Chapter 211: Waking Up The Beast

Name:Seven Sins System Author:
Chapter 211: Waking Up The Beast

Seven Sins System Chapter 211. Waking Up The Beast

I transformed my tentacle into a monstrous form with a long, drill-like beak at its tip. The creature's body was covered in tough, scaly skin, and its eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity.

With a single-minded determination, the beast began to drill its way toward the Wyrmbeast's ear, its beak tip rapidly penetrating through the thick layers of rock and hardened skin. The sound of the drill echoed throughout the cavern.

And yet, despite the noise and chaos, the creature seemed to be making quick progress. The Wyrmbeast's defenses, formidable as they were, seemed to crumble before the sheer force of my tentacle monster.

Within moments, the beak had penetrated deep into the Wyrmbeast's ear canal, and I could sense the creature stirring from its long slumber. Its movements were slow and sluggish at first as if it was struggling to fully awaken from its centuries-long hibernation.

A faint rumbling began to emanate from deep within the earth. At first, it was nothing more than a low, almost imperceptible vibration, but it quickly began to grow in intensity.

Soon, the rumbling grew into a full-blown earthquake, causing the very ground beneath my feet to shake and heave. The air was thick with dust and debris, and I found myself struggling to maintain my balance as the world around me seemed to be coming apart at the seams. And yet, even as I fought to stay upright, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within me. This was the moment I had been waiting for, the moment when the Wyrmbeast would finally awaken from its long slumber.

A loud roar suddenly echoed through the cavern. It was the Wyrmbeast, finally roused from its centuries-long sleep, and I could feel its power coursing through the earth itself.

"Oh, she's awake," I muttered. A quest announcement appeared in front of me as usual.

I quickly transformed into my demonic form. My five tentacles sprouted from my back like grotesque appendages. My six wings unfurled from my shoulders, beating the air with powerful strokes, and my horns jutted out from my head. Each one of my two tails was tipped with a jagged barb, and they flicked and lashed behind me like deadly weapons.

A crack began to form in the thick, rocky exterior. It started small, a hairline fracture that seemed to spread outwards with alarming speed. And then, with a deafening roar, the Wyrmbeast burst free from her rocky prison.

The ground shook beneath me as she emerged, a massive creature that towered over me like a mountain. Her scales were dark as night, and they gleamed in the faint light that filtered through the trees. Her eyes blazed with a fiery intensity, and her jaws opened wide, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth that glinted in the moonlight.

With a quick flick of my wrist, I activated my teleportation magic and disappeared from her sight.

In the blink of an eye, I reappeared behind the monster, my eyes fixed on her massive form. I hovered in the middle of the air, my tentacles and wings extending outwards.

The Wyrmbeast, caught off guard by my sudden disappearance, let out a surprised roar as she searched for me. But I was nowhere to be found, and she quickly became frustrated, thrashing her massive form from side to side in an attempt to locate me.

But I was too quick for her. With another flash of black smoke, I was gone, only to reappear moments later on her other side. Again and again, I repeated the tactic, striking at the Wyrmbeast from all sides with lightning-fast attacks. Each time I hit her, she roared in pain and fury, destroying everything in her path.

Finally, 5 minutes later, the Wyrmbeast's massive body collapsed to the ground with a thunderous crash. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the earth, shattering boulders and sending debris flying in all directions. I hovered in the air, watching in awe as the once-mighty monster lay still, its body crushed under its own weight.

For a moment, there was nothing but silence. Then, slowly, I descended to the ground.

I smiled smugly. "Piece of cake."

With the Wyrmbeast lying motionless on the ground, I switched my tentacles to Gluttony mode. As my tentacles shifted, rows of jagged teeth materialized, lining their maws. My tentacles began to writhe with an insatiable hunger, eager to feast on the monster's flesh.

Without hesitation, my tentacles darted forward, their razor-sharp teeth digging into the Wyrmbeast's thick hide. The sensation of tearing through the creature's flesh was both satisfying and revolting, a mix of pleasure and disgust. Blood poured out in thick rivulets, coating my tentacles with a sticky, crimson sheen.

From my hunting results today, I reached level 100. That level was quite high for a human, but not for devils and angels. But again, mortals couldn't beat this monster, they even had to put her to sleep, so I was guessing it might be hard to get my level up in the mortal realm.

'I wonder if I can go back and forth between the two worlds after this...' I thought.

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Author note:

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