Chapter 1402

At this time, the two villains still threatened each other with vicious words, saying that all this was caused by the girl. They clearly knew what benefits they could get through the weak water. Now they put them in front of the ghost door and ignored them. They cursed the girl, and then they were scared to death

I think it was their own scramble to get the girls to help them get on the train, but now they are raking it upside down. It must be that in the real world, they will bite the hand that feeds them.

For a girl, she was kind enough to help others, but finally let her heart jam. The story of "farmer and snake" is true.

For a moment, the girl felt that she had really grown up. She turned to her aunt and said, "Auntie, thank you!"

When the aunt was about to answer, she was stunned for a moment. Then she said with great emotion: "you are a good child. You will get good rewards.". I'm going to go to the front door and see what's going on with my children. What are you going to do? "

Just a moment ago, with the girl's sincere thanks, the aunt felt that she had a little more wish in her body and benefited a lot.

The girl said, "I don't have much soul stone left now. I want to be a ghost and earn soul stone first."

The aunt nodded and turned away.


A water ripple like energy shield separates the inside and outside into two worlds.

Outside a bleak and desolate state, through this layer of energy shield, Qingu found himself standing in a vast void.

From time to time came the scream of panic, and even some people found that there was nothing around them, and there was no ground under their feet. Fortunately, they slowly calmed down when they found themselves unable to fall.

Qingu, on the other hand, is much better. She has been in the void many times before, so she quickly adapted to the feeling of being unable to land on all sides.

That's right. They're talking about ghosts now. They're energy bodies with special magnetic fields, because the laws of the world make them look like they were before they were born.

Qin Gu found that he could walk on the road with his legs crossed like ordinary people, and he could not move his feet. He could float over the road directly.

Walk freely in all directions.

After all, Qingu is also the first time to be a "Gui", which is very novel, and has explored in situ for a long time.

At this time, Qingu sensed a feeling of fatigue and weakness from the soul.

At the same time, a soul stone in the body is quietly broken, and the energy inside is continuously integrated into the soul body.

An idea comes to mind: energy replenishment.

It's like Everyone needs to eat the same. There is no "rice" here. Of course, we have to consume our own energy.

At the same time, Qingu also got a message: a soul stone can maintain the existence of the soul in the underworld for one month, and this time will be shortened if it is in motion all the time.

So, one hundred and twenty-six No, now there are 125 soul stones. You can only stay here for more than 100 months at most?

No matter who is, in theory, the time to stay in the prefectures is limited. If they want to go to wangxiangtai, go to the road of life, or become a ghost people, they should make a decision as soon as possible.

Since there is consumption, there must be a way to obtain soul stone.

Qingu is drifting towards the biggest dark building like an ancient castle suspended in the void. Some people who entered the ghost gate before her are still trying and adapting.

Their appearance from the beginning of panic, then to joy, and finally like a child found a new toy, began to toss in the void.

It doesn't mean that the soul can exist forever after becoming a GUI. In fact, the world also needs energy to maintain the body. The energy consumption is similar to that in the real world. The more you exercise, the more you consume.

I don't know if they know that the body will automatically deduct the soul stone? Or are they, like themselves, able to sense the attrition and absorption of the energy stone?

Qin Gu was letting his thoughts fly. Suddenly, there was a cry different from the scream of panic: "ah - I, my soul stone is missing..."

With this voice, people around who are "Exploring" quickly check their own soul stones, and they respond with hindsight: "my one is also missing I didn't do anything. Why is there less? "

"I've lost two soul stones..."

"Me, me too..."

A voice rushed to Qin Gu and asked, "Hello, are you short of soul stone? Will the underworld eat our soul stone for no reason

Qin Gu slightly tilted his head and saw a middle-aged man in his forties, looking at her with a look of searching.

Qin Gu stopped flying and said, "this is written in the local rules. Although we can't supplement energy like eating, our body still consumes energy every moment..."

Suddenly, they quickly turned over the rules of the prefectures they received and read them carefully. They found that there was really something written on them.

However, most people do not have the habit of carefully reading the "user's Manual" before they die. After death, they read the rules written in dense and small words.Qingu continues to fly towards the castle ahead, and his thoughts are stirring in the sea. Through the episode just now, that is to say, ordinary soul bodies will not feel the process of soul stone disappearing and how to integrate into the body! Only when the soul stone has "disappeared" can we know that there is less soul stone.

And she can clearly know the process of soul body "digesting" soul stone!

The only difference between myself and these ordinary people is that she is the Tasker

She suddenly remembered the one-dimensional world she had just experienced, and the "metabolic system" she had established herself.

Because she has understood the rules of interaction between the living body and the external energy, and the relationship between consciousness and the whole life activity, even if she has left the one-dimensional world, this understanding has been integrated into her soul.

So, what are the benefits of having a deeper understanding than ordinary "Gui" people?

By the way, consciousness control. Can you control the energy absorption and limb repair of the soul body just as you control your body cells in a one-dimensional world?

With this in mind, Qingu did not stop flying forward, and began to control the direction of energy flow in the body with consciousness.

The spirit stone energy, which had been decomposed after the body sent out the energy demand signal, was supplying these energy to the needed parts according to the body's needs step by step. With the strong intervention of Qingu's idea, these energy filaments changed direction according to her will.

If you can control the energy!

Qin Gu's heart is full of joy!

Generally speaking, the soul stone of ghost people exists in the heart and mouth. When the body needs energy, it will digest one stone automatically, and then slowly supply energy to other parts of the body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!