Chapter 225: Knowing

Chapter 225: Knowing

Several cultivators in the Refining Qi stage, though not lacking in courage, dared to actively rush towards the battlefield of a Foundation Building stage cultivator.

As soon as they landed, they started shouting and yelling.

"Where are the cultivators from the Yellow Lotus Sect?"

"Did the cultivators from the Yellow Lotus Sect run away?"

"Which way did the cultivators from the Yellow Lotus Sect escape to?"

Meng Zhang glanced at the flying boat above, confirming that there were no Foundation Building stage cultivators inside. He couldn't fathom where these youngsters got their confidence to act this way. Were they truly unaware of the power of Foundation Building stage cultivators, or was it ignorance that emboldened them?

Nevertheless, they were here to help, so Meng Zhang didn't show any displeasure.

Jin Qigu was even more courteous, warmly greeting the others. After exchanging names and introductions, they began to understand each other better.

It turned out that these young people belonged to an outer caravan of the Flying Swan Sect. The status of this caravan was roughly equivalent to what Meng Zhang had known before as Lao Bulu's group.

The flying boat they were on was transporting goods to the Firewell Market.

The leading young man was named Wu Dongzhi, an outer disciple of the Flying Swan Sect. He was very talkative and quickly became familiar with Meng Zhang and the others through casual conversation.

Wu Dongzhi showed no fear in the face of two Foundation Building stage cultivators. He spoke confidently and fluently.

As it turned out, due to a conflict hundreds of years ago, the Flying Swan Sect had been wary of two forces: the Fire Cloud Sect and the Yellow Lotus Sect. These two forces had been keeping a close eye on the Endless Sea of Sand, always watching for any movements by the Flying Swan Sect.

The cultivators from these two forces often concealed their identities and sneaked into the Endless Sea of Sand. The Flying Swan Sect couldn't prevent such incidents and could only let them be.

However, the Flying Swan Sect had a bottom line: if these infiltrating cultivators from the two forces behaved low-key, were honest, and didn't cause trouble, the Flying Swan Sect wouldn't bother them.

A few days ago, Jin Qigu planned to go to the Firewell Market for some business. Since their return from Great Wind City, Jin Qiao'er had been confined to Qiaoshou Sect, forbidden to go outside due to concerns about the Yellow Lotus Sect's cultivators.

With so much time having passed and no sign of the Yellow Lotus Sect's cultivators, everyone had relaxed their vigilance.

Finally unable to stay put any longer, the usually lively Jin Qiao'er couldn't bear it and clamored to go out with Jin Qigu. Jin Qigu, who doted on Jin Qiao'er, couldn't resist her and agreed to take her along.

The journey to the Firewell Market went smoothly. After Jin Qigu finished her business, she spent two days playing with Jin Qiao'er in the Firewell Market before starting their journey back today.

Little did they expect that not far from leaving the Firewell Market on their First Rank flying boat, they fell into an ambush.

Three Foundation Building stage cultivators from the Yellow Lotus Sect, having received news from an unknown source, had laid an ambush here long ago.

When the flying boat of Qiaoshou Sect passed by, it was easily shot down. After landing, everyone from Qiaoshou Sect was trapped within a formation.

Jin Qiao'er accidentally triggered the enemy's restriction and couldn't move. If it weren't for the desperate efforts of Jin Qigu and the others, she would have been taken away.

With the people from Qiaoshou Sect trapped inside the formation, if Meng Zhang hadn't intervened to rescue them, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

After listening to Jin Qigu's account, Meng Zhang was deeply impressed by the Yellow Lotus Sect's cultivators' concealed patience and their ability to hit precisely.

Together, Meng Zhang and Jin Qigu spent some effort before finally removing the restriction from Jin Qiao'er.

Once Jin Qiao'er regained her freedom and was able to move, she threw herself onto the bodies of several fellow disciples, crying bitterly and wailing.

Jin Qiao'er felt extremely guilty, believing that her impulsiveness had led to the death of her fellow disciples. If the Yellow Lotus Sect's cultivators hadn't taken an interest in her, and if she hadn't insisted on going out, this tragedy wouldn't have happened.

As Jin Qiao'er began to cry, several female disciples from Qiaoshou Sect also burst into tears.

Although Jin Qigu appeared calm on the surface, deep down, she was also filled with immense grief.

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