Mengqi frowned, and an idea flashed in his mind - "such a coincidence"?

Cut off their supplies and strangle them in this sector.

In any case, don't move until you can figure out why the garbage collection ship suddenly rushed to the portal.

As for the robot's counterattack Then return to the base for defense. After all, with the strength of the robot now, it can not organize large-scale impact.

The defense of the space station is designed according to the highest level, not to mention an ordinary carrier ship. Even if hundreds of super warships explode at the same time, it is impossible to shake it.

So, the other party not only knows the real weakness of the station, but also knows how to make the energy produce a chain reaction.

We have to find out the man.

Of course, Qingu didn't know the energy reaction chain he had learned in the task space-time of the empress of machinists. Learning to put it into practice would bring such troubles to these invaders. I'll see you again.

Monty said: "let's go back to the front line. And, call for coco. "

The assistant pauses and leaves.

A moment later, a young man of great stature and good looks came over. He saw Mengqi's right elbow bending in front of him and said, "Meng Chang, do you want me?"

Monty from the other party came in to stare at each other, the other party also noticed his dignified, look with a trace of surprise.

"What do you think of this terrorist attack?"

In fact, she was very surprised by the explosion, and immediately started to investigate and analyze the information from long 633

He immediately realized that Monty had begun to doubt himself.

After all, at the beginning, with their level of science and technology, they could not distinguish the machinery group from the ordinary tool machinery group. It was he who entered the machinery family to obtain information, and then established this complete detection system.

I didn't expect that the explosion happened under heavy detection, either because he was a double-sided spy, or his information was wrong.

In any case, he is to blame.

Wen Wen's lips murmured for a moment, and said: "I'm sorry Through the analysis of the information uploaded back from the spacecraft, all the detectors did not find any abnormality So

"So you told me it was all done by a few astronauts on board?"

In fact, she also got one piece of information, that is, when long 633 collected garbage on TIANYAO, there was a period of abnormal signal. At that time, the astronauts had been on guard according to the procedures and had carried out comprehensive scanning, but no abnormality was found.

Later, during the spaceship's sailing time, all the data were very stable. There were two explanations for the stationarity, either the spacecraft data was normal, or Someone intruded into the monitoring system and overlaid the previous data over the real-time data.

He is now tracking down where the clue appears, and Meng Chang called him here.

Before everything is clear, it's clear that it's the crew inside that's doing it, rather than admitting there's something wrong with their detection system.

Facing Meng Chang's anger that was about to break out, Wen Wen just stood still, which was to admit the other party's words.

After a moment of stalemate, Meng Chang waved him back.

She left, and slowly appeared a person's shape in the silver gray metal wall nearby, and gradually became a complete person, wearing a silver robe, standing next to Meng Chang.

Meng changtou did not return to ask: "is he still credible?"

"Credible, not credible."

The man who can melt into metal is Meng Chang's twin brother. Because they share a body, even with their technology, they can't survive safely, so the younger brother gives up the opportunity.

However, Meng Chang tried his best to find a strange stone in the vast universe. He fused his brother's nerve control center with that stone. As long as the energy is constant, consciousness will not dissipate.

He can use metal to become his own body, even hidden in the metal.

This magic power looks like a cow, but for a person with feelings and emotions, it is extremely cruel.

In addition to hiding this skill, Mongolian also has a skill that no one knows, which can detect the semi reformed people's thoughts.

The so-called semi reformed person is that part of the body is made up of machinery, such as Wen Wen.

Wen Wen is the most successful semi reformer, because all their thoughts will be reflected in the metal, and the affinity of Mongolian to metal can tell what these people really think.

It is also the base card for Mongolia to be the highest commander. At this time, listening to the younger brother said that the other side was trustworthy, and asked, "is he really hiding something?"


Falcon No. 3 is about to intercept this fleeing bug. Unexpectedly, the other party chooses to self explode and self explode.

In an emergency, he quickly controlled the spacecraft to deviate from the direction, and in an instant changed into a beetle like mecha. The thick shell faced the explosion source, and the energy shield attached to it was destroyed in an instant. Fortunately, the mecha was not damaged.After the initial shock wave, he suddenly turned around, and the mecha had changed from the previous beetle form to the human form. Before the explosives had floated with the impact force, he reached out the manipulator and fished out the debris facing the front.

At this time, there was no life in the debris suddenly out of a worm.

No, it's a robot.

Relative to his huge mecha body at this time, the other party's body is really like a bug.

Qin Gu knew that with the ordinary civilian escape capsule, he would not be able to fly the other's warship. As before, he put an important part into his personal space and let himself explode. He planned to take advantage of the shock wave and "float" with the wreckage to hide from the sky and the sea.

Who knew that the other side's temporary mecha deformed, shouldered the blast wave, and still reluctantly refused to let go of the "Wreckage".

Fortunately, Qingu's robot body was only impacted by the layers of defense, and was not scattered, and was seized by the other side

Qin Gu knew that he could not pretend to be dead, so he placed the control center box into his body, and the control body slipped away from the other party's unopened mechanical hands.

Do not retreat but advance, climb along the other side's mechanical arm, and instantly reach the head position of the mecha.

Because now in space, Qingu has lost the most important escape capsule. As an aircraft, with her own little power, it is barely enough to move in space. In terms of flight, the other party will seize her in minutes.

It is better to counterattack now than to seize the enemy's vigilance.

Falcon No. 3 didn't expect that there was something fishy in the wreckage. He just thought that since he had chased so far, even the wreckage would have to be taken back.

At this time, he saw that the other side was extremely dexterous to climb up his own mecha, and began to transform the attack, trying to shoot down the other side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!