Chapter 14: Mistake

Name:Shapeshifter Author:
Chapter 14: Mistake

Gerald's vision slowly sharpened as he blinked away the tears from the terrible stench. To his confusion, a pale-skinned man with black hair that matched his empty eyes loomed over him and offered a hand.

"Xen? Is that you?" Gerald asked apprehensively.

I mean, Xen did just dissolve into a pile of foul-smelling gloop and then a man rose from the sludge with the same soulless eyes. So I can't imagine it's anyone else... But his voice and mannerisms are totally different. Are they really the same person?

"Who else would it be?" Xen dropped his hand after seeing Gerald couldn't lift his arm to take it.

"Fair point—ow," Gerald hissed through his teeth as Xen tugged at his utility belt to try and pull the pocket knife free. Besides a slight boost in stats from leveling up a few times, Gerald was just an ordinary human. The fact he hadn't passed out or outright died yet was a miracle, so Xen carelessly pulling on his utility belt felt like it reopened all his barely closed wounds.

"Humans are so fragile and weak," Xen muttered as his muscles strained, and he lifted Gerald slightly off the ground from his belt.

Gerald yelled out in pain, "Stop—ack."

Xen dropped him against the stone, "What."

"The buckle... you need to unclip it to free the pocket knife," Gerald wheezed as he felt his lungs on fire and his body tensing with pain. I installed it to stop the pocket knife from flying out while fighting, but to think it would cause me such trouble now!

Xen awkwardly crouched down and fiddled with Gerald's belt as he stared up at the ceiling in agony and also to avoid looking at that... dangling thing. Even thinking was painful. Deep breaths, in and out. It's going to be okay... maybe. Honestly, he wasn't that hopeful, as his one lifeline was a shapeshifting monster that treated him like a ragdoll instead of a critically injured patient.

"Got it," Xen said as he retrieved the silver pocket knife. Curiously, the monster in human skin began pressing the buttons on the side and fell backward with a shriek when a blade snapped out and almost took out his eye. Getting a hold of himself, Xen put the blade into Gerald's limp hand. "There we go, now you have human claws."

"Not like I can use it," Gerald murmured as his vision began to blur again.

Xen stared Gerald down in disbelief. Why am I even helping this useless meat bag? He can't even help himself survive if he wants to! How does the dungeon keep losing to these people? Xen grumbled as he surveyed the carnage. Even with the level-ups, he was mentally and physically exhausted, yet now he had to do everything for this useless human who did nothing but sit here while he fought.

Letting out a long sigh that was quite satisfying to do with human lungs, he tip-toed over to Gerald as this way of walking felt familiar. It reminded him of when he had paws.

"What are you doing?" Gerald slurred as his head rolled to the side to look at him. His gaze was unfocused and distant.

"Doing everything myself," Xen snarled but then spluttered as he remembered he was a human. Humans don't snarl—his burning throat was a testament to that fact. Feeling even more annoyed, Xen dragged over the nearest wolf, who was still dazed, and dumped its head in Gerald's lap.

Now, with the half-dead monster in position, Xen wrapped his fingers around Gerald's hand that was grasping the pocket knife and slammed down, cracking the monster's skull and digging deep. The wolf gasped as its eyes rolled into the back of its head—dead.

"Level up yet?" Xen asked as he struggled to push the wolf to the side. Stupid and weak human form. I need to level it up more.


"How many more?" Xen grunted as he dragged over another wolf. This one struggled a bit more in his grip, so he smacked it on the forehead, making it whimper and drool. So dramatic. Xen rolled his eyes. You are just a mindless manifestation of mana birthed from the dungeon. Just become our EXP already.

Stolen from its original source, this story is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

Xen withdrew the pocket knife from the wolf and ran a bloodied hand through his hair as he felt the system bathe him in its warming touch. It cleansed his fatigue, and he could feel the increased stats.

Having 18 in magic is nice, but the physical stats of this form are terrible compared to my wolf form. Xen sighed as he went to get the next wolf, kicking at the corpses in frustration on the way. At least I can level my human form this way while slowly helping Gerald.

Hours seemed to pass as Xen hauled many half-dead wolves over to Gerald. Blood and other nasty stuff drenched the poor human, who was barely functional. After Xen leveled his human form another time and occasionally stopped to snack on one of the many corpses to top up his biomass, he was about to give up when a sudden loud gasp from Gerald made him drop the pocket knife in shock.

The metal blade that had been abused beyond its intended use clanged on the ground before the metal casing popped open, scattering the various now-dulled blades across the dungeon floor.

Geralds's eyes widened, and he raised his arms in awe as life seemed to bloom from within. "Oh my god," he muttered in disbelief, "Is this what being alive felt like? I feel as if I am floating on cloud nine right now. So light and free of that terrible pain."

"Finally leveled up?" Xen asked.

Gerald gave him a distracted nod, clearly concentrating on trying to stand. He first shifted his body onto one knee, then, with great effort, pushed his body off the tunnel wall into a standing position. His legs wobbled slightly, but if his grin was anything to go by, he was pleased with the results.

"I'm alive... I'm really alive," his voice was shaking. "I can't believe it."

"What level are you now?" Xen asked.

"Level six," Gerald let out a deep breath, "I really can't believe it."

Wait, level six? I am only level four as a human...

Xen took a step back as a horrible realization dawned on him. Gerald is two levels above me. If he wanted, he might be able to kill me right now. His finger twitched, and he unconsciously moved his mana around, ready to summon a Holy Smite at the slightest sign of an attack. His vision tunneled on Gerlad. He tracked his every movement. The rhythm of his breathing, the position of his hands, the focus of his eyes. Nothing escaped his sight. I refuse to fall for this human's tricks like Joe did.

"I really am level 6 now. This is great! I might even be able to switch to a different guild after how the Iron Legion treated me..." Gerald tilted his head to Xen, "What do you think—" his eyes widened, and mana surged to his hand. "Magic Missiles," Gerald shouted, and it all happened in a second—balls of purple energy rapidly materialized and orbited Gerald's hand before shooting out at Xen.

Knew it.

Xen dove to the side to avoid the Magic Missiles, causing them to smash into the wall and anything else behind him. "Holy Smite," golden mana crackled between Xen's fingers.

"No, wait!" Gerald shouted as he waved his hand, and a translucent blue shield appeared. "This is a misunderstanding."

Xen didn't listen as he unleashed his attack on the shield, obliterating it and sending Gerald stumbling backward. I know how you humans like to deceive and lie. Do you think I will listen to you? More golden mana appeared in his hand as he awkwardly walked toward the human.

Gerald groaned on the floor as he tried to roll over, but his body was stunned.

What a waste of time. I should have never trusted a human. Xen was about to unleash a second Holy Smite, but he paused and heard a strange whimper behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw a wolf nursing a wound on its side while lying among the rubble from the dungeon wall where the Magic Missiles had hit.

That is when Xen realized he was the one in the wrong. Gerald hadn't been aiming for him...