Chapter 1131 Foresight

Name:Shadow Slave Author:
It was very easy to send a message through the short-range communication network of the convoy, but Morgan had deemed it necessary to send an actual person to fetch them.

The Awakened approached the APC where Sunny and Cassie were, his imposing armored figure appearing in view of the external cameras of the armored vehicle, and politely knocked on the main hatch. When one of the Fire Keepers opened it, the man cleared his throat and said with solemn gravitas:

"Lady Song of the Fallen, Ascended Sunless. Lady Morgan is inviting you to join her in the head vehicle at your convenience."

Sunny recognized the Awakened from spying on Morgan and Madoc yesterday. The guy sure was a bit too pompous for a glorified messenger... but remembering his earnest reaction to Whispering Blade's praise, that was not at all unexpected.n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

All Valor Awakened were like that - too serious and full of ardent devotion. The Fire Keepers were zealously devoted to their leader, too, but at least they did not stand on ceremony.

They saw Nephis as the best of them, as opposed to better than them. There was an important distinction.

Sunny shook his head, then nodded at the awkward Awakened and rose from the crate he was sitting on. Cassie stood up, too, and followed him outside. Her steps were cautious, but she seemed to have no problem navigating the world without being able to see it.

It was a far cry from how helpless she had been on the Forgotten Shore.

Her hand was resting on the hilt of the Quiet Dancer, too, reminding Sunny how deadly of a fighter she had become. Of course, with most of her Abilities having nothing to do with combat, Cassie's battle prowess could not compare to that of more straightforward Masters.

Still, he wouldn't want to fight someone who knew his every move in advance. Sunny understood very well how dreadful such an opponent would be, because he himself cut down many foes by relying on Shadow Dance.

The Awakened Squire kept a respectful silence as he led them to the head of the column, where an armored vehicle that would put even the Rhino to shame stood just before a wide crossroad. It was surrounded by a watchful ring of Awakened warriors. They gave Sunny and Cassie stern looks, then stepped aside to let them through.

It was nonsensical, really. Currently, two of the most deadly Masters in the world and Whispering Blade himself were inside the vehicle... what could these Awakened do to protect them?

Once inside, Sunny saw Morgan, Madoc, and Nephis gathered around a holographic table that showed a topographical projection of the surrounding area. Some distance away, a few spots were marked with red. It did not take a genius strategist to know that those were the most convenient places for an ambush.

At least Sunny would have chosen them if he had to lay a trap for the forces of Valor.

Then again, Sunny did not really need a convenient spot and advantageous terrain to ambush someone... all he needed was a bit of shadow.

Morgan welcomed them with a nod and gestured for them to come closer. Once they did, she addressed Cassie in a neutral tone:

"Cassia, do you have anything to share with us?"

The blind girl nodded, then lingered for a few moments. Eventually, he raised her hand and pointed to a particular red mark.


"Let's not draw this out. We should dismantle the ambush as soon as possible... and stay on guard. Cassie is powerful, but she is not all-powerful. There might be other aspects of the trap that we failed to account for."

Morgan smiled.

"A good suggestion. Since you were the one to voice it, dear sister... why don't you take your Fire Keepers and deal with this issue personally? They'll be leaving for the Nightmares soon, so this might be their last opportunity to wet their blades with the blood of Song for a long while."

Nephis turned away and looked at the map with a bleak expression.

"...I will."

Sunny, who had remained silent all that time, cleared his throat.

"Sorry... but should I be hearing this conversation? Why am I here, exactly?"

Morgan looked at him with confusion, then chuckled.

"Why, you are a representative of the government, Master Sunless. You are the perfect person to share the vile machinations of the Song clan with. Who knows, maybe I'll want to lodge a complaint with the authorities later. You'll be an important witness."

Then, she smiled at him.

"...Plus, I thought that you might enjoy a small distraction like this. Would you please accompany my little sister on this mission, Master Sunless? As a neutral observer, of course. It would really make me feel better about her safety."

Sunny stared at her with a dubious expression.

'Yeah... right.'

The battle maniac probably just wanted to see him kill something again. Or maybe deepen his connection to the Valor clan through bloodshed.

He shrugged.

"Sure... why not? I am a part of this convoy as well, after all. If we really were to be ambushed, my safety would be compromised too."

The Princess of War nodded, then crossed her arms and looked at the map.

"True. I'll be awaiting good news, then..."


Erdiul's Note: Author will release last chapter in few hours. If I'm awake I'll post it, if not, I'll post it tomorrow.