Chapter 481: Third-order spirit vein

Chapter 481: Third-order spirit vein

Although the large group of people from the Flying Swan Sect has withdrawn, the small team left behind still dutifully carries out their assigned tasks. This time, the three forces invaded the Demon Wind Gobi and occupied a vast territory. Particularly, after defeating the Lion Demon General and conquering the Grand Lion Ridge, there are many spoils of war to be distributed. The main responsibility of the small team from the Flying Swan Sect is to handle these spoils.

Even though the Flying Swan Sect has already withdrawn its troops, Meng Zhang is not planning to violate the agreement and monopolize all the spoils. As a Gold Core Daoist Master, he doesn't need to lower his status and bicker with a group of juniors. He entrusted the task of dividing the spoils obtained by the Flying Swan Sect to his eldest disciple, Niu Dawei. Thanks to the previous agreement and mutual considerations, the process of dividing the spoils proceeded quite smoothly.

The Grand Lion Ridge was agreed to belong to the Taiyi Sect, and now that it's in their possession, there is no dispute over its ownership. Both Taiyi Sect and Flying Swan Sect basically retained their respective territories without significant changes. After the disastrous defeat of the Northern Desert Qi Family this time, with one Gold Core Daoist Master dead and another injured, most of their cultivator army was wiped out, and only a few managed to survive. Forced by the circumstances, the Northern Desert Qi Family withdrew its forces from the Demon Wind Gobi. Naturally, the territory they previously occupied was divided between the Taiyi Sect and the Flying Swan Sect.

As for the corpses of those demonic beasts and the resources looted along the way, they naturally belong to whoever took them, and there was no dispute over this matter.

Apart from occupying a large expanse of land, including the Grand Lion Ridge, Taiyi Sect also managed to expand southward and established a direct passage leading to the Jiuqu League. With this passage, Taiyi Sect's flying ships could now directly travel to Great Wind City without passing through the Flying Swan Sect's territory. This passage was of great strategic significance to Taiyi Sect. After defeating the Lion Demon General, Meng Zhang instructed the elders Yang Xueyi and the Guardian Spirit General Delicate Water to work together to achieve this strategic goal. Later, the Flying Swan Sect also noticed Taiyi Sect's intentions and sent a team of cultivators to compete for the territory and the passage.

As they couldn't easily turn against the Flying Swan Sect, Yang Xueyi and Delicate Water Spirit General used all means necessary to ensure the success of their mission. Despite facing some overt or covert interference and obstruction from the Flying Swan Sect, Yang Xueyi and Delicate Water Spirit General lived up to expectations and successfully opened the passage. They also led a team of cultivators to continually sweep the surrounding demonic beasts to ensure the safety of the passage.

For Deep Earth Spirit General, this was also a form of self-training. After informing Meng Zhang, he handed over all other matters and dedicated himself to the work. The three of them took turns using the Third Rank spirit vein, and there were no major issues. This was the first time Meng Zhang had practiced on the Third Rank spirit vein since forming his Gold Core. It provided abundant spiritual energy to meet his various needs.

With the assistance of Gu Yue Huaidie and Luo Ye Daoist Master, Dark Crow Demon General had no choice but to remain trapped in the crow's nest. The Taiyi Sect's control over the newly occupied territory gradually stabilized. Cultivators from various forces, including the Qiaoshou Sect, who were conscripted, were all sent back to their respective places by Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang and Niu Dawei, who helped him with daily affairs, were both straightforward individuals when it came to rewards and punishments. These cultivators had contributed significantly in this battle, and Taiyi Sect naturally did not forget that. Based on their merits, Taiyi Sect rewarded them generously. For those who died in battle, they also received ample compensation.

Although the newly acquired territory had not been developed yet, the spoils of war captured on the battlefield had already made Taiyi Sect quite wealthy. Being rich and powerful, Taiyi Sect was particularly generous with rewards, making the various cultivators exclaim that this trip was not in vain.

As for the rewards and punishments for the Taiyi Sect disciples, Meng Zhang also left them all to Niu Dawei's care. After the war ended, as the various cultivators were sent away, most of the Taiyi Sect disciples gradually returned to their original territories. As for the development of the newly acquired territory, it was destined to be a long and complex process.

Due to limited manpower, Taiyi Sect could only conduct simple development for the time being. Even so, they reaped rich rewards. Especially now that Taiyi Sect's territory was directly connected to Great Wind City, their flying ships no longer needed to pass through the Flying Swan Sect's territory, completely freeing Taiyi Sect from its dependence on the Flying Swan Sect.

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