Chapter 8: Shapeshift

Name:Shapeshifter Author:
Chapter 8: Shapeshift

Xen cautiously watched the two approaching wolves as he cast Devour on the wolf's cracked head he held in his mouth. Purple tendrils surged down his throat like a dozen tongues and dug into the fresh corpse, devouring everything with a hiss.

[Devour in progress...]

An eye-watering stench filled the air that almost made Xen reel back in disgust. The two newcomers also seemed apprehensive of getting closer, whether that be from the smell or the grotesque sight of a strange blonde-haired wolf devouring their packmate in such a way.

Xen mentally opened his status screen as he had a free moment to distract himself from the nauseating stench. Sometimes, having a wolf's keen sense of smell was a curse.

[Name: Xen]

[Level: 4 (F)]

[Race: Mind Slime (Rare Variant)]

[Current Form: Wolf Male (Level 2)]

[Biomass: 125]

[Class: Shapeshifter (Unique)]

[Strength: 4 (+10)]

[Vitality: 4 (+6)]

[Agility: 4 (+14)]

[Resistance: 4 (+4)]

[Magic: 4 (+2)]

Since he had leveled up, his stats had almost doubled. He could feel the newfound power granted by the system simmering in his muscles as he squared off against the circling wolves. Despite there being two of them, and they were clearly even higher level than the one he had just killed, a thought drifted through his mind.

Maybe I can win?

[Devour Complete]

You gained 89 biomass.

Xen spat to the side to rinse the awful taste of fur and blood in his mouth as his slime appendages retracted down his throat. He then let out a growl, loud enough to try intimidating these wolves but low enough not to alert the humans still fighting ahead.

Despite his strangeness and attempts at intimation, the two wolves' patience seemed to have worn thin as they dashed at him—their mouths glowing with red light.

Oh, these two know Savage Bite. Xen thought in a daze as they slammed into him with such force they broke his ribs, causing them to puncture his lungs—he gasped as he felt their teeth dig deep. Their superior agility had made dodging futile, as he hadn't even had time to raise his head in defense, and tensing himself for impact clearly didn't work as, once again, he found himself being eaten alive.

Xen howled in misery as he curled inward and raised his paws to protect his head. If these wolves bit into his skull like he had done to kill that last wolf, his slime form would perish, and his life would be over.

[Repair body with biomass?]Nnêw n0vel chapters are published at

"Yush," Xen whimpered at the system prompt as he felt one of his back legs being torn off by one of the wolves. A hundred biomass—more than he had gained from devouring the wolf—was consumed, and he felt that numbing sensation once again as his body used up the biomass to reform.

I will figure out how to run on two legs another time. Xen felt the cold, blood-caked stone under his hands and feet as he bounded forward. Using Mana Vision, he could see behind himself—oh shit—he threw himself to the side as a wolf's jaw snapped closed right beside his head.

Stumbling to two feet, Xen ran forward and decided he wouldn't last a few more seconds as the other wolf came in from the side.

I need to get that archer's attention.

Activating his Multilingual skill, he screamed, "Somebody help! Help me!"

Rounding the corner, Xen saw the archer woman, who had an arrow drawn and was aiming straight at him. It crackled with energy while the entire bow glowed.

"There's a crazy naked guy behind us, Captain," She shouted to Brandon, who was still knee-deep in the wolf hoard up ahead, busy smashing their skulls with his shield as if it were an unhinged door. Despite her wild claim, nobody else turned their backs to the wolf hoard and kept attacking.

"A naked guy?" Brandon yelled over the slaughter, hurling a wolf into a wall and making it pop like a balloon, "What level is he?"

Xen felt a wave of power wash over him as the archer's eyes glowed gold.

"Level two, sir," The archer replied, "No identifiable class either."

"If he's not a threat, neutralize him and get back to helping us. We are getting overwhelmed as the Legion's aura fades."

"Please save me!" Xen had no idea what a naked guy was, but he made sure to cover his eyes with his hand as he had learned from the last time that his eyes were a dead giveaway to his true identity. He ran straight at the archer while trying his best to stay upright.

"There are also two level 5 wolves chasing him!" The woman cried out in a panic, "We are surrounded!"

That got Brandon's attention, "Is this fucker trying to get us killed? It must be a poor E-grade decoy sent by the Stormbringers Guild to mess with us. Kill him first, then slow down those wolves."

"Acknowledged," The woman closed one eye and pulled the bowstring tighter as she tracked his movements.

"No! Please help me," Xen called out as the wolves were about to pounce on his back. He knew this plan wasn't the best, but it was all he managed to come up with. Desperate to make it work, he grasped at any solution.

Wait, I am a human now. I can do magic. Xen threw his hand up into the air, "Holy Smite."

The corridor flashed with light, blinding anyone foolish to look.

"Brandon, he's a mage!" The archer screamed out as she let her arrow fly.

Xen dove to the side, but he wasn't fast enough. The arrow sliced his cheek and took out his ear before impacting the stone behind him, sending the two wolves flying backward in a shower of stone.

[You are stunned]

What is this? Xen thought as his entire body seized up and fell face-first into the pile of corpses loaded up on the wooden carriage. He couldn't move a muscle as his whole body spasmed.

[You are stunned]

I can see that. Xen dismissed the constant flashing notification. Through his Mana Vision, he could see the two wolves had already recovered. One raised its maw into the air and let out an ear-shattering howl.

All the other wolves joined in, and soon, the hallway echoed with their mana-filled howls.

They are calling the rest of the pack. Xen realized, and it seemed the humans had reached the same conclusion as they began to regroup with grim expressions.