Qin Gu looked at these people and glanced over their heads.

Knowing that, he pretended to be weak and at a loss and said, "Uncle Fu, Uncle De, what are you doing with a hoe? What's the matter with me

Fortunately, Qingu's reaction is fast. Through the attribute value of these people displayed by small Z, you can directly call out the other party's name, which can largely relieve the other party's fear.

These people are all from the same village. The clients have lived here for nearly ten years. They are very hardworking and willing to help others. Therefore, they have good popularity and reputation.

At this time, these people heard the people on the door call them, and they all came back to their senses: Yuxiu, who dares to love, is not dead at all.

Maybe I hit my head and pretended to be dead.

The Zheng family is really

In the past, there were people in the village who ate glutinous rice balls in a hurry. They all thought they were dead. As a result, on the way to the coffin, a coffin bearer slipped under his feet and the coffin fell. The man rolled out of the coffin, but he survived.

All from the heart for "Zhong Yuxiu" happy, as long as live.

Although the boy of Zheng family is a little fucker, but It is said that they are well-developed now, and they are very famous outside.

So it's hard to say extra words.

Two middle-aged men in their forties were in a state of lingering fear: "ouch, I said Yuxiu's niece. You really scared us to death. I thought you were pretending to be a corpse. Well, you can only live Oh, no, just wake up, wake up. "

The other said, "yes, you don't know that your mother-in-law is crying bitterly. Alas... "

Qin Gu got used to it a little bit and then stood on the ground with one hand holding his head. After a few steps, his body was crooked and fell on the ground again.

"Oh, I, my head is so dizzy..."

Several people rushed forward and helped her to the room.

On the other side, someone had already reported that Mrs. Zheng came out trembling on her crutches. Looking at Qin Gu, which had been carried over by two posterity, she rushed to meet her.

"Oh, it's a poor boy. I've suffered a lot. I said that I must have had it. They just said that they were dead Come on, Yuxiu, come and have a rest... "

Qin Gu saw that the old lady was really worried about her daughter-in-law.

However, from the point of view of Qingu, who is even older than the other party, the other party's real heartache is that if the client dies, no one will take care of her so painstakingly.

After all, according to the information that Qin Gu learned before, the new woman Zheng genbing married was very delicate. Even the foot washing water was carried by the client for the other party.

How can such a person serve an old woman?

They were going to help Qin Gu to the bedroom. Zheng Lin quickly took a bench and said in a concerned tone: "Oh, my poor Yuxiu. I'm really scared to death. Come on, help me to sit here. How can I stand like this? Just sit and have a rest... "

Qin Gu thinks that the old lady of Zheng family is really capable of being a person and has means. No wonder her son has made such a big deal, and the client can also dig out his heart and lung for this family.

This seems to care about heartache, suffered so much sin, dare to sit like this?

Then you can continue to wash and cook with them?

Those two people are a little bit stupefied for a while, if really will Qingu Guozhen to a piece of paper board.

Well, although Qingu is now under the repair of small Z, in fact, the body has almost recovered.

But she didn't want to make herself alive so soon Because there is still a lot of information to digest and skills to load

In the past, we didn't have to say that under extraordinary circumstances, we had to deal with external changes while loading information and skills.

Now the situation is different. In any case, the "recovery" is also to be a horse and a cow for others, so we can sort out the information slowly.

Because the client has always been the kind of virtuous soft persimmon people, even if it is a process of transformation, otherwise others may really think of it as another kind of ghost.

As soon as Qin Gu sat down on the stool, his body fell to the side.

They helped her, and Mrs. Zheng said, "Yuxiu, you must not fall down. How can I do without you. Are you hungry? There's still some food on the stove. I'll heat you up... "

Qin Gu thought the other party would take the initiative to ask people to put her to bed to rest, and then stew a chicken for her to make up for something. Unexpectedly

That's all. I'd better fight for my own interests.

He said weakly, "Dashu, I can't do it. You can help me to the bed..."

The two men responded quickly.

At this time, several sister-in-law heard that the younger brother-in-law came back from the dead.

Although the separation of the family was very unpleasant in the past, I heard that Zheng genbian was very successful and rich outside and brought a beautiful woman back.No matter how to say, as a woman and a daughter-in-law of the Zheng family, I still have some bitterness in my heart. It should be the feeling that things hurt their kind.

The elder sister-in-law carried a bowl of egg noodles, the second sister-in-law carried a basket of eggs, and the third sister-in-law came with a chicken.

Come to Qingu's bed and ask with concern.

Qingu ate a large bowl of egg noodles, the body slowly absorbed energy, nourishing the poor body Yes, the client has been working hard, but the food is not good.

Because some good things should be given to pregnant women, mother-in-law and husband (although they do not recognize her as a wife, but in the eyes of outsiders, she is the fourth daughter-in-law of the Zheng family), so the client's health is not good.

With something in his stomach, Qingu felt his body recovered faster.

However, she still pretended to be very weak, and after a few simple treatments, she fell asleep.

Gradually, the room quieted down.

But a low sobbing voice came from the side: "Yuxiu, you should get better soon. What should I do without you? Pity me, an old woman, who can't do anything now..."

"Yuxiu, don't let anything happen to you. Yuxiu, I've never treated you as an outsider these years. You're my daughter..."


Qingu felt that there was a mosquito in his ear, which was buzzing. He felt a restless feeling in his heart.

She wanted to sit up and drink the old woman away

In fact, she is more than 60 years old. When she was in her original world, she was racking her brains every day to think about how to make her group bigger and stronger.

Get up after 5 o'clock in the morning, review documents, check data, and fight wits and bravery with competitors

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