Chapter 17: First Mission II

Name:Seven Sins System Author:
Chapter 17: First Mission II

Seven Sins System Chapter 17. First Mission II

"Good," I said.

I was just about to give them some instructions, but Claire called me.

"Dr. Allen."

"Yes?" I replied.

"Have you tried the chicken wraps? How is it? Is it good? Is it bad?" Despite her calmness and cold expression, I caught her nervousness from there.

"It's delicious. Thank you." To be honest, it was my first time eating chicken wrap so I didn't know if it was delicious or not by mortal standards. Since I couldn't give my opinion, I decided to give a simple answer.

Her nervousness turned into happiness. Still, she didn't show it on her face openly.

"Should I make---"

Before Claire could finish her words, Barry interrupted her.

"Wait! That's not fair! Why only Dr. Allen? Where's my chicken wrap?" he complained.

"He's our mentor and has taught us a lot. He's even better than our previous mentor," she retorted with a frown.

Indeed, their last mentor had the mentality of a real doctor. So he was more concerned with his team members' safety and was too afraid to take the risk. As a result, even though this team had more members than the others, they never got a lot of battle points. Even though it would affect their score.

"You should make one for the whole team," Darren protested.

"Why should I?" replied Claire in a nonchalant tone.

"You are our team leader, remember?" Ion added.

"I only ate a hot dog and soup for lunch," said Darren. His complaint sounded like a whine.

"It was better than mine. I only ate peanut butter celery, cheese strings, and stacked crackers," protested Barry.

Ion turned to Barry and cringed.

"What are you? An elementary school kid?" he teased.

Barry pouted.

"It's better than a peanut butter n jelly sandwich every day." He pointed at me with his gaze.

'Oh, that's unusual.' I was kinda surprised by his mature statement.

But his next sentence made me regret it.

"After all, Darren was only telling the truth. You---- Ahhh!" This time, it was Claire who pinched Barry's thigh. Just like Darren, Barry brushed it off and rubbed his thigh in pain.

I facepalmed myself and shook my head from side to side.

'For my father's sake, is this just my team or all modern mortals like them?'

Upon their complaints, Evie finally explained.

"Enough for the joke. As Claire said, Dr. Allen has helped us a lot to reach this point. We used to be in the last rank. But look at us now, because of him, we are almost into the top 5 rookies now. Isn't that a good reason to treat him better?"

Evie made a lot of progress after I became their mentor. Their previous mentor was too worried since the mage had the least HP points than the others. So instead of a real DPS, he treated her like support. He ordered her to keep her distance to the point she didn't know what she had to do in close combat.

Which was followed by Claire.

"I thought the same thing as Evie. Also, if you guys want it, I don't mind making lunch for all of you." She returned her gaze to me.

"Without exception."

Which was greeted by the boys' cheers.

"Yeah! Free lunch!" They screamed with joy.

But I gave a different answer.

"I have to refuse it."

My answer stopped their cheers and made them turn to me. So I continued my explanation.

"Once in a while is fine. But not every day. I know cooking is an important skill, but you guys are in a battle academy, not a culinary school. Just focus on your training and mission." Then I turned to Evie.

"This also applies to you." I could catch a love signal from Claire, but Evie was still a mystery to me since she was quiet and kind to everyone.

Barry took a deep breath.

"You're right. I think we are pushing our luck."

"Yeah. Think again, the academy will give us more missions. We should concentrate more on our battle formation," added Ion.

"Okay. Enough for the chit-chat. Now listen to what I have to say," I said.