. If I help you run it, you will definitely get a good price!"

Luo Jun counted the days, and after selling the medicinal materials, he still had three or four days to go to Qianzhou to store things, and then return to Bainamen. With enough time, he agreed.

(End of chapter)