Chapter 1834 As Simple as That

Name:Shadow Slave Author:
Some time later, Cassie's office was a mess. The actual damage wasn't that severe, but there were parchments and sheets of paper scattered everywhere.

The two young women were sitting on the floor, breathing heavily. Cassie's blindfold was a little crooked.

Nephis glared at her for a while, then groaned and hid her face between her knees.

Eventually, her muffled voice resounded in the stone chamber:

"I... I forgot to retrieve my damned dress..."

Hearing that, Cassie livened up a little, as if feeling a chance to redeem herself.

"Oh! Don't worry. He picked it up."

Instead of answering, Nephis slowly raised her hands and silently grabbed her head.

After a few moments of silence, she said:

"When is the war starting? Let‘s go to war, Gas..."

The blind seer smiled.

"Of course. I'll go with you."

She paused for a moment, then added softly:

"But honestly, I don't know why you are reacting so strongly."

Nephis raised her head and looked at the other young woman in astonishment.

"Why? I‘m embarrassed! Embarrassed! I'm so embarrassed that I want to fall through the earth."

Cassie smiled slightly.

"Really? Well... embarrassed is better than angry, I think."

She paused for a moment, then asked cautiously:

"Are you disappointed?"

Nephis remained silent for a while, then sighed and leaned tiredly on the wall.

"No. Yes? Maybe."

She gritted her teeth.

"I am disappointed, but I am also excited. Ah, I don't know..."

She hesitated for a while.

"I liked many things about Master Sunless, and some of those things were how soft and... safe he was. Unlike me, and everything around me. I'm sad that these qualities of him were a deception."

Nephis frowned.

"But then, they weren't, really? The man I've come to know... and like... is not an illusion. It's just that I‘ve only been exposed to a part of him. That part is still real, though... it's so confusing."

Her voice grew a little heated:

"And then there is his other part. The Lord of Shadows. He is someone I... appreciate. Someone whom I might have wondered about — what would it be like, if he stood by my side? That was a nice thought."

She leaned her head on the wall.

"Follow my lead. Close your eyes. Now, imagine meeting Master Sunless tomorrow... and telling him that whatever there is between you two cannot continue, and you are ending it immediately. That you will be nothing but colleagues in the future, fighting side by side as allies. And nothing more."

Nephis followed her advice. Cassie could not see, but she felt her friend's shoulder slump a little.

She smiled.

"How does it feel?"

Nephis remained silent for a while.

Eventually, she said with a hint of reluctance in her voice:

"... Terrible."

Cassie sighed in satisfaction.

"Then, don't do that. Instead, do the opposite.

There, it's as simple as that."

Nephis opened her eyes and looked at the blind seer silently.

Her expression must have been a little startled.

Cassie shrugged with a smile.

"Feelings, bonds, and distractions are not that complicated. Haven't you been studying passions recently? Just follow your passion, and things will work out. Even if they don't, you won't regret making the effort. The only thing you'll regret is never giving it your best."

Nephis blinked a couple of times, staring at her strangely.

Cassie frowned.


Her friend shook her head.

"No, nothing. It's just that... how are you so good at this? You've never had a boyfriend, either."

Cassie faced her with an expression of horror.

"What? What do you mean, never had a boyfriend?

I was very popular in school, you know!"

Nephis raised an eyebrow.

"Sure. But did you have a boyfriend?"

Cassie opened her mouth.

"That's beside the point! And, by the way... when are you going to buy me a new desk? !"

Nephis rose to her feet, patted down her armor, and headed for the door.

"No, really! I need a desk!"

Neph paused at the threshold, looked back for a moment, and said before disappearing in a subtly rushed manner:

"I mean, you are in charge of finances. Put a request for a new desk... on my behalf... anyway, see you later. I think I know what to do now."

A moment later, her receding voice resounded from the corridor:

"Good night!"