Chapter 1111

The scene in front of me overlaps with the previous life memory of the client. No matter how hard and struggling the client is, it still can't resist the power of the plot.

Rao is your strong survival wisdom. You can't do anything in the face of the reality impact.

Therefore, sometimes, "wisdom" is not enough, but special means must be taken!

Qin Gu held each other's hand, and his expression became dignified. He nodded solemnly: "mother, don't worry, I know how to do it."

Aunt Wei came with a bag of snacks. Ruan Xinyu talked to Qin Gu about other things, such as being safe when escorting and trying not to get angry with others.

Qin Gu all responded one by one, and aunt Wei also looked at Qin Gu with relief, echoing the words that the little Lord grew up and became sensible.

In fact, through the six generations of the client's life, Qin Gu has a preliminary conclusion in his heart - the client may have encountered the halo of the protagonist.

Qin Gu met several times in his previous missions. However, the halo itself in those times was very ordinary and ordinary people, but he almost subverted a dynasty and changed the fate of countless people.

And the "protagonist halo" noumenon encountered by the client is originally a person with a very background. It can be imagined that the power will be even greater.

Although we can't find any information from li'e's memory that Shuhao has taken the initiative to hurt her and her family, and even every time he appears, he is like a savior.

In the memory of several generations, in order to get rid of Shu Hao and the shackles of fate, li e did whatever it took to become a murderer!

She went to attack him and assassinate him, but Shuhao let her go many times It can be said that the reason why the consignor can live to the well-known devil is the result of Shuhao's letting go again and again.

Of course, at the end of the day, when Shu Hao was famous for his generosity and fraternity, li'e still came to the end of her life under the siege of "Heroes" from all walks of life.

Qin Gu drives his horse to raise his whip, and the sound of the horse's hooves in Qingyue passes through the forest, and his thoughts surge in his mind.

Looking at all the memories of the client, even if Qin Gu has not seen Shu Hao himself, he can probably imagine that such a benevolent "big husband" certainly has a lot of merit.

So, it's impossible to kill the other party directly. If so, how should we deal with it?

Zhenxing escort agency is in the west of Liyang City. There are three big houses.

At the gate, there are two big stone lions and a thick vermilion gate. It is a place to receive guests. There are about 20 rooms in the courtyard in the middle, which mainly stores some things of the escort agency, such as the things that the escorts usually practice martial arts and the rooms where everyone lives. In the backyard are horses, carriages and so on. There is also a door in the backyard that faces a roadway.

When Qingu arrived at Zhenxing escort agency, it was already noon.

A young man saw her and happily welcomed her: "little Lord, you are here. The big master has been waiting inside."

The assistant's name is Wen Qiang. He is 16 years old. He wants to be an escort. His martial arts and physique are not good enough. But he has a firm belief in being an escort. So Li Fangyuan asked him to stay and work as an escort temporarily. Usually, I can practice martial arts for many times. If I'm qualified, I can take two darts with them and try to stay. If I can't, I'll find another job.

Wen Qiang came to help Qin Gu lead the horse. Qin Gu handed the reins and whip to each other. He asked, "what happened to the escort agency during my absence?"

Wen Qiang said excitedly, "you have been absent for more than 20 days. We all miss you very much. Also, do you remember the man who was brought back by the great leader last time? "

Without waiting for Qin Gu to respond, Wen Qiang talked about what the other party had done in the past 20 days.

It can be summed up as follows: first of all, after Shu Hao came to the escort agency, they didn't accept Shu Hao very much at first. They thought that his arrival had taken away their little initiative. Therefore, several escorts who adored li'e took the lead in challenging Shu Hao.

Wen Qiang said that at that time, those escorts really started a fire and even killed their hands, but this Shu Hao kept his hands everywhere and even helped the other party at the crucial time, so as not to fall badly. However, all of us knew that Shu Hao's concession and help made those escorts lose more miserably.

After that war, everyone was convinced of Shu Hao.

Shu haolai has taken two darts in the past 20 days, which are not familiar to Zhenxing escort agency.

In addition to its fame, the escort agency has a lot to do with their work.

However, not every force can "do their work" with mountain bandits and horses on all roads. Some of the work is not in place. If you pass through that road, you must have some "blood".

It's not a good route for Shu Hao.

The bandits there cut down the trees and blocked the road. They wanted to leave "money to buy the road" to let them pass. When they saw the goods of several carriages, the lion immediately opened his mouth.So Shu Hao stood up and said that he would fight with the other party and beat him. If he could not beat him, he would do whatever he wanted Then he will still leave some silver as the tea money of "Heroes".

At first, the mountain bandits certainly looked down on the young Touqing, who was more than 20 years old, and was still a stranger.

So the most powerful leader of the mountain bandits was sent to fight with him, and he was defeated in the first round. However, in order to make the other party lose more decently, he raised his hand to make the other party stand firm when he saw that the third leader of the mountain bandits was about to fall to the ground and eat a dog. The three masters immediately held their fists to express their conviction.

Then there was a succession of challenges, which were defused by Shuhao. What's more, Shuhao makes the other party lose more face.

Although Qin Gu didn't know how to make others lose "face", Shu Hao did.

So those mountain bandits immediately recognized Shu Hao as their elder brother and called them brothers and brothers. They also said that in the future, if anyone dares to defy the promotion of the escort agency, they would teach them a lesson.

The second time, the situation was similar.

Therefore, after nearly a month, Zhenxing escort agency has not only expanded two ways, but also made its reputation more famous and more people came to escort.

Of course, most of them are ordinary goods, which can be handled by two or three escort agents.

When Qin Gu saw Wen Qiang talking about Shu haolai, he was very excited. His words were full of admiration. Even his eyes were shining when he said the word "Shuhao". , the fastest update of the webnovel!