Chapter 375 - Chapter 375: Chapter 367: Several Months Passed

Chapter 375: Chapter 367: Several Months Passed

Translator: 549690339

This time, He Song did not leave the sphere of influence of the Thick Earth Sect directly, but headed towards the location of the Herbs Immortal Workshop instead.

At the Herbs Immortal Workshop, He Song had stayed for several decades.

He was quite familiar with every detail there, from the grass to the trees.

However, He Song was not intending to revisit this place, which he had once guarded.

He came here solely because he had established five Medicine Gardens and one spirit field here quite some time ago.

He always kept these gardens and the field in mind, and he would come to harvest the spirit medicines from the gardens and the spirit rice from the field every ten years.

However, ten years ago, the spirit medicines and spirit rice here were not yet mature, so He Song didn’t come.

Latterly, when the spirit medicines and the spirit rice matured, He Song did not come because he wanted to harvest them together with spirit medicines from other places.

Only now, ten years later, after the spirit medicines and spirit rice had been mature for a long time, did He Song arrive to harvest the spirit medicines and spirit rice, which had been mature for several years.

Five Medicine Gardens.

Plus one spirit field.

The harvest was not strenuous.

However, after harvesting the already mature spirit medicines from the gardens and the already mature spirit rice from the field, and planting new seeds…

He Song looked at the five Medicine Gardens in front of him, and an idea flashed through his mind.

Technically speaking, these gardens were not within the sphere of influence of the Thick Earth Sect.

The original Golden Core Sect in control of this area was the Seven Star Sect.

Whilst the Seven Star Sect had not been completely destroyed by the Thick Earth Sect, its base had moved to other places.

The original mountain gate of the Seven Star Sect here had been completely sealed off by the Thick Earth Sect and was not occupied by any other force.

In light of this, a thought flashed through He Song’s mind.

Perhaps he could take the opportunity of the Seven Star Sect’s mountain gate being temporarily unoccupied to establish more Medicine Gardens here.

Anyway, the Medicine Gardens absorbing the surrounding spirit Qi would only lower the concentration of spirit Qi within the mountain gate of the Seven Star Sect, without affecting anything else.

And as there is no power currently occupying the mountain gate of the Seven Star Sect, it has been simply listed as a forbidden area by the Thick Earth Sect.

As such, a decrease in spirit Qi concentration should go unnoticed.

Which means, no matter how many Medicine Gardens he establishes within the sphere of influence of the Seven Star Sect, or how much spirit Qi he absorbs…

In the short term, nobody would notice the decrease in the spirit Qi concentration within the mountain gate of the Seven Star Sect.

With this in mind, could he establish more Medicine Gardens in this area?

After all, even if he established dozens more Medicine Gardens in this location, he would not attract anyone’s attention.

After allowing these thoughts to flit around in his mind for a moment, He Song quickly dismissed them.

The place where the Seven Star Sect is located.

No, the place where the Thick Earth Sect now stands is where his lair is located.

Within this vast territory of the Thick Earth Sect, he had a placed a Golden Elixir Array and established five Medicine Gardens and a spirit field.

Although these things have not aroused the notice of the Thick Earth Sect for now, were he to establish more Medicine Gardens or spirit fields here, the Thick Earth Sect would certainly notice the reduction in the concentration of spirit Qi within its mountain gate.

By that point, under the divine sense of the Golden Elixir Master, the spirit fields and Medicine Gardens he had established here could endure a devastating blow.

The Thick Earth Sect is where He Song’s lair is.

If it inadvertently led to the exposure of He Song, then it would certainly create a lot of trouble for him.

In front of the Golden Elixir Master, He Song today could maneuver for a while with the help of the Golden Elixir Array, but he was not a Golden Elixir Master and even escaping would be a struggle.

In this case, how could He Song dare to mess around in the vicinity of his own lair?

In case something really happened, he might have to immediately abandon everything and make a hurried escape.

To give up his lair for such a small benefit, He Song would certainly be reluctant to do so.

After all, inside the Golden Elixir Cave Mansion near the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Pavilion, a Golden Spirit Fruit Tree was planted.

That Golden Spirit Fruit Tree was the source of He Song’s future foundation.

Apart from his status as an everlasting being.

The Golden Spirit Fruit Tree was now arguably the most valuable possession in He Song’s hands.

Naturally, he had to protect it well.

It would be better not to stir up trouble in the vicinity of his own lair.

However, he would consider establishing more spirit fields within the sphere of influence of other Golden Core Sects.

After all, even if those sects noticed that the concentration of spirit Qi in their mountain gates had suddenly dropped a little, they would certainly not be able to trace it back to He Song.

Even if the Golden Elixir Masters of those Golden Core Sects were determined to find out the truth, they could only vent their frustration by destroying the Medicine Gardens that He Song had established within their spheres of influence.

He Song had not left any evidence about his identity in the Medicine Gardens he had established.

Those spirit puppets might even allow Master Ningyin of the Seven Star Sect to carry an even bigger scapegoat.

After all, it was well known that only Master Ningyin of the Seven Star Sect could make spirit puppets.

After discarding the original idea of opening more Medicine Garden here…

He Song quickly sank into the ground and left this place swiftly.

After tunneling dozens of miles away from this place, He Song finally emerged from the ground, summoned the White Jade Boat, and headed in the direction of the Pure Yin Sect.

The road from the Herbs Immortal Workshop to the Pure Yin Sect.

He Song had traveled it several decades ago.

And the road from the Pure Yin Sect to the Sun Faction, he had walked twice, several decades ago and ten years ago.

In other words, He Song was now very familiar with the routes between his different Medicine Gardens.

Moreover, with his current state at the Late Foundation Establishment Stage, and his four Golden Armor Guards, as well as the Golden Elixir Array he now carried with him…

He Song would naturally not encounter any dangers on his journey.


When He Song set out from the Herbs Immortal Workshop, bound for the Medicine Garden of the Pure Yin Sect.

Then from the Medicine Garden of the Pure Yin Sect, he travelled to the Medicine Garden not far from the Flying Cloud Immortal Mansion.

Next, from the Sun Faction, he headed directly to the jurisdiction of the Jade Flower Sect and harvested the spirit medicines in the garden there.

After harvesting the garden within the Jade Flower Sect’s territory…

He Song then harvested another garden of the Sun Faction, as well as the garden in the middle of the Golden Sword Sect.

After a total of fifty-five Medicine Gardens were harvested, He Song, dust-covered from his journey, finally returned to his Golden Elixir Cave Mansion located not far from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Pavilion.

Several months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Upon his return to his own cave mansion, and after he entered the interior of the Golden Elixir Array, He Song finally let out a sigh of relief.