Chapter 282: Drinking Competition

Name:Seven Sins System Author:
Chapter 282: Drinking Competition

Seven Sins System Chapter 282. Drinking Competition

I rolled my eyes in exasperation, his accusation pushing me further into a corner of annoyance. "It was just a misunderstanding, okay?" I countered, my words laced with an emphasis that underscored my frustration with his stubbornness.


A resounding clap reverberated through the room, jolting both Luci and me from our charged standoff.

We turned to Lily. Her once-pristine hair cascaded in disarray. Lily's expression was weary. Ivy and the others, positioned at various points in the room, mirrored Lily's weariness.

Lily's voice cut through the charged atmosphere like a conductor's baton. "Let's talk about something else, shall we?" Her words were punctuated by the snap of her fingers. The room shifted, a whirlwind of reconfiguration that defied the havoc we had just wrought.

In the blink of an eye, the fragmented remnants of destruction were swept away, as if they had never existed. The furniture, once scattered in disarray, was reassembled with seamless precision, an orchestrated return to normalcy.

I settled into the plush cushions of the single sofa, my posture deliberately distant from Luci's. On the long couch nestled between us, Ivy, Lily, and my women had gathered.

The servant moved swiftly around the room, laying out a spread of delectable snacks and a steaming pot of tea on the table. But the offerings remained untouched. Only the girls who were enjoyed them.

"Are they always like this?" whispered Julia to Lily who was sitting beside her.

Lily's lips curled into a sly smile. "Yes," she affirmed, her voice barely more than a murmur. "There is no secret that the lord of wrath and pride have a unique relationship."

Claire's gaze flicked to me, her eyes alight with a mixture of intrigue and surprise. "I never thought I could see another side of Dr— I mean, the prince," Claire remarked, her voice a delicate admixture of hesitance and curiosity.

"He looks a bit childish in this state, doesn't he?" Ivy's voice, was tinted with an unmistakable note of playful mischief.

Rachel leaned in beside Ivy. "But this makes him look more like—" Rachel's voice trailed off momentarily. "---human," she concluded.

Ivy cast a fleeting glance in her direction. "Oh... Please don't say that. He won't like it," Ivy cautioned.

"Yeah, kinda like that," I confirmed with a nod, appreciating her attempt to decipher the unconventional notion. It wasn't exactly apple-on-the-head type of scenario, but it was close enough for the context.

Turning my attention to the servant, I issued my orders with a casual air. "You caught that, right? Let everyone know we're switching gears here. Bring out the wine and rustle up some shooting targets," I instructed, my tone a blend of nonchalance and expectancy.

The servant dutifully inquired, "What sort of shooting targets would you prefer, Your Highness?"

A wry grin tugged at the corners of my mouth as I leaned back in my seat. "Targets that are up to no good, the ones with a bit of life in them," I replied with a vague flourish of my hand. I could feel the need for distraction building within me, the desire to divert my mind from the heated exchange that had occurred moments ago.

The servant nodded with a respectful bow, smoothly absorbing my instructions like a well-rehearsed dance. With a nod of gratitude, he made his exit.

Julia's brows knitted together as she sought clarity in the midst of our curious conversation. "Up to no good, the ones with a bit of life in them?" she parroted, her expression contorted with a blend of intrigue and puzzlement. It was as if my words had opened the door to a realm of absurd possibilities she couldn't quite fathom.

I couldn't help the mischief that crept into my expression. "You'll get the full picture when you lay your eyes on them," I replied with a smirk, fully aware that the cryptic response only deepened the intrigue for her.

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