Chapter 8: Turns around to run

Chapter 8: Turns around to run

"Don't worry, take your time, and tell me everything. Where exactly did your master get surrounded by sand monsters? How many sand monsters are there?" Meng Zhang's calm demeanor seemed to have infected Li Jie, who soon regained his composure and began answering Meng Zhang's questions.

"Sect Master, my master is about ten miles east of Taiyi Sect. He's surrounded by a large group of sand monsters."

"There are dozens of sand monsters in total, but most of them are small sand monsters. There are only a few mid-level sand monsters..."

"Sect Master, please hurry and save my master. He won't last long under the siege of the sand monsters..."

Li Jie pleaded desperately.

Listening to Li Jie's explanation, Meng Zhang finally breathed a sigh of relief. According to Li Jie, this was just a small group of sand monsters, not many and not too powerful.

If it were a large group of strong sand monsters, Meng Zhang would have to activate the sect-protecting great formation and seek assistance from Twin Success Valley.

Ordinary people, when fully armed and cooperating with each other, could deal with small sand monsters. Mid-level sand monsters, at most, had the strength of a Refining Qi stage cultivator.

Although Daoist True Spirit and himself were at odds and he was never a well-intentioned person, Daoist True Spirit was still his martial uncle. From the perspective of harmony within Taiyi Sect, Meng Zhang couldn't just ignore the situation.

Moreover, Meng Zhang believed that if he didn't help, Li Jie would definitely go to that kind-hearted old man, Daoist Clear Spirit, and wouldn't speak favorably about him at all.

Taiyi Sect's former Sect Master, his mentor, Daoist Profound Spirit, died in battle against sand monsters. Based on Li Jie's description, this batch of sand monsters wasn't particularly strong. He decided to pay a visit and consider it avenging his former Sect Master.

"Don't worry. You wait here, and I'll bring some magic tools and go with you."

Comforting Li Jie, Meng Zhang walked towards the back of the grand hall.

This had always been the residence of Taiyi Sect's Sect Master. After inheriting the position of Sect Master, Meng Zhang moved in here.

There were several spacious rooms behind the grand hall, with the largest one being the quiet room where the Sect Master meditated in seclusion.

The last item was a large black disc, a common spiritual measurement disc used in the Cultivation World to test spiritual root quality and physical attributes. General Foundation Building families could afford it. However, the measurement disc Taiyi Sect possessed was handed down by its ancestors and was much more accurate than the common ones in the market.

Although Taiyi Sect had fallen for many years, they still had some assets and could store such treasures. But the fact that these were the treasures stored in the sect indicated how impoverished Taiyi Sect had become.

After a brief hesitation, Meng Zhang picked up the damaged spiritual weapon, Spiritsnake Spear, and stored it in his portable storage bag. Then, he left the place.

Back in the sect's grand hall, Meng Zhang wasted no time in speaking and directly said to Li Jie, "Follow me."

Before leaving, Meng Zhang also greeted Tian Zhen, asking him to watch over the sect's gates.

Meng Zhang and Li Jie left Taiyi Sect and arrived outside the sect-protecting great formation. Meng Zhang took out two talismans imprinted with the Light Body Technique. In order to save true qi, the usually frugal Meng Zhang had to splurge a bit.

Meng Zhang used one talisman himself and imbued the other one on Li Jie, saying, "Lead the way."

After using the Light Body Technique talisman, the two of them became light as swallows. One in front of the other, they quickly headed eastward towards Taiyi Sect.

After running for several miles, Meng Zhang asked, "How much farther? Where exactly did your master get surrounded?"

"Not far ahead, we are almost there. My master is there, battling the sand monsters," Li Jie replied without looking back.

Meng Zhang felt something was wrong and upon careful consideration, he understood the problem. The area where Taiyi Sect was located was a desert plain with a radius of dozens of miles, with only a few slightly larger sand dunes.

When a large group of sand monsters moved, except for a few special breeds, they usually made a grand and unobstructed appearance, stirring up sandstorms. Even if a long time had passed, it was difficult to completely settle the sand. If Li Jie's master was fighting the sand monsters not far ahead, it should have caused a sandstorm with the naked eye, impossible to go unnoticed.

"This guy, Li Jie, is lying. His purpose is to lure me out and get me out of the protection of the Sect Protecting Formation," a thought emerged in Meng Zhang's mind.

With this thought in mind, Meng Zhang immediately stopped and had no intention of exploring the truth behind Li Jie's plot. He took out a talisman from his storage bag and patted himself with it. Then, without any hesitation, he turned around and flew back towards Taiyi Sect.

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