Chapter 11: The Devil Became A Doctor?!

Name:Seven Sins System Author:
Chapter 11: The Devil Became A Doctor?!

Seven Sins System Chapter 11. The Devil Became A Doctor?!

The morning sun shone in a clear sky above a white modern building in the city of Erstonia. Even though it was still early, the students and teachers had already started their activities. Some were straight to classes and offices. Some decided to grab their breakfast at Cafeteria.

The magnificent main building was surrounded by several dormitories for teachers and students. Also, another building served as a hospital. A huge outdoor battle arena was behind it. It was a place where the academy held tournaments and semester tests or sports competitions. While the smaller battle arenas were inside the main building.

A well-maintained park where students and teachers could walk around and enjoy the weather was in the center of the place. It had a lot of shady trees, some benchs and drinking fountains. The 'Clourmity Battle Academy' sign was above the gate. It was the famous battle academy in Republic Harmonia.

The clock showed 08.10 AM when I was sitting in my office, an infirmary in the Clourmity main building. The room was smaller than a classroom and only contained 3 beds with white curtains. Several cabinets were filled with medicine across them. My desk and a locker were near a row of windows.

I was standing near my desk. My gaze shifted between the room and my hand which was holding the medical supply list sheet. My tentacles were busy moving across the room, checking the medicine inside the cabinets. My mouth mumbled the name of the items. My other hand held a pen to give a checklist for each stock.

A simple shirt, black trousers, and a white doctor's robe covered my body. An ID with my new identity hanging around my neck. Dr. Allen Mistrage, that was my human name. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

"5, 6, 7. Okay, 7 painkillers. Checked," I muttered as I checked the last list. With that, my work was done in just 5 minutes.

After one of my tentacles unlocked the door, all of them slowly retreated and disappeared on my back. I knew I shouldn't have used my tentacles to do this, but it would have taken 2 hours to manually check it. So I decided to lock the door and check all of this quickly every morning. After all, there was no CCTV here so no one would know.

After I put the list on the desk and sat down, I took my breakfast from my bag and started eating it. My gaze shifted to the window, looking at the clear morning sky.

Three months had passed since I arrived in this realm and I had learned a lot about mortals. Rather than the stone wall like in the past, a magic barrier protected the city from the wild monsters.

Indeed, the monsters were much more docile now. They even didn't care about mortals anymore, but that didn't mean they never tried to attack the cities. Even though the monsters had their own territories and habitats, some major attacks had still occurred in the last few years. But the mortals were more than prepared to face them. Especially after the battle academy existed.

Still, that didn't mean tragedy never happened. 50 years ago, the mortals had tried to end this war by launching a massive attack to slay the monsters. But it didn't work. Instead, the attack woke some powerful monsters up.

The big attack failed. The monsters even managed to destroy several cities and kill many warriors. In the end, they didn't want to carry out that crazy plan again and only attacked the monsters that acted suspiciously. As for those powerful monsters, the humans could only put them back to sleep and seal them in a place far from the city. Yeah, it was the mortal's fatal mistake.

Bored, I decided to check my system.


[Name: Azrael Shadowraven de Nightfall ]

A long tired breath escaped my mouth.

'So slow...' I cried out internally and took another bite of my jam sandwich. It had been a while since I arrived at this place, yet I was still level 15. Since they assigned me to the infirmary, I could only rely on my quests to raise my level.

Worse, I hadn't even found any evidence about my mission, although I had been trying to figure this out. On the bright side, at least I got a lot of quest points. But I knew this would be over soon since they were going to send me on my first mission today.

'Skill expansion.'

The screen in front of me changed to another.

[Camouflage = 30 points (Bought)]

[Hypnosis = 28 points]

[Telekinesis = 28 points]

[Teleportation = 30 points]

[Portal = 25 points (Locked. You need to buy Teleportation to unlock this)]

'Buy Teleportation.' With this, I could move more easily.

[Congratulations! You just get a new skill!]

[Teleportation (Requires 2 DP/ Sloth) - Move from place to place quickly (Max 100 meters)]

'I should buy Portal or Telekinesis next time,' I thought as I closed the screen.

Again, I took another bite of my sandwich. My gaze returned to the sky. It felt a little strange to find myself doing nothing in the past few months. I could even take a nap anytime. This was so different than when I was in the shadow realm. Somehow I felt guilty about it.

Yeah, I knew I shouldn't feel that way but after living a busy life for 100 years, it was hard to get rid of that thought easily.

'Just think of this as a vacation, Azrael. You need it,' I reminded myself. I had to admit, living like this wasn't bad either and I had made a lot of friends here.