Chapter 4.3

Name:Shadow Ruler Author:
Chapter 4.3

And then, it was coming around my body and gathering at my hands, which I was holding in prayer.


Yes! Yes!

Carna shouted, and Alice-san brought me close to the crystal ball and held my hands, making me touch it flat.

Then the fluffy stuff that had been gathering in my hand flowed into the clear crystal ball and out of me.

But he said it was the right thing to do.

Hows that?

Yes. Success. I didnt expect to be able to collect all the operations from sensing the magic power to collecting it in my hand.

Freesia is pretty good when she has a chance, isnt she?

Please keep up the good work as a guardian. I will help you as much as I can.

Oh, thank you, Freesia. Its a big success.

Freesia-san, you were excellent.


Carna and Shasty praised me, and Alice-san hugged and stroked me again, also praising me.

Alice-sans tits were a little smaller than Lily-sans, but they smelled good of flowers, and the force of the hug was just about right for me.

Now then, Carna-san, can I ask you and Shasty-san to come next? Im going to register as it is.



The two of them were pouring in the same magical power as I was.

Compared to me, it was over in a flash, so I knew the two of them were amazing.

Then, after taking my blood with a magical tool called a magical tool, they attached it to a solid card.

It didnt hurt at all.

I thought it was going to get dirty, but then it was sucked into the card.

I thought it was going to get dirty, but then it sucked me in, and for a second there was a flash of light, and then all these letters appeared on the card.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

But it was too small to be called a card.

It was just a plate, one centimeter wide and two or three centimeters long, as Carna put it.

He said it was a necklace-type nameplate, as I recall.

Skill: F

Magic: Wand of the Sage


[Phantom] Yatagarasu: Carna

[Galdienne Cat: Shasty


Mother Petunias doting, Mother Petunias overprotection

So, Alice-san told me.

It seems that the status is something that expresses a persons strength, with the letters F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS, with F being the lowest and SSS being the highest.

It seems that there are times when it exceeds SSS, and when that happens, it comes up as EX.

After that, it is said that there may or may not be anymore.

On the other hand, if it is lower than F, it will be G.

The higher the rank of the Guild, the more powerful it is, and depending on the rank, it has the authority equivalent to that of a higher status person called a noble. The higher the rank, the greater the power.

Rank: A sign of how well you can do as an adventurer.

Name: As you can see

Gender: as you see

Age: as you see

Race: one of a variety of races, such as human, cat, etc.

Occupation: What the person can do.

Title: A title that appears when a person is recognized and acknowledged by many people or special people as a result of his or her actions.

Attributes: The type of magic the person can use. Fire, water, etc.

Physical Strength: How long a person can move.

Magic: How much magic a person has in his or her body.

Attack: the strength of a persons physical abilities.

Defense: how strong a persons body is with his/her bare physical strength

Agility: how fast a person can move with his or her physical abilities

Dexterity: how dexterous or skillful a person is at fine work