Chapter 24 4. Girlfriend

Name:Shadow Author Author:


Charlotte was dumbfounded. How could this guy claim to be Elijah's weakness? Elijah was at the top of the class for a reason. She had seen first hand Elijah's power which is why she knew Lucas had no chance of ever beating him.

Plus she was well aware that Lucas was ranked at the lowest of the low. She normally wouldn't even acknowledge his existence if it weren't for the situation and his overwhelming confidence.

At first, she only heard him out since he knew things that no one should know, next it was out of curiosity about what he would ask from her, finally, she only accepted out of desperation and because… Lucas was good-looking.

If anyone could hear her thought process they might think she is crazy, but the reality of it was that she had an obsession with pretty things. Lucas was much better than Elijah in terms of looks; the only thing that worried her was his strength.

However, she had time and lots of it. She already accepted the fact that her relationship with Elijah was over.

For the while that they were dating, she was able to learn a lot about Elijah but more specifically she knew what he disliked. What he hates the most is when others leave him.

Although Charlotte didn't know the full history of Elijah she knew that once he accepts someone he will hold them close and won't let them go. She knew he had some kind of trauma but he never explained it.

As soon as the rumors would begin to spread that she was with someone else he would never be able to trust her again.

Even after she was found innocent she knew deep down that there would always be a lingering amount of doubt. That doubt would slowly manifest and make her mission hundreds of times harder.

This is why she didn't really care for the outcome of the trial since her bridge was already burnt. The only person she could rely on was Lucas.

It's indeed his fault that she was in this predicament in the first place but as Mr. Griffin said the world is unfair. She now had to make do with what she had and that was the boy in front of her who was a complete mystery.

Charlotte wasn't completely unobservant; she knew something must have happened for someone ranked so low to randomly one day challenge a teacher. Now that she came face to face with him and the aura he released was unnatural.

He seemed so utterly confident as if the world was in the palm of his hand. But that wasn't all, the way he talked and acted seemed as if he wasn't really here. Charlotte didn't know how to explain it but seemed as if Lucas was an observer outside the realm of the world who looked on with interest.

This made her nervous because if she was right then when Lucas faces the consequences of his actions there would be nothing there and it would be the others that suffer.

"I am his greatest weakness because no matter how much potential he has or how far he reaches I'll always be two steps ahead."

Charlotte didn't doubt Lucas because he talked as surely as the sun rising in the morning. Therefore she wanted to and some incentive and added a threat.

"I'll believe in you for now but if in a month I don't see any improvement from you, I'll kill you with my own hands."

"That's fair, but I'll only need a week."

Before leaving the conference room the two of them worked out the minute details. They mainly had to do with their relationship as Charlotte set clear boundaries but Lucas also set a deadline for needing his conditions met.

The Black Wild Lands was the second most important following the relationship. Lucas requested to have it issued to him by the end of the week.

The immunity wasn't that big of a deal for Lucas at this moment in time. However the soon it got done the better, which is why Lucas gave Charlotte till the end of the month.

Lucas didn't have any enemies that would care enough to go out of their way to kill him, except Elijah but even then Elijah followed the path of justice and wouldn't hire an evil group to do his bidding.

Finally came the aspects of their relationship. This is where Charlotte had the most to say as she didn't want to be taken advantage of nor did she want to seem like a slut who would sell herself off to get benefits.

She made it clear that there would be a limited amount of intimacy. The only reason Lucas could touch her was to do things like hold hands and hug. Kissing was only to maintain an outward expression that they were dating. Other than for those reasons neither of them should be touching the other, especially in private places. Sex was completely off the table.

Lucas was more than fine with those conditions because it meant he could get everything he wanted without becoming emotionally attached.

Lucas focused more on how others viewed them as he asked for Charlotte to spend as much time as possible with him so that no one would jump at him. He also asked that she make it clear that they were dating to hopefully deter Elijah from taking action to 'rescue' Charlotte.

With all the conditions laid out Charlotte pulled out a Mana Contract. It seemed I was already benefiting from a rich girlfriend.

It was a contract that put one's ability to use mana on the line. If either party broke the contract mana would abandon them and since every person was made up of even the littlest amount of mana this would result in death.

Signing the deal, the partnership between the two would soon shake the world.
