100 Meter Champion (2)

“First place, 2910 Ruan Qingmu with 12.24 seconds! Second place, 2616 Lin Huan with 12.45 seconds! Third place…”

The students surrounding the referees all exploded and Class 6’s cheerleaders madly shouted, “Teacher, is there a mistake? Our class’ Lin Hua is a sports student!”

“The stopwatches must’ve gone wrong. If you press it slightly slower, the result will be off by a few tenths seconds!

Lin Hua suddenly pried apart the crowd, his face thoroughly red. “Teacher, I touched the line first before him!”

The main referee was unhappy and raised the result’s form. “Adding two results from the referee teacher and student, and then taking the average value, Ruan Qingmu is clearly the winner. What are you dissatisfied about?”

Lin Hua strained his neck. “Teacher, I saw it clearly from the corner of my eyes that he was behind me. I refuse to accept this result. Why don’t we compete once again by ourselves?!”

“Bah! Be a little shameful!” Niu Xiaoqing suddenly pried apart Class 6’s crowd and rushed forward with hands on her waist. “Just say that you can’t accept your loss! Why are you blaming others after losing?!”

The veins on Lin Hua’s forehead popped out. “I don’t talk to sanba*. Get lost!”

*T/N:  三八: a derogatory term for women who are frivolous, reckless, and crazy.

“You’re a sanba. You’re even a pussy!” Niu Xiaoqing didn’t seem the slightest afraid and bravely stood there. “Still want to compete again? It’s already good that every student and referee in the sports competition surrounds you. Why don’t you tell your mom to give birth to you again so that you don’t come out and make a fool out of yourself?”

“Hahaha!” The surrounding crowd of students roared with laughter.

Lin Hua originally had an explosive temper and he blew up when he heard this, stretching his palm-leaf fan-like hand to push Niu Xiaoqing away. “Damn, sanba! You dared to scold my mom!”

As soon as his fist was raised, a white wrist reached out and grabbed his elbow, dragging him backward.

Ruan Qingmu’s face was expressionless. His face was slightly red from running, making it a rare peach blossom color compared to his usual porcelain-white face, but his eyebrows were still sharp and open.

Little by little, he pressed Lin Hua’s fist down. “What are you trying to do? Are you trying to touch our class’ girls?”

The main referee became anxious and said with a stern face, “Stop it! All your results will be canceled if you guys fight!”

Ruan Qingmu slowly released Lin Hua’s wrist and indifferently smiled at the referee. “Teacher, it’s fine to compete again.”

He turned his head and looked at Lin Hua with great interest. “Let’s agree first. Whoever loses this time needs to kneel on the ground and will call the other ‘father.’ Do you dare or not?”

Lin Hua shouted in a fury. “Come, let’s do it now. The one who doesn’t come is the grandson!”

The referee teacher at the side was angry and bellowed. “Don’t make trouble! Both of you are still feeling energized, right?!”

“Teacher, no need to compete again,” an imposing voice sounded from behind the crowd, sounding calm and gentle.

Class 1’s grade boss, Qin Yuan, pried apart the crowd. His figure was perfectly upright and his snow-white sneakers stood out on the dark asphalt track.

He indifferently raised his hand and his cell phone was in his hand. “I happened to snap a picture just now. Teacher, you can take a look from my standing position.”

The referee teacher doubtfully walked over and looked at the screen. After being silent for several seconds, he smiled.

“All right. There’s no more doubt.” He extended the phone in front of Lin Hua and Ruan Qingmu and then lit it up again for the students around. “Everything could be seen clearly from the composition of Student Qin Yuan’s picture. He stood exactly in the center of the side of the finishing line. There’s no angle deviation.”

The sunlight came in at one corner, making it a little underexposed and a small part of the picture was sprinkled with bouncing light spots. The running youth’s black hair rose on his head and his chest was the first to touch the brilliant splash of red.

Lin Hua, beside him on the second track, was closer to the camera. In the shot, it could be seen he was grimacing, and his expression was fierce, but his chest was still several centimeters away from the red line.

Qin Yuan coldly glanced at Lin Hua. “You’re excused from kneeling. You can choose to call him your father or grandfather.”

Lin Hua exploded in anger, but he couldn’t say anything after opening his mouth.

Qin Yuan had excellent grades, won many competitions, and was a student council officer. Although he was usually polite to people, his sudden cold expression and sharp gaze right then was so shocking that it made Lin Hua not dare to contradict him.

“Damn, it’s so clear. The perfect proof!”

“Class 9’s sports representative is so amazing…”

“555555. Is this boss’ way of upholding justice? It’s too cool!”

Another person was dumbfounded and shocked beyond belief. “But Ruan Qingmu, h-he, how did he do it? Wasn’t he crippled just recently for one month??”

Class 6’s people closed their mouths in silence. Lin Hua’s face became red as if it would readily drip blood. He glared at Ruan Qingmu, then fiercely glared at Qin Yuan before violently swinging his hand and running away.