Chapter 1814 Confession

Name:Shadow Slave Author:
"...Sunless. Is that even your real name?"

Sunny blinked a couple of times.

‘Why is she...'

But then, it made sense.

He knew that his feelings for Nephis were real, and him being the Lord of Shadows did not change them. But, for her... she must have been questioning everything she knew about him. Every word he had uttered was under suspicion of being a lie, and every action he had taken was under suspicion of being premeditated and purposeful.

That was because, while Master Sunless was merely a person, the Lord of Shadows was something else.

He was one of the players in the grand game between the powers of this world.

Sunny lingered for a moment, then offered her a fragile smile.

"Sure. That is my real name. Well, actually, although it is my real name, most people call me Sunny, So... I was going to suggest that you call me that too, soon... today."

He faltered, then sighed.

"Listen, I want... first, I want to explain something My Intention was never to deceive you. I did not approach you with an ulterior motive, insinuating myself into your good graces for a nefarious purpose. In fact, I never expected to meet you at all. I mean... meet you here, in Bastion"

He wasn't being very eloquent, but there was no helping it. Sunny's mind was in turmoil, and therefore, so were his words.

He sought a momentary refuge in the act of gulping down tea.

"It was... sort of like... like this. The Lord of Shadows was supposed to be a part of me that deals with the big picture. While Master Sunless, he wasn't supposed to have any purpose at all. He was just meant to live the life that I have always wanted to live, but was never able to. A quiet and peaceful life away from bloodshed and strife, one that had nothing to do with the Sovereigns, the war, the Nightmare Spell, the gods and the daemons. The future."

Sunny sighed.

"I just wanted to manage a small shop and live quietly. Or rather... I wanted to let a part of me experience that bliss, at least. So that was what I did, and I never expected that a few days after the Lord of Shadows met you, you would walk into my shop. Actually... I was so startled that I fell... like a fool..."

Neph blinked,

"That was why you were on the floor?" Sunny coughed and scratched his head in embarrassment.


She stared at him intently.

"Walt. What about the duel with Tristan of Aegis Rose?"

He looked down.

"Oh, that... I tried really hard not to hurt him. Too much."

Nephis opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again. Then, she opened it once more and covered it with a hand, as if mortified.

"Wait! So, when Effie... when she..."

Sunny smiled sheepishly.

"Ah, right. That happened, too. It was a bit funny, actually."

Effie was in a habit of belittling the Lord of Shadows in an earnest attempt to help out Master Sunless win Nephis over. Her clumsy attempts to help missed the mark completely, of course, but were strangely endearing.

Although... Nephis had indeed ended up seeing the humble shopkeeper in a favorable light. So maybe Effie actually knew what she was doing?

Sunny wasn't sure, at that point.

Noticing that Nephis seemed to have lost the ability to speak, he hesitated for a moment, and then said softly:

Sunny hesitated for a few moments, then said the truth:

"All of me is the real me."

He looked away.

"...It would be easy to say that one of my Incarnations is a mask, and the other one is the true me. But that would be a lie. They are all me, and the only difference between them is the role they have to play. The Lord of Shadows is meant for war, and so, he is aloof and unyielding. Master Sunless is meant for peace, and so, he is soft and accommodating."

Sunny lingered for a moment, and then added quietly:

"I guess you can say that one of them is what 1 want to be, while the other is what i have to be. But that... is not really important. What's important is that..."

He looked at her with a pale smile.

"Both of them are me, and I am sincere in my feelings for you. You know it. You should have felt my longing."

Nephis studied his face for a long time.

Then, she nodded slowly.

And... blushed?

"I see. I... need to digest it. Sorry!"


Before Sunny could react, beautiful white wings appeared behind Nephis, and she soared into the air, sending sand flying in all directions.


He called after her, but she swiftly rose into the sky, and then disappeared in the direction of Bastion,

Sunny was left alone on the beach, frozen.

"You... you..."

He looked down, remained silent for a while, and grimaced.

“...You forgot to take your dress."


Nephis was in such a hurry to leave that she had forgotten to pick up her white summer dress. Of course, she could summon a Memory armor to cover her body at any moment... but still...

Sunny sighed deeply.

He didn't regret confessing his identity to her. He would have felt uncomfortable going further without doing that.

But he did regret it, a little.

Their perfect date was ruined.

And yet...

He looked at the sky silently.

There, at the end...

‘Her reaction wasn't that bad, was it?’

It wasn't.

In fact... it was a little promising.