Chapter 1204 Battle of the Black Skull (18)

Name:Shadow Slave Author:
Chapter 1204 Battle of the Black Skull (18)

Sunny and Nephis stood side by side as they watched utter devastation being unleashed by creature crawling out of the colossal Nightmare Gates. The gargantuan black tentacles were still far away, but they were getting closer with every moment.

Numerous Awakened had already been killed, and more were going to die soon.

It was... too sudden, too much.

There were a lot of things that Sunny needed to comprehend, accept, and think about... the future... Cassie, Effie, and Kai... Jet...

But there was no time to think. It was almost impossible, anyway — the Call was roaring in his mind, making any kind of thought difficult. All he could do right now was concentrate on his own survival.

One thing Sunny did do, however, was dismiss his Shadows. They would be of no help againt the Great being, but losing them to this catastrophe was just too easy.

'Ruined... it's all ruined...'

Sunny tried to sense his connection to the Dream Realm.

As a Master, he could leave the waking world at will. It took some time to activate the connection, and usually, he would be transported to his anchor Citadel in a matter of minutes.

That was not going to happen today, of course. Being in close proximity to a Nightmare Gate disturbed the anchor, so entering the Dream Realm near them meant being pulled by the Call and entering the area surrounding the Seed instead.

Currently, Sunny was in the area of effect of four different Nightmare Gates. He didn't even know which Seed he would be pulled to, but anything was better than remaining on the desolate plain that was going to be flooded with indescribably powerful abominations very soon.

'Hurry, hurry, hurry...'

In front of him, a scene out of a nightmare was playing out. No one on the battlefield was strong enough to resist the being unleashed by the Nightmare Gate — all they could do was try to run, fail, and die.

Those who succumbed to the Call could not even run.

Scores of Awakened, Echoes, and enthralled abominations were all being torn apart and pulverized. The seething mass of dark flesh, meanwhile, continued to squeeze itself through the Gate.

The black fingers continued to hold the rift apart, but there was also a gargantuan hand that had emerged from the abyssal nothingness entirely, plunging down to grab a fistful of screaming humans.

'I need to... succumb to the Call, as well.'

Sunny had spent the last... it was close to eight months, by now... the last eight months having his mind almost constantly assaulted by the insidious whispers of the Call. Sometimes, they were loud, and sometimes they were quiet enough to seem nearly absent.

It had been hard to deal with the maddening pressure at first, but slowly, he developed a sort of resistance to the Call. He had learned how to fight it.

Nephis looked back at him, something grotesque and lumbering reflecting in her striking grey eyes.

She nodded.


Then, she hesitated for a second, and took a deep breath.

"Sunny... I need to tell you something."

He gritted his teeth, suddenly frightened that what she was going to say would sound like a farewell. Nevertheless, he forced himself to ask:


Neph lingered for a bit.

Then, as the ground under them trembled violently, she suddenly looked away.

What she said next was entirely unexpected.

"The projector... back in your house... it... it didn't really explode by itself. I lied. Actually, I broke it. So... I'm really sorry."

Sunny stared at her in disbelief. His mind short-circuited for a moment.

'How is her tone so... what...'

He blinked, and then scoffed.

"Why the hell..."

However, he did not finish the sentence.

Suddenly, the world disappeared, and Sunny saw — or rather, perceived — a boundless void. It was the familiar, empty void between dream and reality.

A moment later, he was suddenly blinded by bright sunlight, and assaulted by unbearable heat.

Falling on something soft and scorching, Sunny rolled and frantically tried to sense the surrounding space through the shadows.

The battle was now behind him.

...He had reached the Nightmare Desert.