Chapter 1776: Working Dead

Name:Shadow Slave Author:
Chapter 1776: Working Dead

'So tired...’

Rain was sprawled on her threadbare sleeping bag, staring at the slanted roof of her modest tent Outside, the noises of the construction camp were churning like a sea, Just as loud as they had been throughout the day despite the late hour.

Out here, the work did not stop when the darkness fell.

For a very particular reason.

Rain had finished her long shift as a laborer, so her muscles were sore. Later, she crawled into her tent ready to pass out from fatigue, but instead of resting, she spent several hours arduously circulating her essence in an attempt to form a soul core. That was something she did every night, and although there were no signs of Awakening yet, the number of tiny grains she had created was growing steadily.

Rain had only stopped after becoming completely exhausted.

And now, she couldn't fall asleep because of the noise outside.

'Ah, damnation... I really need to get out of this place...’

The construction of the Eastern Road was progressing at a startling pace, She had to stay hidden among the road crews for a while, but that did not mean that she had to remain in the main camp. There were other assignments available for those daring enough to take them - scouting parties, advanced camps, subjugation troops, and so on.

It was just that the number of slots for these jobs was limited, and young mundane girls were not exactly at the top of the list for tough tasks.

Still, she wanted to leave the main construction camp as soon as possible.

It was not only cramped and noisy, but also a bit creepy.

That was because mundane laborers were not the only ones building the road. In fact, most of the work was being done...

By the dead.

Rain had not heard about anything like that happening in other construction crews, but the Eastern Road was special. Clan Song wanted it built very fast, for some reason, and so, the Queen had sent her personal servants to assist the builders.

The dead were dutiful workers. They never complained, never grew tired. They didn't need water or food. They just continued to build the road silently, without sleep or rest. Their frozen faces were calm and empty... men and women, young and old. Plenty of Nightmare Creatures were among them, as well, their monstrous eyes devoid of the usual frenzy.

Every time Rain left her tent early in the morning and saw the silent corpses working diligently in the dim light of dawn, she couldn't help but feel like she was in a strange, cold hell.

It was indeed very creepy... but people were very adaptable creatures. She observed the other laborers grow accustomed to the company of the dead with great speed.

She could understand them well. After all, the Queen's servants were doing the hard work that the laborers would have had to do themselves otherwise. The dead were also quiet, solemn, and never hurt anyone. All in all, as far as colleagues went, they weren't bad at all.

The unique culture of the Song Domain played a part in the speed with which the laborers had adapted to their presence, as well. Working side by side with the dead could have been terrifying if their origin was mysterious and sinister. But they had been sent by the Queen, and the Queen was revered and beloved by the citizens of her kingdom.

So, anything that had come from the Queen was seen in a positive light.

Rain did not know what to say.

'Can he at least try to be consistent with his lies? He said on multiple occasions that he's thousands of years old... so how could Saint Seishan have been there when that bastard was young? And what is that about devouring youths? I can believe that he has devoured a fair share of children, but Lady Seishan? Ridiculous!'

She sighed.

"In any case, Stop humming and let me sleep. I need to get up early if I want to snatch an assignment at one of the advanced camps... I hear they'll be establishing a new one this week.”

Her teacher scoffed.

"Fine, fine. Go to sleep, then. Oh, and by the way... don't worry. I managed to get a message to your family in Ravenheart. They know that you're safe. Well... that you are alive, at least."

Rain's eyes widened in the darkness.


He sighed.


A smile appeared on her lips, and a palpable sense of relief spread in her chest. A heavy burden that she had been carrying was suddenly gone.

Her poor parents must have been so worried!

"Really, really?"

Her teacher cursed quietly.

"Yes! Listen... I am a very honest person. The most honest person in two worlds, even! When have I ever lied to you?"

She laughed quietly and turned on her side, finally closing her eyes.

'Yeah, sure... that statement is full of holes, Not only are you the most brazen liar I have ever met, it's even a question if you are a person.'

Rain relaxed, feeling sleep finally starting to envelop her mind in a soft embrace.

'But it's alright... tonight, I'll forgive you... thank you, teacher!’

Relieved and warmed by the news he had shared, she peacefully fell asleep.

Tomorrow, she was going to find away to leave the main camp.