Bite You! (1)

Ruan Qingmu silently looked at Fu Songhua and rolled his eyes at him.

Qin Yuan softly said from behind, “Don’t let it bother you. Just let them handle it by themselves.”

Ruan Qingmu walked while kicking a small stone. “Let Fu Songhua handle it? What if he can’t handle it well? He is always either clueless or unhappy. Not exactly someone who can get anything done.”

“But you also can’t take care of Fang Li for your whole life.” Qin Yuan stood by the stairs, his figure looking tall and straight.

After resting at home for a few days, his sprained foot had already healed. Whenever he stood, it was like his leg had never been seriously injured in the first place. Right now, it looked as good as new.

The bell for the first course rang and the students all rushed to their classrooms while screaming at the top of their lungs, leaving the corridor junction empty in a matter of moments.

“Isn’t he the little brother I covered for? Fu Songhua won’t be able to get anything done. He has a tendon* here.” Ruan Qingmu pointed at his head. “I’m only casually taking care of him. It’s not like I’ll take care of him for a lifetime.”

*T/N: A metaphor for rigidity and stubbornness.

The staircase was quiet and a vague teacher’s lecturing voice could be heard coming out of every classroom. Qin Yuan didn’t walk to his classroom but stopped there in his tracks.

“Why do I feel like you want to take care of everyone for a lifetime?” Qin Yuan calmly looked at Ruan Qingmu. No happiness nor anger could be seen in his eyes. “If Fang Li keeps on being like this, aren’t you still covering for him after graduation? If Xiao-Zhuang can’t care for himself, will you raise him for a lifetime?”


Ruan Qingmu suddenly moved a little closer and squinted his peach-blossom eyes at Qin Yuan. “It’s okay if you don’t like me taking care of Fang Li. Why did you have to bring Xiao-Zhuang into this?”

Qin Yuan looked at his smirking face and pursed his thin lips, not bothering to say anything.

“Enough. No need to answer that.” Ruan Qingmu’s mood suddenly improved and he lazily waved his hand. “Bye, ~~ I’m going to class now.”

Qin Yuan’s face suddenly changed.

He suddenly extended his hand and grabbed Ruan Qingmu, pulling that person behind the pillar near the stairs.

The slanting sunlight shone through the window bars of the corridor and the sound of books being read aloud sounded out in the distance. The flying dust motes in the sunlight leaped between the eyelashes of the two people.

Ruan Qingmu was caught off guard as he felt his body being pressed against the pillar. A cold chill ran up and down his back and his eyes widened as his chest pressed against Qin Yuan’s broad chest.

He had just wanted to speak, but Qin Yuan immediately extended his finger and pressed it against his thin lips. “Hush –”

The Dean of Academic Affairs’ chubby figure appeared not far away, strictly patrolling the corridors and looking into the windows of the classrooms.

Ruan Qingmu’s lips were tightly pressed as he glared daggers at him fiercely.

But Qin Yuan didn’t look at him. His gaze seemed to be fixed on the outside, moving a little behind the pillar as they followed the Dean of Academic Affairs’ movement and somehow managed to evade the dean’s line of sight.

There was limited space behind the pillar and the two people’s chests came closer and closer together, with Qin Yuan squeezing over in his space a little like this.

The Dean of Academic Affairs slowly walked away. Ruan Qingmu remained motionless under Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan faintly let out a sigh and finally turned his head, but he suddenly froze when his gaze landed on Ruan Qingmu’s face.

Ruan Qingmu’s face, which was initially porcelain white and almost transparent, was flushed red at this time. His peach blossom eyes were watery and his eyes stared at Qin Yuan without missing a beat. Ruan Qingmu’s thin lips seemed to be burning under the pressure of Qin Yuan’s fingers.

Qin Yuan’s gaze slowly moved from his face to his slightly pink lips.

His fingers slightly moved as if wanting to let go, but they didn’t. He only lightly moved them a little to the side and the action seemed more like an intimate and ambiguous caress than anything.

Ruan Qingmu’s gaze moved down to the two fingertips on his lips. His chest slightly moved up and down and his heart pounded like it was about to jump out of his chest.

This person unexpectedly dared to do this!

Wasn’t this the method used by those rich playboys to assail those young women at the roadside in the past? What righteous sect and upright gentleman?! After coming to the modern era, he had already learned these nasty things from TV!

He suddenly leaned his head back. Because his movement was too anxious and big, he knocked his head hard against the wall with a loud bang!

Before waiting for Qin Yuan’s face to change, he had already endured the pain at the back of his head and opened his mouth, revealing his white teeth.

He lowered his head and bit hard at Qin Yuan’s not yet withdrawn fingers.

It was a firm, fierce, and accurate bite.

Qin Yuan: “…”

In one of the nearest classrooms, there was a sudden neat and imposing group recitation of English words.

The sunlight shone and fell onto Ruan Qingmu’s forehead, which was lowered at this time.

His face flushed red, but his eyelashes fluttered haphazardly and sharply. As if startled by the loud reading, he let go of his mouth and violently pushed Qin Yuan off him.

Without looking back, he took off on his long legs and dashed toward Class 9’s classroom.

He turned his head after running several steps away, hesitatingly looking back.

Qin Yuan stood there with his tall and upright figure under the sunshine, looking at him from afar. His eyes were faintly dark and deep without averting his gaze or showing any embarrassment.

Ruan Qingmu resentfully glared at him, his expression threatening with a different kind of arrogance and panic under the light of the sun.

He opened his mouth and silently mouthed at him. “Qin Yuan, you bastard!”