Chapter 190: An Angel Molested A Devil?!

Name:Seven Sins System Author:
Chapter 190: An Angel Molested A Devil?!

Seven Sins System Chapter 190. An Angel Molested A Devil?!

"I feel bad for her..." I muttered to myself, a small sigh escaping my lips. It was obvious that Lily wanted to talk to me about our last encounter, but it seemed that my father was more concerned with this new mission than anything else. Besides, as a devil myself, I knew that I couldn't simply summon Lily with my skills. Using a mortal to do so against their will was out of the question since what we heard in the summoning was a prayer from their heart, not their mouth.

I placed the phone in the drawer and stared at the summoning formation. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I contemplated what was to come. It was a complicated and intricate design, filled with the Lord of Wrath's symbol, my symbol. I was confused. Of all the seven sins lords, why me? Why my summoning formation?

Drowning in my thoughts, I couldn't help but wonder what my father was hiding from me. I could feel my frustration building, but I tried to keep my emotions in check.

'Dad knows something...' I thought to myself, my mind racing with a million questions. I just wished he would tell me what was going on and judging from his last reaction, he would say it soon.

As I sat at my desk, my head propped up on my hand, I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhaustion wash over me. I had already endured, having taken care of Puriel for hours on end. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't seem to shake off the feeling of fatigue that had settled over me.

I let out a long sigh, my eyes drifting shut as I allowed myself a moment of respite. The sound of my own breath filled my ears as I tried to steady my mind. I knew that I should be out hunting, but somehow the thought of it seemed too daunting in my current state. All I wanted was to rest for a bit and refill my energy before taking on another task.

My hand crumpled the paper in my hand and I tossed it carelessly into the drawer. It seemed that the weight of the day had gotten the better of me. I leaned on my desk, letting my eyes drift shut. The darkness behind my lids was a welcome respite from the tiring reality of the world outside.

I couldn't help but think to myself, 'I hope I don't see her again for the rest of the day...' The thought of encountering Puriel right now seemed like too much to bear. I just needed a moment to myself, a chance to recharge my batteries and prepare for what lay ahead.

Unfortunately, my prayer was answered almost immediately.

As the sound of my own breaths filled my ears as I let my mind drift, slipping into a light doze. It was then that I felt a sudden jolt, a sensation that shook me from my slumber. Aria's voice filled my ears, her tone laced with worry.

"Allen, wake up! Are you alright?" she asked, her words jolting me back to the present.

I snapped my eyes open, my mind still groggy with sleep. Blinking away the remnants of my slumber, I stared at Aria in confusion. What was she doing here, and why did she look so concerned?

"Just do what I said!" she demanded, her tone serious and commanding. I could feel the weight of her words bearing down on me.

Pretending to be embarrassed, I slowly peeled off my underwear in front of her. It made me shudder at myself since I acted like a virgin boy. I felt her gaze upon me, and it made me even more self-conscious.

"There," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. I wanted her to know that I wasn't hiding anything from her.

She looked at my 'dong' for a few moments in embarrassment before turning away with a blushing face. I could tell that she was uncomfortable with the situation, but I was amazed at her dedication to my safety. She was willing to do whatever it took to protect me, even if it meant invading my privacy.

"You are clean. Wear your clothes again," she said, her voice softening, looking to the other side in embarrassment.

And I did her bidding.

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