Chapter 1430 The Last Meal

Name:Shadow Slave Author:
Chapter 1430 The Last Meal

Some time later, Sunny was sitting on his opulent Memory chair in front of a veritable feast of all kinds of delicious food. Better yet, it was all prepared by Nephis... he was drooling from just looking at it. They were currently at the mess deck of the Chain Breaker. Sunny was sick and tired of the mist, so being away from it was already doing wonders for his mood. Because of the dimness of the outside world, the mess deck was illuminated by the warm light of luminous Memories... the fragrance of his luxurious breakfast permeated the air. Nephis was staring at him with an serious expression, her confusion hidden so well that no one except for him would have detected it. "You said that it was important, so... I did my best."

Sunny marveled at how endearing her seriousness was, then nodded and immediately picked up his chopsticks. 'Where to start...'

For a moment, he was lost for choice. But only for a moment. Soon, he was happily stuffing his face with several dishes at the same time. His table manners... would make Fiend look like a gentleman, in comparison. Nephis, Cassie, and Jet stared at him incredulously. After a while, Jet let out a long sigh and asked:

"Sunny... sorry to interrupt your meal... but aren't you going to explain what is going on?"

He stopped chewing for a moment and glanced at her briefly. "I might."

Then, he asked sweetly:

"Oh, can anyone pour me a cup of tea?"

The teapot was right there in front of him, but what was the point of being pampered if he had to do everything himself? Nephis blinked, confused. "Can't you do it yourself?"

Sunny smiled. Considering that his cheeks had ballooned because of all the food in his mouth, his smile looked nothing short of ridiculous. "I can."

There were a few moments of awkward silence.

Then, Nephis sighed and poured tea in a beautiful porcelain cup.

"Here you go."

Sunny nodded in gratitude and chased down the food with a sip of the bitter tea. "Ah... shame there's no coffee anywhere in this tomb..."

He was enjoying his break quite a bit. The other three, however, seemed a little concerned. After a while, Nephis cleared her throat and asked evenly:

"So, are you going to tell us what is going on or not?"

Sunny swallowed, took another sip of tea, and gave her a contemplative look. "Well, you see. How do I put it... I just wanted you to make me breakfast." Neph's usually motionless face seemed to twitch a little.

But he was not done talking. His voice turned grave: "...Because I don't have a lot of time left. I only have a day to live."

She was suddenly pale. Jet's eyes widened. Cassie flinched. All three of them knew that Sunny could not lie. Which meant that... he was really going to die.


"So although you are indeed going to die soon, you'll come back to life at the start of the next... revolution? Every time?"

Sunny nodded.


She looked down and took a deep breath. When she spoke again, her voice sounded strange:

"So what you mean to say is that... we can kill you right now, and you'll be fine tomorrow?"

Sunny scratched his head.

"I guess so. Although it's a weird way to put it."

Nephis nodded, as if coming to a decision. Then, she looked at Cassie and Jet.

"So, we're in agreement? He has to be killed, right?"

Cassie and Jet nodded seriously. "Yes. Of course."

"Let's not make it quick..."

Sunny blinked, this time out of sincere surprise. "Uh... what? What do you mean, kill me?"

Jet smiled leisurely as she slowly rose to her feet.

"Why are you making a scene? We'll just kill you a little. For education purposes."

Suddenly, a cold chill crept up his spine. Cassie and Nephis were standing up, as well.

"W—wait... wait a minute! This has somehow gone terribly wrong. It was just a little joke! Today is supposed to be my day off, okay? Don't do anything rash!"

A small smile appeared on Neph's face, with dangerous sparks dancing in her eyes. "You don't have to worry... we won't rush..."

His five shadows observed the scene with a mix of disdain and pity. A few of them shook their heads dejectedly.

'Why are they so angry?!' After a moment, the shadows winced. ...Loud sounds of something heavy crashing into the floor resounded from the mess deck of the Chain Breaker for a while after that.