Chapter 476

Chapter 476

Spiritsnake Spear is the top-tier spiritual weapon passed down by the Taiyi Sect's ancestors, with countless glorious achievements, having slain numerous enemies. Its fearsome power even makes its owner, Meng Zhang, not dare to underestimate it.

One Yin and one Yang do not just refer to the two Third Rank flying swords controlled by the Strange and Upright Sword Art. The Fierce Yang Sword is Yang, and the Shadow Killing Sword is Yin. The Strange and Upright Sword Art can also be Yang, while the Spiritsnake Spear is Yin. luring enemies on the Yang side and launching deadly attacks on the Yin side, the interplay of Yin and Yang complement each other, making it difficult for people to defend against.

Meng Zhang has only recently grasped the true meaning of Yin and Yang, allowing him to quickly put it into practice and apply it effectively.

Just now, the Demon General of the Vulture tribe twisted its body but didn't completely avoid the vital attack. A fierce aura emanated from the Spiritsnake Spear, spreading wildly along the deep wound and wreaking havoc inside its body.

For a demonic beast to advance to the Third Rank is more difficult than a human cultivator forming the core. The Vulture Demon General's evolution to the Third Rank is the result of numerous trials and ordeals, having endured all kinds of hardships. Its tolerance for pain surpasses that of many Gold Core Daoist Masters.

However, the tremendous pain coming from the wound is something it has never experienced before, causing it to let out a miserable scream. The fierce aura raging inside its body relentlessly destroys everything within, mercilessly erasing its vitality.

The instinct peculiar to a wild beast tells the Vulture Demon General that if it continues to stay here, it will truly die. It is acutely aware of the severity of its injuries and the dire state of its body.

At this moment, it doesn't care about the Lion Demon General, let alone its own Vulture tribe. Nothing matters more than its own life.Expploore uptodate stories at

As an avian demon, the Vulture Demon General is naturally swift. When facing a life-threatening crisis, it activates its life-saving natal demon technique. Its entire massive body transforms into a stream of light, darting away like lightning.

After severely injuring the Vulture Demon General, Meng Zhang can't catch up and can only watch it escape. He feels a bit regretful as the Spiritsnake Spear hasn't been fully repaired and can only exert a fraction of its power. Otherwise, the Vulture Demon General wouldn't have had a chance to flee after being hit.

Escape is escape. The great battle is not over, and he must focus on the current situation.

The two Gold Core Daoist Masters made their moves, avoiding a direct confrontation with the Lion Demon General and targeting these low-level demonic beasts that were entangled by Gu Yue Huaidie. The Lion Demon General found it challenging to defend against their attacks.

Each time the Lion Demon General attempted to strike a heavy blow on Meng Zhang and Luo Ye, Gu Yue Huaidie promptly stopped it, leaving it without any success. With Gu Yue Huaidie's agility and combat experience, the Lion Demon General found no opportunity to exploit.

As Meng Zhang and Luo Ye killed a large number of demonic beasts, the Lion Demon General's massive tribe rapidly diminished in number, and the rate of reduction accelerated.

As the number of subordinates diminished, the power it received from them weakened. Gu Yue Huaidie, who was confronting the Lion Demon General head-on, became more and more adept at dealing with it.

At this point, the Lion Demon General finally realized that its painstakingly cultivated tribe was impossible to preserve. If it continued to entangle with its opponents, it feared it wouldn't be able to escape.

The Lion Demon General was not a stubborn and brainless fighter who would fight to the death no matter what. Seeing the unfavorable situation, it naturally had to change its strategy in a timely manner. Since it was escaping, it had to abandon the tribe it had cultivated for many years.

The thought of escape was not hidden from its three opponents. Meng Zhang and his companions were all experienced in battle and astute individuals; how could they fail to discern the Lion Demon General's intentions?

While the Vulture Demon General could be temporarily spared, the Lion Demon General absolutely could not be let go. The Taiyi Sect and the Flying Swan Sect launched this large-scale attack on the Demon Wind Gobi mainly to eradicate the Lion Demon General and completely eliminate the tremendous threat from the Demon Wind Gobi. They were willing to calculate even the Northern Desert Qi Family to make the Lion Demon General their primary target.

Without eliminating the Lion Demon General, Meng Zhang would not feel at ease, and the Taiyi Sect would not be able to enjoy the fruits of victory that were within reach. Gu Yue Huaidie and Luo Ye, who genuinely came to help, would naturally not leave such a huge potential danger for Meng Zhang.

Without needing to communicate in the midst of the battle, Meng Zhang and his companions had a tacit understanding and each demonstrated their skills to entangle the Lion Demon General and prevent it from escaping.

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