Chapter 299: Clear Spring Waterfall

Chapter 299: Clear Spring Waterfall

After Guang RuiDaoist left with Xu Yishan and Lin Shenpo, the people in the sect hall followed Guang HuiDaoist outside, ready to move at any time. On Meng Zhang's side, Yang Xueyi and Jin Qigu were hiding outside the Golden Blade Sect gate, monitoring any movements. Meanwhile, Meng Zhang and the others were waiting over 200 miles away from the Golden Blade Sect gate.

When Guang RuiDaoist and the others flew out of the Golden Blade Sect gate, Yang Xueyi sent a transmission talisman to Meng Zhang, and she and Jin Qigu continued to hide. However, even if Guang RuiDaoist deliberately slowed down, with the flying speed of a Foundation Building cultivator, they arrived at their destination in less than an hour.

Meng Zhang and the others did not hide their figures and were waiting openly in front. Guang RuiDaoist and the others had long known that Meng Zhang and the others had seen through their trap and that the call for help was fake. They were not surprised to see Meng Zhang and the others waiting there.

Guang RuiDaoist sneered, "You ignorant fools, today is the day you die." He shook the scroll he had been holding, and it suddenly unfolded.

Shocking ThunderSpirit General's personality was completely different from the reserved Deep EarthSpirit General. He didn't even bother to think much about dealing with three Foundation Building cultivators and went straight to attack. Meng Zhang, Deep EarthSpirit General, Wen Qiansun, Aunt Jin, and Jin Wengbo followed closely behind and attacked.

Forest Spring Watch was well-informed, and even Wen Qiansun's recent successful Foundation Building was known. However, when Guang HuiDaoist calculated the number of enemy Foundation Building cultivators, he still missed two people.

Jin Wengbo, as a hidden hand of the Qiaoshou Sect, was always unknown. Shocking ThunderSpirit General had only recently recovered, and even Meng Zhang did not expect him to come and join the battle.Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

Guang RuiDaoist was not very familiar with the Taiyi Sect people. Seeing that the enemy had six Foundation Building cultivators, the same number Guang HuiDaoist had mentioned, he thought that all the enemies were here and immediately launched the formation on the scroll he held.

Normally, Guang RuiDaoist could easily trap three to five Foundation Building cultivators with the formation map alone. Now, with the help of Xu Yishan and Forest Mountain School, he was ready to use the formation map to divide the enemy and then work together to kill as many enemies as possible. He was not satisfied with just trapping the enemy, nor was he willing to be just a bait.

After sending out several transmission talismans, he was ready to find an opportunity to kill the enemy. Including Meng Zhang, no one expected that Forest Spring Watch had such a trump card. They could actually produce such a rare treasure as the Clear Spring Waterfall Formation.

Aunt Jin was experienced and had seen all kinds of storms. She protected herself while looking for weaknesses in the formation. Jin Wengbo's cultivation base was not weak, but he lacked experience. After being trapped by the formation, he was a little panicked and almost hit by the clear spring water. Fortunately, Aunt Jin, who was with him, reacted quickly and pulled him away. Jin Wengbo was ashamed and quickly focused his attention, not daring to be distracted.

Aunt Jin and Jin Wengbo began to attack the base formation and look for a way out. After being trapped, Meng Zhang immediately used the Deception Breaking Eye to find the weakness of the formation. However, the surrounding water vapor was so dense, and the water-system spiritual energy was constantly churning, which greatly reduced the power of the Deception Breaking Eye.

Although Meng Zhang could clearly see most of the formation, he found it difficult to see through the mysteries of the formation. However, due to the influence of the formation, the area of several hundred feet in diameter seemed vast and almost impossible to see at a glance.

Meng Zhang saw that Shocking ThunderSpirit General was constantly resisting the attacks of the formation and felt a little relieved. Deep EarthSpirit General had quietly joined Wen Qiansun and was calculating and deducing, gradually deciphering the structure of the base formation. Meng Zhang knew that as a Geomancer, Deep Earth had extremely profound knowledge of the formation, and his experience and expertise were very rich. Wen Qiansun was also a formation genius. Shortly after reaching Foundation Building, he quietly became a Second Rank Formation Master. If the two of them worked together, as long as they had enough time, they could probably decipher the base formation.

As the controller of the formation map, Guang RuiDaoist could freely move within the formation and borrow the power of the formation. Seeing him leading Xu Yishan and Lin Shenpo into the formation, Meng Zhang called out to Shocking ThunderSpirit General and took the initiative to meet the three of them. They had to stop the enemy from disturbing Deep EarthSpirit General and Wen Qiansun, who were deciphering the formation.

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