Qin Lele looked at Xu Nan suspiciously: "do you want to leave me alone to wave?"

Xu Nan touched his nose: "no, I wonder if you are also a flying thief. This occupation of thieves must keep pace with the times and ensure the acquisition of knowledge."

"And this library is so big that we can maximize the revenue by searching separately."

Qin Lele sneered and walked away.

The stunned female elephant followed Qin Lele foolishly, and Xu Nan did not notice.

"This guy, sneaky, sooner or later I'll dig out all your secrets!" The flying bandit has set great ambitions.

She ignored the little attendant behind her and wandered in the bookcases of the library.

As a thief, Qin Lele obviously didn't like books. Soon, she began to feel sleepy.

In order to refresh herself, she had to go through the catalogue and take out the note and ponder it over and over again.

“…… Where on earth are you going to find the God of the treasure chest to cash the prize? "

Qin Lele felt very distressed. The more she looked at the font, the more familiar she was. However, she couldn't figure out where she had seen it.

She was a little annoyed by the feeling. She subconsciously hammered the bookshelf next to the hammer, which made the bookcase a little loose.

Fortunately, there are not many books on the bookshelf here. Only a thick sheepskin Book wrapped with mysterious runes fell down and fell into Qin Lele's arms.


"The pink book?" (Note 1.)

"what is this?"

The girl's curiosity was immediately seduced.

She stroked the cover of the book with her fingers. The inscriptions on the cover had incredible charm. The touch of the line was something she had never seen before.

But just as she was about to open the book, she saw the red lettered warning on the cover --

[all virgins, chaste, castrated, asexual or others who have no sexual experience or are unable to have sex Biology, every time you read this book, will encounter lightning every ten minutes! ]

"magic book? Is it so mysterious? "

Qin Lele is more curious.

She thought for a moment and waved to the female elephant man, "come here and open this book."

The female elephant man did according to this, but nothing happened.

Qin Lele clapped his chest: "it's frightening."

She subconsciously opened the contents page, the next second, a powerful lightning suddenly jumped out of the book, blocked her entire children's horizons!

A sense of paralysis enveloped her.

With a crack, the pink book fell on the floor.

The grey faced city management team leader stepped on the pink book and roared angrily:

"I will never open this book again!"

The female elephant man next to him looked at all this.


In the north of the sanctuary, under the attack of the descendants of Giggs, the first gate finally collapsed!

Under the command of the sacrifice, the elephant guards retreated to the second Hall. Their morale was unprecedented low. Even the most devout believers, under the attack of a group of madmen or wild animals, had some faith shaking.

Countless elephant people are powerless in their hearts to pray for the help of the gods.

Unfortunately, as in the past thousands of years, their gods still have no trace of their presence.

Outside the gate, gods like locusts poured in.

At the forefront, of course, was their leader, the scarlet Viscount Keynes.

Keynes's windbreaker trembled slightly and made a strange sound:

" Incredible fighting. I have said that the existence of Giggs has led to a serious inflation of the reputation of the gods of the kingdom of heaven

"A group of abandoned people who have lost the protection of divine power should fight for such a long time!"

"Roar! Keynes, your little brothers are a bunch of rubbish

Keynes looked majestic. Facing the taunts of the Cape, Keynes said calmly:

"shut up, fan."

"Their existence has its necessity, in other words, if they are strong Do you think I still have my share in the dream painting? "

The Cape laughed, shaking more fiercely, and the voice was very excited: "it's true! I smell the dream scroll! "

"Under the golden tree!"

"Let's go!" Keynes was in high spirits: "this time, I don't believe that anyone can get ahead of me..."

He was just about to cross the threshold of the first hall when a random door opened next to him.

A woman in red walked past him with great strength.

"Give way." Her mouth was full of not very idiomatic common language.

Keynes just wanted to get angry, but at that moment, he felt his cloak shivering!The woman in red walked past with great strength. She just looked back at him and went to the direction of the golden tree. She used any door to keep jumping. The speed was amazing.

"Legendary mage..." "Keynes, you're in trouble."

Keynes's face is very ugly, he waved: "let's go, this woman is a bit of terror, I hope she has no definite clue."

"Not the first, but at least not the third."

He took a step, and suddenly, a strong wind blew!

In the surprised eyes of the gods, a bright divine brilliance flashed by!

When the divine light passed Keynes, he almost didn't overturn his cloak!

"Excuse me, excuse me!" So the divine radiance said, and he looked anxious.

The Viscount's face became more gloomy.

"Divine glory Some people have paid for it. It's at the risk of falling down! " Some of the cloaks dare not set the channel: "is there such a crazy God?"

Keynes was silent.

He looked at the broken gate, which was close at hand, but gave a sense of despair.

“…… At least, can't be fourth? "

He thought, just across the gate, a terrible scream came from behind!

A ferocious monster pounced on him fiercely. If it was not for the quick reaction of the Cape, if he was pressed down on the ground, the poor Viscount of scarlet would be directly put on his heart!

"Evil thoughts of chain demons in the star world..."

Keynes's mouth was bitter and his face was blank: "why? They are all coming here? "

"Is the location of the dream scroll leaked?"

"Damn It's the first one I found here

He kind of wanted to give up.

If the appearance of the legendary mage is still acceptable, then the game between the divine glory and the evil thoughts of the chain demon in the star world is not something that they, who have been stripped of their divinity, can intervene in.

"Don't give up." "How do you know if you don't try

"Maybe they just passed by..."

He said this in a low voice, obviously he did not believe it.

"I still want to see..." The scarlet Viscount waved and decisively gave the order:

"all of us will continue to attack the shelter and wipe out the Xiangren troops."

"Branne Your team will come with me. "

A group of people around the second hall, straight to the golden tree.


In the holy library.

At this time, Xu Nan knew nothing about the outside world.

The reason why he chose to support Qin Lele was that 24 hours had already arrived, the talent task - Lori Kong had been completed, and it was finally time to verify the results!

Congratulations on your talent - loligon! ]

[you can choose a Laurie to sign a contract and gain her unique ability! ]

Xu Nan knows all this, but it's a pity that Susie hasn't recovered yet, and it seems that she can't sign the contract directly.

"The power of the infant gods is certainly powerful, but I still don't know what Susie's field is and whether it fits in with Ron warlock's profession..."

"Other people, it seems that Bronze Dragon is also a little female dragon? I don't know if it's Laurie Qin Lele's words, ha ha, obviously expired loli, OK? It must not work! "

"The beast Whisperer on the bear? Well, it's certainly not as good as the young gods

Xu Nan thought carefully and determined that there should be no one to replace Susie as the object of the contract.

However, at this time, the system once again prompts -

[should loligon be listed as the main talent to be explored? ]

[tip: after the master talent is determined, it cannot be changed! ]

[hint 2: after determining the main talent, the effect of luolizong will be doubled, and as a cost, you will not be able to gain the extra favor of female creatures except Luoli]

Xu Nan directly chose to deny it without thinking about it.

"Come on, you can't choose Laurie because you're mentally retarded." He could not help but make complaints about his voice.

"Why? What do you choose? " A curious girl sounded in his ear.

Xu Nan subconsciously replied:

"only children make choices."

"My Lord, I want all of them!"


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