[temporary blood awakening task of warlock Ron (abstinence trait)]

[task name: extremes will reverse! ]

[task description: as the name implies, the truth that things will reverse when they reach the extreme may be tenable in any situation. If you have been repressed for a long time, you must be eager for a hearty release, right? Your blood, has been unable to suppress that kind of instinctive desire, please act boldly ]

[task objective: relevant knowledge and theories reach master level or above]

at first glance, Xu Nan thought that abstinence changed its nature. On a closer look, it actually required great progress in theoretical knowledge. This abnormal requirement really made him a little confused.

"Abstinence and theoretical knowledge are also needed..."

"Although it is not difficult with my willpower, I am not an expert in this field. How can theoretical knowledge reach master level?"

Xu Nan's Tucao has not yet ended, the system make complaints about the new notification message -

congratulations on completing the temporary blood awakening task! ]

[to be honest, you finished so fast, I suspect you're cheating, but this time I have solid evidence! ]

[you earned 500 points of shame! ]

[you have acquired the blood ability - Sage mode! ]

Xu Nan was stunned for a moment, but was a little unconvinced:

"how can I judge that I have completed the task? I didn't do anything

"And where did I cheat? Please show me the evidence! "

The humanized system immediately responded:

[after testing, your relevant theoretical knowledge has reached the grand master level! ]

[in addition, it has been confirmed that your cheating prop is a artifact level book with a lot of relevant theoretical knowledge! ]

OK, if this standard is also considered as the grand master level, then the people living in the era of information explosion on earth are not the great masters per capita?

Do I need pink books to improve my theoretical knowledge? Xu Nan couldn't help make complaints about it. Xu Nan make complaints about

, and this is the only idea of Xu Cheng.

The third magic [soul torture] is the only bright spot. This magic belongs to the magic field. It can force the enemy's soul mercilessly. If it is used suddenly in the battle, it will easily make the other party hallucinate Basically, people with insufficient willpower will be forced directly.

In the consideration of Lord Xu, magic is a very important development branch. After all, he has a lot of expertise in related fields, which will be wasted if it is not used properly. The biggest weakness of magic is that once it is eaten back, the caster will be greatly damaged. However, Xu Nan's many specialties can ensure that he can greatly avoid the sequelae of the broken magic.

That's why he coveted the pink book.

In addition to these three spells, Xu Nan also bought Archaeopteryx eggs from the trading market of paradise lost at a high price, and finally upgraded the long delayed secret method [Xu Nan's workbench] to the level of [Xu Nan's workshop]. In this way, he could basically open a workshop for alchemy research or practice anytime and anywhere.

On the whole, blood purification did not make Xu Nan's strength reach the point of rapid progress. At most, it can only be regarded as a steady improvement, but even so, he has been very satisfied.

He looked at the familiar description on the feature page, and somehow, he felt at ease.


Unknown city, city hall.

In an open office, Xu Nan was sitting on the electric racing chair originally moved from the earth, and suddenly felt a little low.

He stood up quietly from his chair, while Liuhuo was still reporting on the latest work progress:

"the migration work has been basically completed, because there is a serious lack of sufficient organizational staff, and the household registration entry work you require is still in slow progress People on the ice sheet don't seem to want to register their names. I only have data on some residents in families in my database

"The first group of people to move into area a has reached 30000. According to the current occupancy rate, area a can accommodate more than 100000 people So land area is not a problem. Now, energy and other issues, such as water. "

Xu Nan frowned: "energy problem?"

Liuhuo said impolitely: "yes, in order to take into account the characteristics of the ice sheet people like light, a large number of lighting equipment are used in area a, which seriously consumes the energy in the power furnace; what's more, the heating system for more than 30000 people is also supported by the power furnace..."

"Wait!" Xu Nan interrupted: "I remember when I gave you the heart of the great devil, you said that it could support for many years..."

"You're going to raise 30000 people now." Liuhuo said quietly: "and before you only fed a group of small demons."

"I see. Just tell me how serious the energy shortage is."

In fact, Xu Nan also knew that the influx of a large number of people would certainly cause pressure on the power furnace of the unknown city.

What he is thinking now is, why hasn't the 69 plan announced new topics?After all, he cheated the devil's heart from the alchemy center of Paradise Lost

For a long time, no lottery, Xu Nan is very lonely.

Every time when there was a shortage of funds, he especially missed the lovely staff of the low-level alchemy center.

I can't go back.

With that in mind, he felt a little sad.

"Half a month." "According to the current rate of energy flow, the devil's heart can only support half a month, the air conditioning system is too expensive!"

Xu Nan had some doubts: "with only 30000 people, I can't hold on. In other words, you used to fight with hundreds of thousands of people on a cloud ship, right? How did they do it? "

Speaking of this, Liuhuo was silent.

The image of the little white haired Lori disappeared.

"I don't know the price of firewood and rice if I'm not in charge."

Xu Nan turns around in his chair and calls out the monitoring crystal in area A. in the picture, people in the ice field seem to be quite adapted to the new life in the unknown city.

Xu Nan sweeps ten houses, but nine are popping

It's also true that people in the ice field are far away from the ice and snow, and have no work to do. Don't they try their best to reproduce?

Seeing this, the city master Xu showed a cruel smile of Capitalists:

"I'm all idle and have nothing to do. It's a waste of my air conditioning money!"

"When the mine is opened, I'll have to work it back!"

"I don't know Tang seals. Have you found the location of the mine?"


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